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*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández, Faculty of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”.
Citation: Fé F Hernández, Efraín S González, (2020); University of Medical Science of Havana Faculty of Medical Science “10 de Octubre” Smoking incidence over the labor health, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials. 2(2); DOI:10.31579/2693-4779/012
Copyright: © 2020 Fé Fernández Hernández, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Received: 02 July 2020 | Accepted: 22 July 2020 | Published: 27 July 2020
Keywords: smoking; labor health; productivity
Background: As risk factor and cause of morbidity and mortality, smoking is close related with labor health. The early beginning in tobacco consumption and the high tobacco intensity consumption are determining several negative consequences over labor health and labor productivity too.
Objective: To describe the incidence of smoking over the labor health.
Materials and methods: Was made a descriptive research about the incidence of smoking over the labor health. For that were used as theorical methods the historic – logic, the inductive – deductive and the comparative. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.
Results: A high smoking impact over the labor health determines leasing labor capability, leasing labor productivity and leasing social redistribution potentialities in favor to dependence social sectors no associated to the labor activity.
Conclusions: Smoking saves a close relation with labor health. This risk factor act reducing it value since the epidemiologic, economic and social point o view.
Smoking is a multi-causal risk factor. As risk factor and cause of morbidity and mortality is close related with several illness. 1, 2, 3
In Cuba, from the ten main death causes, seven are related with smoking. These are the hearth illness, cancer, brain-vascular illness, flu and pneumonia, illness from the down respiratory ways, vain illness and Diabetes Mellitus. 4
The smoker workers are feeling a negative incidence over the labor productivity in direct proportion to the consumption intensity of cigarettes and tobaccos. This incidence is given by the tobacco consumption during the labor time, the labor absence attributable to smoking and the smoker early death in labor age. 5, 6, 7
In 2011 the early death of Cuban male smokers reduced their life expectative in 18.4 years and carried to an absolute labor lose of 3.22 years. In this year the tobacco consumption during the labor time cost to the national economy close to 700 millions of pesos. 8, 9
These facts are showing the objective necessity from employers to adopt protagonist position front of the smoking prevention and control at least during the work time. In this way the work place free of tobacco smoke may contribute to reduce the smoking impact over the labor productivity. However, the efficiency of this agreement may be reduced and limited out the labor context. 10
Labor health is a very valued good because of it multi dimensional value. The smoking impact over the workers health has particular characteristics agreeing to the analysis dimension. This analysis will be focused in the following in the incidence from smoking over the labor health.
To describe the incidence of smoking over the labor health.
Was made a descriptive research about the incidence of smoking over the labor health. For that were used as theorical methods the historic – logic, the inductive – deductive and the comparative. As empiric method was used the bibliographic research.
A good value is given by the quantity of sacrifice to make or may obtain it. In the following will be described briefly the smoking incidence since the epidemiologic, economic and social point of view over the labor health.
Labor health is a historic – epidemiologic result from the interaction of the person with all elements around it. In this context are influencing several risk factors as the smoking, for example. The incidence of this risk factor over the labor health is such that while earlier is the beginning in the tobacco consumption and/or higher be the tobacco consumption intensity less will be the labor health quality and less the workers capability to assume the labor responsibilities. 11
The economic value from a good may be seen since two perspectives. The use´s value of a good is given by the practice utility from this good while the interchange value makes reference to the comparative value respect to other good. 12
Since this point of view the use´s value from the labor health is determined by the actual labor productivity from each worker. By other side the interchange value would be given by the comparative value from the labor health respect to other worker.
Given the epidemiologic relation from smoking to the labor health, smoking show an antagonist relation respect to the labor health since the economic point of view. The earlier beginning in the tobacco consumption and the high tobacco consumption intensity reduce the utility capabilities from the labor health and consequently it use´s value. Also, the no smoker workers often show better labor health and because of that are preferred by employers. 13
The social development from a population is close related with the labor health. The sustainability from the social system is in dependence with the labor result for the sustainability of the people in no labor age. 14
By the way, while higher is the smoking impact over the workers health, less will be the labor productivity results. Consequently, less will be the potentialities for social redistribution in favor to no labor people.
Smoking saves a close relation with labor health. This risk factor act reducing its value since the epidemiologic, economic and social point o view.