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Editor Profiles

Editor Profiles

Mahaveer Mehta , Chairman, Dr.Mahaveer Mehta Medical Center Dubai, Editor Profiles

1) Recipient of Physician Recognition Award from American medical Association 2) Continuing Medical Education Award from American Academy of Dermatology 3) INTERNATIONAL MENTOR , International Travelling Mentorship Program , American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) 4) Appointed Chairman , scientific committee and Faculty , International congress in Aesthetcs , Anti-ageing Medicine and Medical spa (ICAAM 2013, 2014 ,2015 and 2016) 5) Invited Chair , Speaker and part of advisory committee , Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia 2014, Singapore organized by American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM) International 6) Board of Director for Dermatologic and Aesthetic Surgery International League ( DASIL )2014 , 2015, 2016 ,2017 7) Congress President DASIL ( Dermatology Aesthetic Surgery Internatioanl League USA ) annual Conference in Dubai on 19-23rd October 2016
