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The smoking economic control across the primary health services

Research Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2693-4779/014

The smoking economic control across the primary health services

  • Efraín Sánchez González 1
  • Fé Fernández Hernández 1

1 Faculty of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”. 
2 Faculty of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”

*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández , Faculty of Medical Sciences

Citation: Fé F Hernández, Efraín S González, (2020); The smoking economic control across the primary health services, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials. 2 (2); DOI:10.31579/2693-4779/014

Copyright: © Fé Fernández Hernández, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 02 July 2020 | Accepted: 23 July 2020 | Published: 29 July 2020

Keywords: smoking; primary attention; control


Background: Primary health services play a decisive role for the social policy about health attention. This Public Health level attends the largest patient’s numbers. The economy resources are always limited. Smoking carries to higher spend from the Public Health agree with the tobacco consumption and the smokers’ number. Then, the economic smoking control since the primary health services must be a priority for the health policy.

Objective: To describe the primary public health server in the economic smoking control.

Materials and methods: Theoric methods: comparative, inductive – deductive. Empiric methods: bibliographic research.

Results: The primary public health server must be agree with capability and limitations from the public health level where works. Thus should be possible optimizate the patiens number applying for health services in superior levels.

Conclusions: The smoking economic control across the primary public health services carries to reduce the smoking economic impact over the financial management for the Public Health.


The primary health services play a decisive role for the social policy about health attention. This level of health services concentrates the higher number of patients [1].

The economic resources are always limited. The viability of these resources is determinating the capability of attention in the different levels. Going up across the health attention levels the Public Health services become more complex and expensive too. Then, the appropriate role of the primary health services is determinant for the optimization of the Public Health services [2].

Smoking carries to big spend from the Public Health budget agree with tobacco consumption and the smokers’ number. That’s why the smoking economic control since the primary health services must be priority of the health policy [3,4,5].

The role of the health services dispenser is vital. This person is who must be leader for the community making actions for reduce the tobacco consumption and the smoking economic impact too [6].

The health services dispenser for the primary health services must be sufficient since the knowledge point of view. This means that for an appropriate smoking control the health services dispenser must be protagonist for all activities about the smoking control. Also must assume several roles to obtain this objective [7].


To describe the health services dispenser role´s for the primary health services in the smoking control.

Materials and methods

Theoric methods
comparative, inductive - deductive. Empiric methods: bibliographic research.


The health services dispenser researching the information.

The collection and selection of the information for the smoking economic burden research´s is very important. The available and trustable information obtained from the research will determine the quality of future researches that use this information. 8

The health services dispenser for the primary health services is the main responsible for these actions. It must be sufficiently capacitated front of this information research to obtain the appropriate information. 9

The health services dispenser for primary health services must save a trustable and whole record about the whole population demanding the primary health services. This means that the health services dispenser must know and understand what, how, where, when and why research. All these elements will be reference for an opportune description about the health state from the population. 10

The health services dispenser must understand that the information research must not be limited to the medic epidemiologic point of view. The health determinants are several and the obtained information must be minimally sufficient to get trustable economic valuation from smoking over the community health. eleven

The health services dispenser must understand which are the main variables to explain the smoking economic impact over each Public Health level and the relation saved from the population researched with each Public Health level. 12

The variables to measure in each population may be determined by particular interesting. However, respect to the smoking economic burden for the Public Health, it is important to identify for each patient the tobacco consumption intensity, the morbidity causes related with smoking who caused the health services demand, the frequency from the health services demand and the health costs related to each service dispensed [13,14,15,16].

The health services dispenser as researcher

Once time obtained the whole information, the health services dispenser must assume the researcher role. In this case the health services dispenser must be impartial and critical with the whole information. It must evaluate a priori the availability of possible researches based on the obtained information. Thus it will be possible to make a better evaluation for including secondary information from others researches. 17

The health services dispenser must use several research methods agreeing with the specific objectives from the research. Means that the health services dispenser must be knower from the population demanding the health services, the true morbidity causes causing the health service demand and the research methods'. 18

The use of statistical tools must be priority describing the smoking economic impact over the community health services. The health services dispenser must be sufficient to delimitate the frequency of the health services demand from a single patient by different causes. Thus will be possible research the smoking economic impact since the multi morbidity and consequences. 19

This research activity must be reflexive too. The health services dispenser as researcher must understand the self capacity for researching based on the viability of economic and intellectual resources for the smoking economic research. Thus will be possible identify objective limitations against the research making. twenty

As part of the researching process it is important the publication of the scientific results. This action support similar research about smoking economic burden over the Public Health and similar [21, 22].

The health services dispenser as health promoter

The health services dispenser at primary level must understand that previous described roles are continue process. The obtained results in previous researches must be utilized as primaries elements to design health promotion strategies to contribute to reduce and eliminate the tobacco consumption as main cause of the smoking economic impact over the Public Health services. 2. 3

These strategies must be valued constantly. This means that all previous roles must be present at the same time for the health services dispenser. Each Public Health level plays specific functions. In the primary health services case´s is where are attended by the largest patients number. The primary health services dispenser must be agree with that and contribute to reduce the patient number demanding the health services for higher levels. 24

The described roles don't finish when the patient is attended by superior levels from the Public Health. The primary level is complemented with superior levels to give to the patient the whole service demanded agree with health service demand and actual capabilities [25].


The smoking economic control across the primary public health services carries to reduce the smoking economic impact over the financial management for the Public Health.

