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Editing, Translation and Formatting Support

Editing, Translation and Formatting Support

Auctores Editing Services greatly improves the chances of your manuscript being accepted. Offering expert help in English language editing, translation, manuscript formatting and figure preparation, Auctores Editing Services ensures that your manuscript is ready for submission.

Special Issue guidelines

Special issues generally involve the collection of papers for specific scientific topics. Special issues are contributed by the Authors to the journals by responding to call for papers or by sending an invitation.

Name of the authors, Co- Authors, Designation, Profession, Organization and Biography should be enclosed for proper submission and evaluation of article to the journal.

Once the paper is selected for publication, we will maximize the special issue to scientific community at the earliest.

We give more importance to the special topics for authors who are doing ground-breaking research in their field.

Timely interaction and status update of articles with the authors after submitting their manuscript.

To provide a format for the reference in special issues, please follow the given link: (please provide the reference link)

Auctores Publishing accepts various types/formats of scientific articles as listed below:

Research Article

A research article is one of the most widely acceptable types of scientific article, as it is based on original research and provides innovative information. There is no word/figure/table/reference limit for a research article. However, in case of lengthy manuscripts, the final decision will rest with the publisher and will be taken on a case by case basis, depending upon the merits of the manuscript. It is mandatory to provide an abstract. The scientific findings reported in the article should be substantiated by well documented experimental details illustrated in Material &Methods section. Results of the study should be validated by established statistical methods. Any form of scientific misconduct in data handling and reporting will not be acceptable.

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Review Article

A review article is a written summary, based on the analysis of recent developments on a specific topic. It is a concise report of already known facts that have been discussed in prior publications by other authors. Review articles give an up to date reference of existing literature and discuss the current scenario in that particular domain/technology; however, they do not report any new research/findings/experimental results. There is no word/figure/table/reference limit for a review article; but an abstract is mandatory.

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Mini Review

Mini-review is an article that focuses on the recent developments in a particular domain. It provides a conclusive summary of the latest advancements and the current trends in the concerned area of research. The only difference between a review article and a mini-review is the length of the manuscript. Review articles present an elaborative and exhaustive summary of the topic, whereas mini-reviews present all the relevant details in brief. The word limitation for a mini-review is 2000. Only 6 figures/tables and up to 25 references are allowed; however, an abstract is mandatory.

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Short communication

A short communication basically intends to report a new finding that has never beenreported earlier and the primary intention is to be the first author(s) to report it. The only requisite for a short communication is that the research finding being reported should be unique and innovative. It is generally a brief description of any new feature/promising technique/methodology uncovered during an ongoing research. Short communications do not cover in detail, the background information about the scientific/technical problem. The publication process is fast tracked and a short communications is given the highest priority during review, to publish it at the earliest possible. The limitation is of 1500 words, 7-25 references, 4 figures/tables. An abstract is mandatory, for publication.

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Case report

A case report is based on detailed clinical evaluation and medical history of patient(s) and it presents significant, rare/unusual findings observed during clinical practice. A brief presentation of the case, its background and its significance is provided. The report summarizes the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the medical condition along with any negative findings/side effects/adverse drug reactions. Complete clinical diagnosis should be well documented with relevant proofs of the medical examination including photographs, x-rays, scans and radiological images etc.; but the patient identity should not be revealed. The word limit is of 2500 words, may include 7-30 references, there is no figure/table limit and an abstract is mandatory. Case reports must be prepared in consultation with the HYPERLINK http://www.care-statement.org/ or "Care guidelines for case reports" CARE guidelines.

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An opinion is a short article that presents the views of the author(s) on an already published topic/article by some other author(s). An opinion will discuss the various attributes/parameters associated with the topic in question. The opinion may be supportive or it may provide a counter-opinion. However, an opinion is always supported by evidence. Review of literature is limited to articles that justify the author’s opinion.

Opinion articles are editor reviewed and not peer reviewed. The publication eligibility requires a word limit of 1000 words, 2 figures/tables and 10 references.

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Letter to Editor

Letter to editor can be drafted to offer any comment/criticism/evaluation for an article published in any of the journals belonging to the Auctores Group. However, only scientifically relevant criticism/discussion/ objection will be published. There should be no reference to any unpublished data and any claim/rebuttal should be well substantiated and validated before submission as a ‘letter to editor’. These are editor reviewed and not peer reviewed, with a word limit of 1000 and reference limit of 10.

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An editorial could be stated as the “editor’s view or the editor’s note” on the current volume/issue/articles of the particular journal. An editorial can be submitted by those editors who are on the editorial board of Auctores Group, or by guest authors/editors. The topic must relate to the scope and aims of the journal. The editorial may also be written on any general topic related to the technical field/domain covered by the journal. The word limit is of 1000 words and there is no limit for references.

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Special issue submission and acceptance process:

Call for invitation for the special issue will be received throughout the year. Closing date for the special issue will be mentioned in the call for paper itself.

When submitting for the special issue, the following points should be considered:

List of contributions including introduction should be provided while submitting the special issue topics. Each submitted article should include Bio-note, Authorship, Detailed abstract focusing on the goals, Methodology, Results and Conclusions for their novel research work. If the reviewer needs any additional information or materials regarding their work, authors are requested to provide the same. Please click on the below link for more details: Author guidelines

Once the article is accepted for publication, then the author will receive expected publication slots for release of the article in respective journal.

Original Research: Research articles should report on original primary research, but may report on systematic reviews of published research provided they adhere to the appropriate reporting guidelines details in our preparing your manuscript
