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Why the wrong Scientific Theories are not Corrected and Re-evaluated again by Scientists

Opinion Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/099

Why the wrong Scientific Theories are not Corrected and Re-evaluated again by Scientists

  • Othman Salim Hussein Al-Fleesy 1

1 Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden city, South Yemen.

*Corresponding Author: Othman Salim Hussein Al-Fleesy, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden city, South Yemen.

Citation: Othman Salim H A-F. (2019) Why the wrong Scientific Theories are not Corrected and Re-evaluated again by Scientists. J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. 5(2); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/099

Copyright: © 2019 Othman Salim Hussein Al-Fleesy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

Received: 31 October 2019 | Accepted: 13 November 2019 | Published: 18 November 2019

Keywords: scientific theories; therapeutic approaches; developmental disorders


In the journey of science and scientific discoveries, many scientific theories and hypotheses developed by scientists   received acceptance and became famous in the past, but now,   science proved them wrong1. To the point of wondering, one asks himself, how these theories went, and how scientists have accepted their interpretation at that time to be rejected now?.


In the journey of science and scientific discoveries, many scientific theories and hypotheses developed by scientists   received acceptance and became famous in the past, but now,   science proved them wrong1. To the point of wondering, one asks himself, how these theories went, and how scientists have accepted their interpretation at that time to be rejected now?. Criticism and defining the wrong theories within science is mandatory in order to improve it to play its role in propelling the wheel of sciences forward in society to set the style of life to a better situation. It is well known in science, that a scientific theory is a comprehensive set of ideas that explains a phenomenon in nature. It is  based on large amounts of data and observations that have been gathered for proposing a hypothesis  , which  could be tested and refined by additional research, and they allow scientists to make predictions , which might be wrong and rejected in the future at any moment to have a new one. That is why the scientists said: Medicine is the field of possibilities and probabilities.

Some of wrong theories in the history of science

During my review of literature looking for wrong theories, I found many wrong theories in the history of science, some of these famous wrong theories are:

1-Spontaneous Generation: The theory of spontaneous generation held that living   creatures could arise from nonliving matter (the origin of life from inanimate matter).

 It was rejected by an experiment by Louis Pasteur: where apparently spontaneous generation of microorganisms occurred.

 2-Static universe: Prior to the observations made by astronomer Edwin Hubble during 1920s, scientists believed the universe was static, neither expanding nor contracting. Hubble found that distant objects in the universe were moving more quickly away than nearby ones. Very recently, in 1999, scientists unexpectedly found that not only was the universe expanding, but its expansion was accelerating.

3-Endobiosis about mitochondrial origin. The illogical, non-valid and a funny theory    (the cell is originated from bacteria).which have been proved wrong by Dr Alfleesy2. The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He was an English microscopist and was the first person to identify and coin the term Cell.

4-The “four humours” theory of human physiology: From Hippocrates (famous wrong theory).

5-Miasmatic theory of disease: the theory that diseases are caused by "bad air

Rendered obsolete by the germ theory of disease, the germ theory of disease emerged in the second half of the 1800s and gradually replaced miasma theory.

6-Zuckerman theory about oogenesis [3]. In which Zuckerman proposed that there is       no human female oogenesis after birth. Debate over Zuckerman's theory to reevaluate and correct it, certainly will lead to another scientific views. Because, putting the specific creating process that Zuckerman proposed as such, up-to-date- is unacceptable. It must be revised again on the base of alfleesy new scientific opinion that might occurred in embryological development during the process of creation which is known only by the God.

7-Calvin Bridge theory [4], about Down syndrome as a result of decaying of human female ovum (after the age 35 years).the proposal of Calvin Bridge and Thomas Hunt Morgan in the spring of 1910 for the so called (non-disjunction), as an origin of Trisomy21 and Down syndrome. This theory, was proved wrong by Dr. Alfleesy 5, it must be cancelled, discarded and re-evaluated again by scientists.

8-The false claim of the  South  Korean scientist  who  announced  that  he  had  cloned     human embryo.Dr alfleesy refuted this false claim by his article titled : human being  cloning is a false claim and fabricated results6.When the theory is wrong  and topped the front pages of newspapers  by a false claim and a lie, you have to think that the scientist broadcasting this theory is a liar and dishonest fraudster intent on misleading the public for personal gain ,and was interested in funding  rather than truth as the Korean scientist did , who had claimed the human being cloning6.From my point of view , this is the most dangerous action in the history of  science and human life. It is possible that the theory is wrong and it is possible for a scientist to have errors, but being honest and his intention was to serve science and people, the science forgives him his mistakes. Even world-renowned experts like (Pauling, Einstein) had mistaken, but they were genuine and respectable scientists.

9- Stress theory of ulcers. For decades it was believed that stress and poor eating habits caused ulcers. Nobel Prize for Medicine (2005) , has awarded  to the researchers  (Barry J. Marshall, Robin Warren ) who proved that peptic ulcer disease are caused by a bacterium— not stress — caused ulcers.

10-Luminiferous aether or ether theory: ("luminiferous", meaning "light-bearing"), was the postulated medium, (that the ether filled the whole universe), for the propagation of light.In 1905 Albert Einstein published one of the most influential physics papers in history: On the electrodynamics of moving bodies. In this paper he described his theory of special relativity. This theory brought to an end the theories of luminiferous aether by using the principle of relativity, that the laws of physics are true in all frames of reference, and by assuming that the speed of light is the same in all frames of reference.


One of the very best things about science is that the discipline is online self-correcting. A scientist makes a set of observations, hypotheses, and then devises a theory to fit these observations. Other scientists then test the theory, and if it withstands scrutiny it becomes widely accepted1. At any point in the future, if contradicting evidence emerges, the original theory is discarded. This is how science works. Dozens of theories were proven wrong recently, after a long time and needless to say there have been a lot of theories discarded along the way and superseded by others. But even these wrong theories served the science by knowing their errors and defining the correct one. However, just because you have reached a high degree of confidence in a theory does not mean it is true.  At any time, a further prediction and experiment could "false" the theory. In (2005), Stanford professor

John Ioannidis published a paper in PLOS Medicine entitled "Why most published research findings are false". Ioannidis' theory is that most scientific studies are wrong as a result of bias and random error. In fact there is an important point that escaped from the views of the scientists and in need for further explanation.

 During my review of literature, I found many theories have been Put by scientists were not subject to this label (theory) especially theories related to creation. A best example of this is the number of chromosomes by Paint when he firstly counted them (48), but after correction by Joe Hin Tjio (1955), became (46).  This study for knowing the number-as I think- is not a theory or related to hypothesis, it relates to: what do you see? What are your means and tools to know? Because this is a fixed number (46) as the exact number of human chromosomes - except in abnormal conditions - and your abilities, facilities, and experience is the only hand for solution. In previous centuries we could not see bacteria, cell..etc. But  after  the invention of microscope , we saw  bacteria, that means , the bacteria were found but we could  not see it .Also ,remember : (if you don't know you don't see).

My story with publishing

I have experienced an event during my practical and professional life in regard to publishing, looking back, this experience taught me several lessons. First, I learned that the key of the science is still in the hands of some ignorant persons. The other important thing, the experience taught me that democracy is a theoretical term but in reality there are many persons like to be a despotic ones. You may find a scientist who rejects your scientific opinion and that is acceptable, even if his opinion was wrong, because he is a scientist and this is his opinion. But if your opinion was rejected by a person who is far away from science or medicine, what could you do? So I want tell you this story because of its importance to researchers as follows:  after Dolly cloning (1996) by Ian wilmut, and after Genome declaration in (2001) by Dr. Scot, a hot debate have raised about human cloning in different journals and different international TV channels. Many appeals  from presidents , prime ministers , Islamic corporations and institution and religious scholars throughout the world , requesting scientists to stop this step (human being cloning).At this time(2003), I sent an article(opinion) to Nature Magazine , I wrote briefly: human cloning is a false claim and fabricated results ,This process  will not work or succeed at all, and  scientists who claim this are lying. At that time and moment, I was the only one in the world to say certainl: (this is impossible to occur). Simply, because the inspiration of spirit is the order of the GOD. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: (They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: “The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that (is communicated to you).The Editor of this Journal (Nature) rejected to publish it, without justification or a reasonable opinion and sent me a letter written on a card (see photo of the card). He wrote: (The Editor thanks you for your communication but regrets that he is unable to publish it. He regrets also that he cannot enter into further correspondence on this matter).You see here, the Editor was unable to publish my article, I accepted this, because it is the policy of the Journal (not science or democracy), but to say: the Editor cannot enter into further correspondence on this matter, this expresses his attitude to accept another opinion.

This, also demonstrates another factor which runs counter and hinders any scientific ideas and obstacles the progress of science. In fact when I was young , I  believed that  these countries and  Journals represent  pure Democracy , and I was dreaming about  visiting  or contacting them until this event, I knew  the democracy of Nature Journal. Do you know why? Because Dr. Randal Scott said and asked in his speech: Is there a God? Can the spirit of humankind be defined? etc., of meaningless words. While I wrote: There is a Creator (Allah) of the universe and life. Albert Einstein stated: This uniform universe has a creator. It is a problem that to find some Editors and others believing in the words of Dr. Scot that there is NO GOD. Dr. Ahmed Zwail said in celebration in USA:  The Nobel Prize is easier than publication in Washington Post. And he was honest. This is the sophisticated policy of Editors and Journals everywhere. The Editor forgot to remember that Nature  magazine started with Inaugural issue( A zero  issue number ).Anyhow , later on, and after about [13]  years(2016) I published my article in other Journal. The other problem, some scientists have not the intent to study and revise again the wrong and new theories. This is the main reason for the delay of the science wheel which does not progress faster. Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) ideas had been published in 1866 but largely went unrecognized until 1900, these scientific ideas made the base for heredity. However, these brilliant scientific ideas have been delayed for 30 years.

Comment and advice

In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity and with solved equations, he found that the universe was unstable and that it was expanding. He was dissatisfied that otherwise his equations did not allow, apparently, for a static universe. And because Einstein was influenced by the theory of the static universe, he circumvented the solution and added

 An extra term (the cosmological constant also known as lamda) in working out equations in general relativity that described the universe in the situation when it is "static” that is, not expanding. This was a big mistake in his life, he always mentioned it and regrets. Einstein famously refused to believe in expanding universe and the field moved on without him. So, can you imagine, what would be the speculation and imagination, if Albert Einstein had read the following verses from the Holy Qur’an, and put his theory on this sound and solid base?

a)-Allah says: (And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed, we are [its] expander) 8.This means, certainly, that the space (universe), is expanding.

b)-And Allah says: (Have they not seen that we set upon the land, reducing it from                                     its borders? And Allah decides; there is no adjuster of His decision. And He is swift in account9). This means, certainly and with no doubt, that the earth planet is contracted and reduced.

C-Allah says: (Have you not considered your Lord - how He extends the shadow, and                           if He willed, He could have made it stationary? Then we made the sun for it an indication10).

I do not know what is the interpretation of this verse? , and what will be the discovery in future in regard to this verse (C)? But I am sure that Einstein or other astronomers having the brain and mind of Dr. Ahmed Zwail or Albert Einstein will have new imagination and new scientific ideas basing on this verse. Surprising that the Muslim astronomers did not answer this puzzle of universe , despite  the answer is found in the Holy Qur'an (since 1440 years ago).Finally What will happen to your mind and thinking , if scientists discovered in future , that the direction of the double helix of Watson and Crick(1953)  was Anticlockwise not clockwise. Despite all these efforts no one will know details of creation except the GOD. Allah says: (I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth or to the creation of themselves, and I would not have taken the misguiders (as assistants) 12.

