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University of Medical Science of Havana Faculty of Medical Science “10 de Octubre” Diploma course: The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking

Research Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2693-4779/013

University of Medical Science of Havana Faculty of Medical Science “10 de Octubre” Diploma course: The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking

  • Efraín Sánchez González 1
  • Fé Fernández Hernández 1

1 Faculty of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”

*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández, Faculty of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”

Citation: Fé F Hernández, Efraín S González, (2020); University of Medical Science of Havana Faculty of Medical Science “10 de Octubre” Diploma course: The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials. 2(2); DOI:10.31579/2693-4779/013

Copyright: © Fé Fernández Hernández, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 02 July 2020 | Accepted: 21 July 2020 | Published: 28 July 2020

Keywords: smoking; socioeconomic; inequity


Background: Socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking has several social costs moreover than the disparities caused by the inequity cause. The precise understanding about the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking will contribute to a better judgment about the smoking impact over the society. That’s why the close mutual relation between Public Health, Superior Education, Economy and other social sector may make significant intake to the specialized professional formation for the smoking control.

Objective: To design a diploma course about the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking.

Materials and methods: As teoricals methods were utilized the analysis and synthesis, the comparative and the inductive deductive. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.

Results: Related to the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking is important to know and to understand what is, how impact over the society, how to measure it and what to do for a better control. All these questions are analyzed and answered in this diploma course.

Conclusion: The diploma course takes account the particularities from several social sectors respect to the postgraduate education necessities about the smoking economic control specifically in references to the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking.


Smoking is a checked socioeconomic inequity cause. Attributable to smoking are happening several social and economic disparities given by accessing to the Public Health services and the effective reduction of labor productivity too, for example. 1, 2

Related to the morbidity and mortality attributable to smoking the society must assume several costs like the increase of the health services demand and the real reduction of the labor productivity too. Consequently much people (smokers or not) may reduce the effective demand of necessaries goods and reduce the health quality too. Also, agree with the tobacco consumption intensity smokers will reduce the life expectation and may cause an increase in the Social Security services demand. 3, 4

Socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking has several social costs moreover than the disparities caused by the inequity cause. The inaccessibility to health services because of the smoking impact over the health services market and the early smoker death are determining lower life expectative and lower life quality too agreeing with the tobacco consumption intensity and the smoker number. 5, 6

The effective smoking control is closet related to the implementation of adequate public policies. The complementation between the researched society legal framework and the public policies around the smoking control may reduce significantly the smoking impact and the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking too. These policies must be effectives in several fields like superior education, for example. 7, 8

The precise understanding about the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking will contribute to a better judgment about the smoking impact over the society. That’s why the close mutual relation between Public Health, Superior Education, Economy and other social sector may make significant intake to the specialized professional formation for the smoking control. 9, 10

Superior Education has several tools for the postgraduate formation. In the case of the diploma course, this specialized postgraduate tool may obtain a strong capacitating for professional in relative short time agree with the course container and others elements. 11, 12

Given the relevancy from the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking or the society, the main objective of this research is to design a diploma course about the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking.

Materials and methods

As teoricals methods were utilized the analysis and synthesis, the

comparative and the inductive deductive. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.


The following table resumes the main elements from the Diploma Course “The socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking”.


Related to the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking is important to know and to understand what is, how impact over the society, how to measure it and what to do for a better control. All these questions are analyzed and answered in this diploma course. 13, 14

The inequity is based on disparities caused by a risk factor. Smoking is a multiple causal risk factor with several social impacts at same time. That’s why this diploma course is focused in professional from several fields like Public Health, Sociology and Economy Sciences, for example.

The varied impact form from smoking is a singular characteristic. This condition determines several disparities forms. In case like this the use of statistic tools to explain and measure these disparities contribute to make stronger all researches about the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking.

This diploma course also should be useful tool for policies maker. This diploma course may obtain a better capacitating for these public authorities in the elaboration, development and implementation of effectives policies for the smoking control [15, 16].


The diploma course takes account the particularities from several social sectors respect to the postgraduate education necessities about the smoking economic control specifically in references to the socioeconomic inequity attributable to smoking.

