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Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Aaron Lisberg,Ph.D.

Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, California, USA.
Phone: 310-829-5471

Editorial Board Member's


Laboratory of Cancer Molecular Genetics,Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM),
Cidade Universitária Zeferino, Campinas, SP – Brazil
Phone: +55 19 992493174

Thiagarajan Venkatesan,Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist,
Rumbaugh Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research, Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA.
Phone: ,

Liliana Mereu,Ph.D

Assistant Professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Santa Chiara Hospital, Largo Medaglie d’Oro 9, 38122, Trento, Italy
Phone: ,


President, Asian Association for Radiation Research.,
Phone: +91-8369845472

Takuma Hayashi,Ph.D.

Department of Cancer, Shinshu University, Japan.
Phone: 090-1996-2144

Nicola Maurea,MD

Chief, Division of Cardiology,
National Cancer Institute G.Pascale Foundation IRCCS, Naples (Italy)
Phone: 3356165549

Selma Sakhri,PhD

Assistant Professor,
Maherzy School of Medicine, Algeria
Phone: +213 771250007

Huda Al-Sayed Ahmed,PhD

Assistant Professor,
Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Saudi Arabia.
Phone: 00966 504803854

Kazumi Fujioka,MD. PhD

Assistant Professor,
Department of Radiology Nihon University School of Medicine, 30-1 Oyaguchi-kamicho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: ,

Mohamed Elbadawy Abdelgayed Gad Kewan,PhD

Assistant Professor,
Department of Pharmacology University: Benha University Egypt
Phone: ,

Tamer Abdel-Haq Mahmoud Hassan,PhD.

Faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
Phone: +201001952536

Minghua Wu,PhD.

Cancer Research Institute, Xiang-Ya School of Medicine, Central South University, China.
Phone: 86-13874852883

Liu Liang,MD

Director of the oncology Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, China.
Phone: ,

Matthew Crabtree,MD

Medical Doctor,
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA
Phone: (206) 755-7887

Prof Dr Seyed Saeid Zamanieh Shahri,MD

Faculty Member in California Northstate University, CNSU, USA.
Phone: (916) 724-9485

ProfDr Sonia Sayyedalhosseini,MD

Faculty Member in California Northstate University, CNSU, USA
Phone: (916) 517-8294

Rolf Bambauer,MD, PhD

Formerly: Prtivate Institute for Blood Purification, Universität des Saarlandes, 66424 Homburg, Germany.
Phone: 0049/6841/68500

Prashanth Hari Dass,FRACP

Medical Oncologist, Rotorua Hospital, New Zealand
Phone: 00

Maamoun Fatfat,Ph.D.

American University of Beirut-Lebanon,Lebanon.
Phone: 009611350000

Junzheng Yang,MD, PhD

Director of Pharmacology Department of Guangdong nephrotic drug Engineering Technology Research Center, PR China.
Phone: +86 18790559526

Osman Toktas,PhD

Associate Professor,
Department of General Surgery, Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey.
Phone: +90 (505) 308 89 96

Ayse Kaplan,PhD

Medical Doctor,
Doctor of Philosophy- Anadolu University/Department of Molecular Biology, Turkey.

Wen Qing Yang,PhD

Assistant Professor,
Executive Director of Translational Sciences, Shanghai, China.
Phone: -

Shesnia Salim,MBBS, MD

Consultant Radiologist,
Dalian Medical University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China.
Phone: +966531298746

Osama Hussein Bekhet,Ph.D.

Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research (IREC), Université Catholique de Louvain, Diabetes and Nutrition, Brussels, Belgium.
Phone: (0032) 49 175 18 74

Adrian Pablo Hunis,Ph.D.

Department of Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.
Phone: 5491149144515

Tolga Kalayci,MD

Department of General Surgery of Erzurum Regional Education and Research, Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey.
Phone: +90 5422194161

Chanchai Charonpongsuntorn,MD

Medical Doctor,
Medical oncology department, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Phone: +6637-395-085

Fasano Morena,MD, PhD

Assistant Medical Director,
Medical Oncology, Department of Precision Medicine, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, 80138 Naples, Italy
Phone: +39 338 8902011

Hironobu Ihn,Ph.D.

Department of Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, Faculty Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
Phone: ,

Manohara Basoor Halasiddappa,BDS, CCRA, MICR

Director of Clinical Research,
Director & Head of Clinical Operations, Algok Bio, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Phone: -

Sidy KA,MD

Department of Surgical Oncology, Joliot Curie Cancer Institute, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal.

Aida Santaolalla Revenga,Ph. D

Phone: 2147483647

Susan Mango Curtis,PhD.

Associate Professor,
Northwestern University Medill School, USA
Phone: 847-467-2999

Ricardo Bonfim Silva,PhD

Assistance professor,
Phone: 55 16 3315-3305/4990

Sandip K Mishra,Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
Department of Gene Function and Regulation Institute of Life Sciences Nalco Square, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, INDIA
Phone: 91 674 2300702

Philip K Liu,Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Phone: (617) 724-4563

Eda Alemdar,MD

Faculty of Medicine,
Goce Delchev University, Stip-Macedonia, North Macedonia
Phone: +905424050534

BaoFa Yu,M.D

Assistant professor,
Phone: 858-287-8878

Tarek Salah-Eldin Aboushousha,M.D

Acting Director,
Phone: 00201222186036

Emad Beshir Mohamed Ata,Ph.D

Phone: (+2010) 99417667

Bingling Dai,Ph.D

Associate Professor,
Phone: +8613474101461

Keith Klostermann,Ph.D

Assistant Professor,
Department of Graduate Counseling and Psychology Medaille College Buffalo, New York, USA.
Phone: (716) 725-8607

Bhuvanesh Sukhlal Kalal,Ph.D

Assistant Professor,
Phone: +91 9739309942

Anubha Bajaj,MD

Histopathologist in A.B. Diagnostics, New Delhi, India
Phone: 00919811693956

Alain L Fymat,PhD, MNYAS, MEUAS

International Institute of Medicine and Science, Rancho Mirage, California, U.S.A.
Phone: ,

Quan Nguyen,M.D.

Associate Professor,
Department of Radiology, University Boulevard, Galveston, Texas, USA.
Phone: 409-772-7546

Bo Shu,MD

Research Biologist,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Georgia, USA
Phone: (404) 384-9678

George Zhu,MD

University Hospital Leiden, Netherlands.
Phone: 00

Wang Lin,MD-PhD

Research Scientist,
NYU School of Medicine, USA.
Phone: 00

Georges Nassar,Ph.D

Phone: (33) 327-511-447

Frank Griesinger,M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Hematology and Oncology University Department Internal Medicine-Oncology Pius-Hospital Oldenburg University of Oldenburg, Germany
Phone: + 49 (441) 229 1610

Daniela Capdepon,MD, PhD

Medical Director,
Cancer Center Campana Oncology and Oncohematology Researcher, Argentina.
Phone: +549 348961 8997

Adel W Ekladious,MBCHB,MD, MRCP, FRCP

Professor of Medicine University of Western Australia.,
Phone: 0499449905

Gerald J Mizejewski,PhD.

School of Public Health Sciences, State University of New York, United States of America
Phone: 518-486-5900

Jan Jezek,Ph.D.

Research Scientist,
The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.
Phone: +44 (0)1223 334195
