Usage of Flaxseed Lignan in Menaposal Complaınts in Perımenaposal Women Patıents

Research Article | DOI:

Usage of Flaxseed Lignan in Menaposal Complaınts in Perımenaposal Women Patıents

  • Hayriye Alp 1*

 Necmettin Erbakan University, GETAT CENTER, Konya, Turkey.

*Corresponding Author: Hayriye Alp, Necmettin Erbakan University, GETAT CENTER, Konya, Turkey.

Citation: Hayriye Alp (2021) Usage of Flaxseed Lignan in Menaposal Complaınts in Perımenaposal Women Patıents. J. Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences; 5(7) DOI:10.31579/2578-8965/092

Copyright: © 2021, Hayriye Alp, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 19 August 2021 | Accepted: 28 August 2021 | Published: 08 September 2021

Keywords: flaxseed; lignan; perimenoposol women; SDG; BMI; END; ENL


Lignans are phenylpropanoid dimers widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) is one of the richest sourcase of dietary lignans. Plant lignans comprise one of the two main groups of phytoestrogens the other group beigng the isoflavonoids. The major flax lignan is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG).Flaxseed  is the richest food sourcase of SDG.Flaxseed also contains much smaller amounts of matairesinol, lariciresinol, and pineresinol. The plant lignans are converted by the intestinal microflora in the proximal or upper part of the large intestine to enterodiol (END) and enterolactone (ENL). Between 2017 and 2019, 26 female patients who applied for getat polk, obesity and perimenopausal complaints were included in the study. Demographic data of the patients were recorded. Age, weight, height, BMI and bloodT3,4, TSH, B12, Na, K  levels were measured. Statistically average measurements were taken. Flaxseed was recommended for patients whose cholesterol levels were above the reference value. SDG has antioksidant activity.It also may have hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, estrogenic,anti-estrogenic, anticancer, antiproliferative and renoprotective properties.


Lignans are phenylpropanoid dimers widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) is one of the richest sourcase of dietary lignans. Plant lignans comprise one of the two main groups of phytoestrogens the other group beigng the isoflavonoids.

The major flax lignan is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside(SDG).Flaxseed  is the richest food sourcase of SDG.Flaxseed also contains much smaller amounts of matairesinol, lariciresinol, and pineresinol. The plant lignans are converted by the intestinal microflora in the proximal or upper part of the large intestine to enterodiol(END) and enterolactone (ENL).END and ENL are not themselves plant lignans and are called mammalian lignans or enterolinans. Plant lignans are precursor of mammalian lignans. It is thought that many of the possible biological actions of SDG are due to its convertion to END and ENL.SDG is dibenzylbutyrolactone. This is one of the two major structural types of plant lignans. The spruce lignan 7-hydroxymatairesinol also processes this type of chemical structure (see spruce lignans).the other major chemical type is the tetrahydrofuran type that can be found in the sesame seed lignans sesamin and sesaminol. (See spruce lignans). The biphenolic nature of SDG resembles many of the substances known to exert estrogenic action or in some epidemiological studies to be correlated with reductions in prostate cancer and breast cancer incidance. Experimental evidence in animals has shown anticarcinogenetic effects of SDG as well as cardiovascular and renal protective effects. Plant lignans began receiving much attention in the field of natural product chemistry ever since the discovery of the plant lignan podophylotoxin, which is used as starting compound for a few cancer drugs including oetoposide.

Lignans should not be confused with lignins.A lignin is a cross-linked phenolic polymer which combines with cellulose to give woody plant tissue its rigidity.


Between 2017 and 2019, 26 female patients who applied for getat polk, obesity and perimenopausal complaints were included in the study. Demographic data of the patients were recorded. Age, weight, height, BMI and bloodT3, 4, TSH, B12, Na, K levels were measured. Statistically average measurements were taken. Flaxseed was recommended for patients whose cholesterol levels were above the reference value.


Table : 1

In the table below, the average values of patients' TSH, K, Na, Mg, B12, T3, and T4


Actıons and pharmacology

SDG has antioksidant activity.It also may have hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, estrogenic,anti-estrogenic, anticancer, antiproliferative and renoprotective properties.

SDG, SECO,and the enterolignans END  and ENL have been shown  to be effective antioksidants against lipid peroxidation and oxidative DNA damage potentially due to their free radical scavenging activity.

SDG was found to be protective against streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats an animal model of type 1diabetes. It delayed the onset of diabetes in the rats and was thought to act by an antioxidant mechanism.

Indıcatıons and usage there are claims that the flaxseed lignan SDG may be useful in preventing heart disease,some cancers, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and obesity; that is has kidney protective effects ;that it may  favorably alter estrogen metabolism in postmenopausal women to an equal or greater extent than supplementation with soy products;and that it may relieve the symptoms of bening prostatic hyperplasia(BPH). The best supported claims relate to heart disease BPH and cancer.

One recent study concluded that supplementation with flaxseed alters estrogen metabolism to a possible less mitogenic form estrogen to greater extent in menopausal women than does soy. Experimentation with SDG itself in this context has appearently not been performed.

Contraındıcatıons flax lignans are contraindicated in those who are hypersensitive to any component of a flax lignan-containing product.

Dosage SDG has been studied at doses of 300mg to 600mg daily for prolonged periods of time without any significant adverse events noted.


Phytotherapeutic flaxseed and products can be used in menopausal complaints of perimenopausal women.

