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Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
*Corresponding Author: Huang Wei Ling, MD, Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, 14400-010, Brazil.
Citation: Huang Wei Ling (2022). What Are the Other Energy Functions of The Kidney Besides Filtering the Blood?. International Journal of Clinical Nephrology. 4(3); DOI:10.31579/2834-5142/044
Copyright: © 2022 Huang Wei Ling. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Received: 16 November 2022 | Accepted: 25 November 2022 | Published: 30 November 2022
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The inspiration to write this article came after I took my Chinese herbal medicine course, which I finished in early 2002, where I was able to fully understand the issues of the energy aspect of our organs. [1]
According to the most renowned physicists, such as Albert Einstein (1879-1955), he says that everything that exists in our universe is composed of energy, including the human being. [2]
If we think like Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce), the father of medicine, he says that “we should consider the oldest medicines before the practice of current medicine”. [3]
For this reason, I will write this article using the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, which has existed for more than five thousand years, to write the other energy functions of the Kidney, which Western medicine still does not study, because according to Western medicine reasoning, the Kidney has the function of filtering the blood and throwing out through the urine, all the components of the blood that are in excess in the body, to maintain the homeostatic integrity. [4]
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the Kidney is responsible for our youth, memory and concentration, our bones, teeth, hearing, reproduction, and sexuality. [5]
According to the studies of traditional Chinese medicine, everything that exists in this universe is explained by the transformation of the Yin and Yang energy. These two forces are opposite but complementary as there is day and night, sky and earth, sun and moon, man and woman, summer and winter, etc. [6]
Within each organ, there is also the Yin and Yang side and I want to demonstrate to you the need to know these important functions of our body, in relation to the energy part, which Western medicine does not know and which are the real causes of formations of diseases, and which were considered “unscientific” after the Flexner report implementation in 1910, which considered scientific only what could be seen with the naked eye and the part of the energy, which was not visible, was not integrated as part of the formation of the human body and also, the part of the energy that makes up the Kidney is also not explained by Western medicine’s reasoning. [7, 8]
There are two energies that are produced in the Kidney which are Yin and Yang. These two energies are extremely important for our lives and the aim of all treatments according to traditional Chinese medicine is to balance these two energies so that we can achieve health. [9]
The signs that a person is having a Yin deficiency are when they feel hotter, like a menopausal woman, it is very common for the cause of the symptoms to be due to a deficiency in Yin energy and one of the treatments for this symptom would be the rebalancing of this energy through of a proper diet, such as avoiding coffee, soft drinks, and mate tea, which are the most important causes of Kidney Yin deficiency. The intake of black foods, such as black raisins, black beans, and black plums, are sources of energy to replenish this Yin energy. [10]
In the article, I wrote (2020) entitled Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One of the Causes of Menopause Symptoms in Women, I am describing the energy changes that women who are in menopause have ( Yin deficiency) and that the rebalancing of this energy and the replenishment of these organs using highly diluted drugs using homeopathy medications according to the theory written by myself ( 2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is a way to treat patients who are in this phase, without having to use hormones, because the use of these classes of drugs increases the risk of cancer, as reported in this article of a patient who developed breast cancer 2 years after starting hormone replacement during menopause. [10, 11]
The other very common disease caused by Kidney Yin deficiency is diabetes. Due to the lack of knowledge of the energy part in the formation of diseases, this part of Kidney Yin deficiency leading to diabetes is almost never treated and because of this, many patients who use the Western diet to treat diabetes, use hypoglycemic drugs or even insulin often fails to lower blood glucose because energy imbalances are still not being treated and this also happens in patients considered type 1 diabetics. [12]
These diabetic patients, when treated associating the rebalancing of Yin and Yang energy and the removal of the formation of internal Heat, very common in these patients, there is a drop in blood glucose levels, with the need to reduce the amount of medication in use, both hypoglycemic and insulin, to do not have hypoglycemia. [13]
Another very common pathology nowadays is an auto-immune disease. All diseases that generate the formation of antibodies against themselves are caused by the deficiency of the Yin energy of the Kidney and the rebalancing of these Yin and Yang energy can make these laboratory alterations negative, negating the presence of these auto-antibodies, and all these explanations were demonstrated by myself (2019) in an article entitle Can Autoimmune Hepatitis Be Treated Without the Use of Corticosteroids and Immunosuppressive Drugs? [14]
In this article, I reported a case of a female patient in her 60s with an acute headache in the parietal region for 15 days without improvement using medication to control pain. According to Chinese medicine, pain in the parietal region is caused by alterations in Liver energy, so I requested laboratory tests to confirm or not my suspicion. The results came only after 30 days and in this interval, the patient was treated with auricle therapy by placing small pieces of tape containing two mustard seeds in each piece in order to rebalance the energies of the five massive internal organs, including the Kidney. At the end of thirty days, I requested the exams again, where all the markers for auto-immune hepatitis were negative, without the patient having used any medication such as immunosuppressants or corticosteroids. The treatment rebalances the internal energy of the five internal massive organs and orientation the patient to avoid foods to not cause an imbalance of the Liver, Kidney, and Spleen causing a negation of all these laboratory exams. [14]
Patients who are deficient in Kidney Yang energy feel colder, especially in the extremities. These patients are generally prone to fluid retention in the body and may have fertility problems or are prone to having recurrent miscarriages as I showed in the study entitled Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, presented in the VIIth World Congress on Women, that was held on May 22th, 2022, as they are deficient in the energy that holds the structures in the body in place and tend to have organ prolapses such as prolapse of rectum, bladder, uterus, etc. In addition to having a tendency to have urinary incontinence, in women and men, as I wrote (2020) in the article entitled How to treat urinary incontinence in women without surgery? And in the second article also written by myself (2020) entitled Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replenishment to Treat Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction Post Cancer Prostatectomy. [15-17]
The aging process is also related to the loss of Kidney energy and the use of techniques to keep this energy in balance can delay the aging process, such as the appearance of white hair. [17]
The part of memory and concentration is also a function of the Kidney and this problem is not inside the brain, as some Western medicine doctors think, because, in traditional Chinese medicine, the causes of diseases are often not in the affected organ, but rather, at a distance, as in this case where the memory alterations have as their origin, the deficiency of the Kidney energy as I am showing in the article I wrote entitled Memory and Concentration Impairment in Children in the COVID-19 Pandemic. [19]
In a study I carried out analyzing the energy of the five massive internal organs according to the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, 90% do not have energy inside the five internal massive organs (Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, and Liver) and 97.5% of 1000 patients analyzed between 2015 and 2020 have no energy in the Kidneys and all are without energy in the sixth chakra, responsible for memory and concentration. Therefore, most people nowadays are forgetting things very easily due to the energy drop in this very important organ, which is the Kidney. [20, 21]
Another organ that depends on the energy of the Kidney is the bones. In a study whose title is What is Behind Every Fracture We Need to Know? where I studied the energy of all massive internal organs, especially the Kidney, of all my patients who had a history of a fracture, and in this study, I demonstrated that all patients who had fractures are deficient in Kidney energy. [22]
Other organs of the body that we always need to think that it is correlated to the Kidney are knee diseases and patients who have low back pain. These patients, who are usually using some anti-inflammatory drugs, usually do not improve their symptoms as I am showing in the article entitled Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-inflammatory Medications. [23]
I attended recently one patient that removed one Kidney because of many stones and the Kidney was not working anymore. After some months, the patient begin to feel knee pain and low back pain probably due to removing one Kidney, which was important to send energy to the knee and keep low back in a normal state of function. [23, 24]
These symptoms can be avoided if treatment is given to rebalance the energy of the Kidney and also to fill the Kidney´s energy tank using highly diluted medications such as homeopathic according to a new theory written by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medication. [11, 24]
Regarding the bone part, it is the energy of the Kidney that is responsible for its integrity, and the loss of bone mass can be caused by the low energy of the Kidney, which can lead to a greater tendency to have fractures, as I wrote in the article entitled What is Behind Every Fracture We Need to Know? [22]
Patients who have osteopenia and or osteoporosis may be caused by energy deficiency in the Kidney, as I wrote in the article entitled Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis. [25]
Patients who tend to have fractures at minimal effort are diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta and also in these cases, they have in common the deficiency of Kidney energy, in addition to other deficiencies mentioned in the article written by myself (2022) entitled Energy Alterations in Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. [25]
Regarding the teeth, the Kidney is responsible for the alveolar bone of the teeth and one of the causes of bone loss of the teeth is low energy of the Kidneys, as I mentioned in the article written by myself (2022) whose title Energy Imbalances Related to Alveolar Bone Loss in Teeth and How We Can Treat it without Bone Grafting. [26]
In this article, I report a case in which the patient lost the alveolar bone of a tooth after a teeth root fracture, two months after accidentally biting an olive seed. [26]
The use of highly diluted medications to treat the lack of energy in the five massive internal organs in order to tone up the energy of the Kidney made it possible to re-grow the alveolar bone without having to use a bone graft in the tooth. [26]
In the 18th International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology: ENT Surgery Webinar, which was held on November 16th, 2022, I presented a topic related to energy changes in patients with hearing loss. According to traditional Chinese medicine, each massive internal organ such as the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, and Kidney is responsible for the functioning of one external sensory organ. The Liver is responsible for the eye that allows vision. The Heart is responsible for language and allows communication. The Spleen is responsible for the mouth and allows you to feel the tastes. The Lungs are responsible for the nose and allow for the sense of smell. The Kidney is responsible for the ears and allows hearing. Therefore, patients who have hearing problems have a loss of Kidney energy, and they are never treated in Western medicine to replenish this energy, because Western medicine is unaware of the energy part of the functions of the organs and only treats the symptom, putting on hearing aids. [27]
The Kidney is also responsible for part of the human being's sexuality and the libido is related to the energy part of the Kidney. In a study written by myself (2021) titled How to Improve the Sex Life of Women without Using Hormones? , I explained that the drop in sex life is related to the drop in Kidney energy and that the use of highly diluted medications in order to tone up the internal organs, has the function of restoring the energy of the Kidney, which was low, and returning to its normal functions, in this case, the sexual part of people. [28]
In the article I wrote (2020) entitled Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replenishment to Treat Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction Post-Cancer Prostatectomy, I presented a clinical case of a patient who underwent surgery to remove prostate cancer and after surgery, the patient presented urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction that did not improve with the use of highly concentrated medications for one year after surgery. The treatment of Kidney deficiency, diagnosed through the radiesthesia exam, proved that the patient was deficient in all organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidneys) and that the use of acupuncture, moxibustion, and Chinese dietary therapy in addition to homeopathic medicines to replenish this lack of energy through the theory written by myself (2020) whose title is Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, were very important to restore this patient's sexual function and also improve urinary continence. [11-17]
Patients who have difficulty getting pregnant or are undergoing treatment for infertility also have Kidney energy deficiency as well as deficiency of other massive internal organs such as the Liver, Heart, Spleen, and Lung and in these cases, we need to treat all organs because in TCM, all organs are interconnected and one organ sends energy to the next organ, according to the Five Elements theory. [29, 30]
Patients who have oligospermia or azoospermia also have a deficiency in the energy of the Kidneys and the treatment of this condition consisted of tonifying these energies (in addition to the Kidney, we have to tonify the Liver, Heart, Spleen, and Lungs) using highly diluted drugs according to the theory described above, to increase vital energy of all organs. The use of highly concentrated drugs in this situation drops vital energy and further reduces sperm production rather than increasing it, as I wrote in the article also written by myself (2020) entitled Chakras and energy alterations in patients with oligospermia. [30]
If we are going to analyze each component of the eye, there are articles that demonstrate that each structure of the eye is commanded by one internal massive organ. [30]
In the case of nerve conduction, refractive system, aqueous humor, and tears, all of them in relation to eyes are commanded by the energy of the Kidney. In the article written by myself (2022) entitled Can Wrong Eating Habits Lead to Ophthalmology Diseases?, in process of publication, I am showing one case of an obese patient that was doing acupuncture to treat her obesity. As I usually treat the energy alterations presented in the “root” of the formation of all kinds of diseases, I treated all her energy disturbances in relation to Yin and Yang disharmony and I correct the five elements (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and including the energy of the Kidney). After one year of treatment, she went to the ophthalmologist and the doctor measured her eye grade about “ten times” because one year before, her eye degree was 3.5 and after this treatment using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, the eye degree went to 0.5 only. This improvement only rebalancing the internal energy shows that all organs are integrated and the cause of the degree alteration was in the Kidney energy deficiency that was not inside the eyes ( in the leaf level of the tree) but was outside the eye ( in the root of the tree), invisible by the naked eyes. [31]
To end this article, I would like to emphasize that the energy of the Kidney is responsible for our protection against external pathogenic factors such as Wind, Cold, Heat, Humidity, and Dryness and also for protection against the entry of external pathogens, in this current case, by the entry of SARS-CoV- 2. In a study where I wrote Is SARS-CoV- 2 Strong or Our Body Is Weak? I am showing that SARS-CoV-2 is not strong but our body is weakened, because of reduced Zheng-Qi energy, which protects our body from external pathogenic factors, composed of Kidney energy, and it is present in only 2.5% of all my patients analyzed between 2015 and 2020. [20, 31]
These energy changes in the five internal massive organs must not only be in my patients here in Brazil but must be occurring in all patients in the world because this low energy is caused by the influences of chronic exposition to electromagnetic waves emitted by the modernization of telecommunication through the implantation of the 4G and 5G cellular system. [20]
Patients on hemodialysis, it is very common to see here in Brazil receive snacks between sessions, composed of cow's milk, coffee, and bread with cheese and ham. The lack of integration as a whole led to some failures in this sense, as this type of food, should be abolished in this type of patient, since the ingestion of cow's milk and dairy products, in this case, cheese inside the bread, causes deficiency of the energy of the Spleen, which through the theory of the five elements, can cause damage to the Kidney, through the Control Cycle. The Kidneys have been injured by the Spleen energy deficiency, and I am talking about this issue in the article written by myself (2022) whose title is Is It True That Kidney Failure Diagnosed at The Laboratory Test Level Shows That the Problem Is Really in The Kidney? [32]
In this article, I am showing that problems in the Kidney could not really be in the Kidney but by energy alterations in the Spleen or Liver, according to the Five Elements theory. [32]
To finish this article, and to understand what are the other energy functions of the Kidney that we should know, we need to integrate the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine, to understand in a deeper way what happens in our body, in the most diverse aspects (physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects). [8, 12]
As said by Hippocrates (c. 460 bce - c. 375 bce), the father of medicine, we need to treat the patient and not the disease the patient has. In this case, if we treat the energy alterations in the root of the tree, composed of Yin and Yang energy and the Five Elements Theory, we can treat all patient’s emotional and physical symptoms at the same time, even the doctors do not know that the patient has a such symptom. [33]
In the case of the energy part of the Kidney, it is very important to understand it is existence and treat the alterations accordingly because Western medicine is still only treating the symptoms caused by these energy alterations and not treating the real cause, that are the energy imbalances in each internal massive organ. [10, 12, 14]