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Why is there an Increase in the Number of Patients?

short communication | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2693-4779/175

Why is there an Increase in the Number of Patients?

  • Gusyev Valentyn *

President, Member of Pedorthic Association of Canada, Canada.

*Corresponding Author: Gusyev Valentyn, President, Member of Pedorthic Association of Canada, Canada.

Citation: Gusyev Valentyn, (2024), Why is there an Increase in the Number of Patients? Clinical Research and Clinical Trials, 9(3) ; DOI :10.31579/2693-4779/175

Copyright: © 2024, Gusyev Valentyn. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 14 December 2023 | Accepted: 30 December 2023 | Published: 16 February 2024

Keywords: Patients; nutrition; leg lengths


In such a situation, specialists should talk about the ineffectiveness of the solutions used, that something is being done wrong: the diagnosis was incorrectly determined and the treatment method was incorrectly chosen.


Today it is no longer news that states spend exorbitant sums on the treatment of many diseases, but at the same time there is an increase in the number of patients. Ischemia of the heart, lower extremities and brain took first place in mortality. In such a situation, specialists should talk about the ineffectiveness of the solutions used, that something is being done wrong: the diagnosis was incorrectly determined and the treatment method was incorrectly chosen. When establishing a diagnosis of ischemia of the heart or limbs, the doctor does not talk about the root cause of the development of the disorder; there is no understanding of what is the cause and what is the effect. Many factors are listed: plaques, nutrition, heredity    and the like.


 There is no understanding of the mechanism of movement of liquid media in the body. If arterial blood flow is disrupted in the system of large blood circulation, then the muscles of the venous pumps of the feet are responsible for this. In the small circuit system, the heart is responsible for feeding the brain. The growth of plaques in the arteries should be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, a violation of the sequence of contraction of the muscles of the venous pumps of the legs and abdominal region, which in turn is associated with deformities, disturbances in the position of bones in the joints, and the biomechanics of walking. And doctors don’t pay attention to this; they don’t know how to correct the arches of the feet, how to walk correctly, hold the feet, and what properly made shoes should look like. 

From it and the existing anatomical difference in leg lengths, all deformations in the skeletal structures develop, the formation of scoliotic spines. The doctor only says that with a curved spine there will be disturbances in the functioning of the internal organs, but for some reason he treats the self-regulatory system, and without eliminating the spinal deformity. Curvature of the spine is a reaction of unconditioned reflexes aimed at compensating for shortening and giving the body a stable vertical position. It is not the family doctor, but the orthopedic technician who is the main therapist who restores the functionality of the self-regulating body. To verify this, it is enough to stand on the diaphragms of the communicating vessels of the installation, and you will see how the spine is aligned, how the computer system will register the normalization of the energy state of all organs. This information is recorded by the material of the orthopedic insoles of the sub-correctors. So, without drugs or chemicals, the body recovers in a matter of days. Only with this approach can we say that the doctor’s actions will not harm the body.



