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Editor Profiles

Massimiliano VISOCCHI , Professor, Editor Profiles

Massimiliano VISOCCHI was born in Rome on February the 18th, 1958, he is Professor in Neurosurgery at the Catholic University of Rome Italy and Visiting Professor at the Shanghai University (China), the George’s University of London (UK) and at the Mumbai University (India) since 2012. Winner of the National Competition for Associate Professorship in Neurosurgery in 2012 and Full Professorship in 2018. Director of the Special Course and the Second degree level Master in Surgery of CranioVertebral Junction at the Catholic University of Rome Italy since 2013. Founder of the Research Center in Surgery of CranioVertebral Junction Catholic University of Rome Italy. President Elect of the International Societies of Reconstructive Neurosurgery (ISRN), Vice Chairman Neuroehabilitation and Reconstructive Committe of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINCh), former President of 2 National Scientific Societies (SINSEC: Società Italiana di Neurosonologia ed Emodinamica Cerebrale and Gruppo di Studio di Emodinamica Cerebrale della Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia). Member of 13 International and 9 National Scientific Societies. Member of the Board of 2 National and 2 International Societies. Chairman, Board Organizing Scientific Committee Member and Invited Speaker in more than 350 International and National Courses and Congresses. Author of more than 400 papers, Author of 6 monographic books and Editor of 4 Monographic Issues of Indexed Peer Reviewed Journals. Member of Continuing Educational Committee (ECM) of the Italian Health Ministery. Member of the Editorial Board of 7 International Peer reviewed Indexed Journals and 2 national; Referee of 30 International Indexed Peer Reviewed Journals and 4 nationals. Winner of INS Award 1996 (Orlando Fl USA) on Neuromodulation of Cerebral Blood Flow and of the Shanghai University Award in 2012 on CranioVertebral Junction Surgery.

Bassel Hallak , Professor, Editor Profiles

Bassel Hallak is currently working a Professor in Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital of Sion, Sion, Switzerland. He got his Ph.D from University of Claude Bernard, Lyon1. France.

Karavdi Kenan , Assistant Professor, Editor Profiles

Dr. Karavdi? Kenan was Doctor of Medicine - specialist in pediatric surgery, Faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo.

Samer Ellahham , Senior Cardiovascular Consultant, Editor Profiles

Dr. Ellahham is currently Cleveland Clinic Caregiver, Cleveland, US seconded as Senior Cardiovascular Consultant and Director of Accreditation in the Quality and Safety Institute in Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. He is the middle east regional chair, Patient Safety Movement Foundation, ISQua Expert, AHA Hospital Accreditation Science Committee, Member, European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Writing Group, Member, ex-Middle East Representative of the JCI Standards Subcommittee and American College of Cardiology Accreditation Foundation Board, Member. Research interest:Cardiovascular Disease, Vascular Medicine, Internal Medicine

Chad M Teven , Vice Chairman, Editor Profiles

Chad M. Teven, MD, is Assistant Professor, Vice Chairman for Research, and Section Head of Microsurgery and Complex Reconstruction within the Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at Mayo Clinic Arizona. He attended the University of Michigan, graduating summa cum laude and with Honors in Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine, graduating as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. He trained in Plastic Surgery at the University Chicago, where he received awards for research and teaching excellence, and he completed a fellowship in Microsurgery and Complex Reconstruction at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cancer. He also completed a Research Fellowship (Department of Surgery) and an Ethics Fellowship (Maclean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics) at the University of Chicago. He is currently obtaining an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Calixto Machado Curbelo , Senior Professor, Editor Profiles

Dr. Calixto Machado graduated as MD in 1976. He continued his medical training to become Specialist in Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, First Degree in 1980, and Second Degree in 1984. In 1994 he became PhD, and in 2002 he was the youngest Dr. in Sciences (PhD - Second Degree) in his country. Dr. Machado received clinical training in specialized neurology centers in Sweden, Denmark, Canada, Italy, Austria, and the US. During the last 30 years he has run many research protocols, such as: brain death, coma, persistent vegetative states and other disorders of consciousness, stroke, autism, etc. He has published more than 450 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and 7 books. His Book “Brain Death: A Reappraisal” has been recognized with great enthusiasm among neurologist, neurosurgeons, intensivists, and physicians specialized in transplants.

Ajaipal s kang , Chairman-Department of Surgery, UPMC Hamot, Editor Profiles

Dr. Ajaipal s.kang, MD, Chairman-Department of Surgery, UPMC Hamot Research Interest: Surgery
