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Vaccination Company and Vaccines Cowid-19

Review Article

Vaccination Company and Vaccines Cowid-19

  • Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky

*Corresponding Author: Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky, The Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Nikolaev, Ukraine.

Citation: Konstantin A. Bugaevsky, (2024), Vaccination Company and Vaccines Cowid-19, Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, 6(6); DOI:10.31579/2692-9562/136

Copyright: © 2024, Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

Received: 21 November 2024 | Accepted: 20 December 2024 | Published: 03 January 2025

Keywords: pediatric surgery and traumatology; philatel; postage stamps; first day covers and artistic stamped envelopes; numismatics; commemorative table medals, phaleristics; thematic badges; screenshot copies


In this new research article, its author presents the results of the conducted research, thematically dedicated to identifying the representation of philatelic collection materials dedicated to the issue of providing surgical and traumatological care to children. As illustrative material in this article, screenshots of copies of collection, philatelic and numismatic materials found on the Internet on the issue studied by the author are presented.


Today, the world has entered the fourth wave of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, caused by a particularly aggressive, mutating strain "Delta", "Omicron", "Arktur" and others, which have already claimed the lives of many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of human lives around the world. At a time when many countries, tired of two years of quarantine and lockdown, are significantly restricting. Or even lifting quarantine restrictions, in other countries, such as India, Brazil, Argentina, the Russian Federation, the rampage of the "Delta" virus covers a record number of new cases and deaths! The State of Israel, which declared that their vaccination campaign was successfully completed and the virus was defeated, is again recording new outbreaks, with hundreds of sick residents of this country. More and more people are being vaccinated around the world, involving different age groups of people - from children to the elderly. Also, not always and not everywhere, everything goes “smoothly” with the vaccination process itself. Rich countries are ahead of poor and underdeveloped states in terms of the number of people vaccinated, often noting the insufficiently high effectiveness of certain vaccines, thrombotic complications and even death of vaccinated people occur, shortly after vaccination [1-4]. 
The study of any issues related to medicine, all its directions and aspects, is relevant and in demand. The author of this research article on the issue of vaccination against such a deadly disease as COVID-19, in the reflection of such a means of collecting as philately, has previously repeatedly conducted his research, in the reflection of other means of collecting, such as phaleristics, numismatics, philumeny. This research article is entirely devoted to the reflection, in different types of philatelic means, of issues related to various kinds and types of vaccines, in the reflection of philatelic means.  
Many countries, in addition to having existing and WHO-recognized vaccines, continue research to develop new national vaccines. At the same time, many countries around the world help other countries and share their vaccine stocks with them. “Vaccination passports” have been developed and are being actively implemented around the world, which are necessary for the functioning of migration and tourist flows of people around the world [1-4]. Naturally, such means of collecting as philately and phaleristics have not remained on the sidelines of such an important process as vaccination against COVID-19, and are actively implementing their genuine interest in vaccines and the vaccination process, releasing new philatelic and phaleristic materials, which will be presented in this article [1-4].


 The purpose of writing this article is to present the results of a new study conducted by its author, dedicated to the representation of various types of COVID-19 vaccines in such a type of collecting as philately, in all its diversity.
Hypothesis of the article 
During the preparation for this study, its author put forward a working hypothesis, the essence of which is as follows: in world philately, in all its varieties (postage stamps, artistic stamped envelopes and first day covers, postal blocks and postmarks of special cancellation), there is a fairly large number of materials dedicated to such a formidable disease as COVID-19 and vaccinations against it, administered to patients during their vaccination period.  
Methods and means of research 
The author of the article used such research methods as selection, systematization and literary-critical analysis of all - both domestic and foreign sources of information on the issue under study, including articles in specialized publications of collectors specializing in medical issues and issues related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19, information from websites and Internet pages

Results of the study and discussion

Today, a campaign to get adults, children and teenagers used to it has begun and is being actively carried out in the world. Also, a new mutation of the coronavirus, Delta, is spreading rapidly in the world, having already claimed tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives around the world. In the world, postal authorities of a number of countries are issuing a variety of philatelic materials dedicated to various aspects of the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and vaccinations against this virus [1-4]. There is information that a number of pharmaceutical companies in the world have begun developing vaccinations and drugs against COVID-19 in the form of tablets and sprays. The number of these materials is gradually growing and has practically reached the level of the release of postal miniatures in the world, which were thematically released in connection with the fight against HIV / AIDS [1-4]. Thus, in Fig. 1, presents postage stamps and small sheets of stamps from Algeria, the Dominican Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Madagascar and the Republic of Chad, Indonesia, the Republic of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, Austria, Moldova, Iraq, the Togolese Republic, Sierra Leone, Portugal, Zimbabwe, the Central African Republic, dedicated to vaccinations against coronavirus, and issued in February and March 2021-2024 [5, 8-13].




                                                                                        Figure 1. Postage stamps dedicated to COVID-19 vaccinations

Figure 2 shows the postal blocks of the Togolese Republic, the Republic of Madagascar, Guinea-Bissau, the Togolese Republic, the Republic of Chad, Ukraine, Indonesia, Mozambique, the Republic of Guinea, dedicated to the development of scientists from many countries, the production and use of various types of vaccines against coronavirus, used today in the world [5, 8-13].

                                                                                     Figure 2. Postal blocks dedicated to COVID-19 vaccines

A separate collection, in Fig. 3, presents maximum maps of India, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and India, dedicated to the vaccination process, and about the scientists and medical personnel involved in the vaccination process [5, 8-13].
Figure 6 shows a small selection of souvenir commemorative badges dedicated to quarantine life during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, as well as the process of vaccinating the population [7]. 

                                                                             Figure 6. A selection of thematic icons dedicated to COVID-19 vaccination

As can be seen from the collections of philatelic and phaleristic materials presented in this article, the subject matter of postage stamps, blocks, envelopes and badges is changing. Now, more and more often, they feature not only themes of prevention and hospitalization of infected patients, but, first of all, their vaccination with different types of vaccines created in the world at the present time.


1. The presented article presents text and illustrative materials, creatively, colorfully and informatively, concerning the reflection of information about vaccines and the vaccination process against the COVID-19 coronavirus, in the reflection of philately and phaleristics. 
2. The materials presented in this article can be used both for independent study and/or as additional material, as well as for practical application, when studying the relevant section of infectious diseases, virology, epidemiology, pharmacy, as well as in the course "History of Medicine and Biology".
3. The materials of the research article presented by the author fully confirm the hypothesis put forward by the author in the article presented by him.
4. Screenshot copies of phaleristic and numismatic materials presented in the text of this article, as illustrations, richly, colorfully and creatively complement the text materials of this article. 5.In total, the presented author's research article presents 80 philocartic materials, with their detailed description.
