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Opinion Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/266

The Portrait of the Teacher

  • I. V. Hubetova *

Head of the Neurological Department of the Odesa Regional Clinical Hospital, Odesa, Ukraine.

*Corresponding Author: I. V. Hubetova, Head of the Neurological Department of the Odesa Regional Clinical Hospital, Odesa, Ukraine.

Citation: I. V. Hubetova (2023), The Portrait of the Teacher, J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. 13(1); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/266

Copyright: © 2023, I. V. Hubetova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

Received: 10 February 2023 | Accepted: 20 February 2023 | Published: 27 February 2023

Keywords: teacher; medical institute; clinical studies and classes; students


A teacher... pictures of careless childhood, sounds of the first school bell, the first answer board and all the things that happened for the first time in one's life pop up in memory of almost every person by mentioning of this word.

I had luck not only with the first schoolteacher, memories and warm feelings about her will remain in my heart forever, but also with my teacher and mentor in adult life, a teacher whom I can call a true friend. This is Yury Lvovich Kurako. You can talk about him forever. He is a complex personality, and also he is talented, artistic, extremely curious, full of ideas, stout-hearted, tender, sentimental and very strict. He is an artist of his own destiny, and therefore his identity is inexhaustible.


A teacher... pictures of careless childhood, sounds of the first school bell, the first answer board and all the things that happened for the first time in one's life pop up in memory of almost every person by mentioning of this word.

I had luck not only with the first schoolteacher, memories and warm feelings about her will remain in my heart forever, but also with my teacher and mentor in adult life, a teacher whom I can call a true friend. This is Yury Lvovich Kurako. You can talk about him forever. He is a complex personality, and also he is talented, artistic, extremely curious, full of ideas, stout-hearted, tender, sentimental and very strict. He is an artist of his own destiny, and therefore his identity is inexhaustible.

I met Yuri Lvovich in 1986 at the dawn of my professional career, when I started my work as an intern of the neurological department of the Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital.

I arrived from Lugansk after graduation from a medical institute and a two-year clinical residency. Professor Yu.L. Kurako conducted clinical studies and classes with interns every week, being a head of Department of Neuropathology. When we met with Yuri Lvovich for the first time, he took me for a student who was late for his class, and made a strict comment (when I say strict, I choose my words carefully). I was extremely surprised. Yuri Lvovich was surprised as well, especially with my young appearance and my medical ambitions, we laughed then for a long time because of the arisen mutual embarrassment.

I still feel surprised by my teacher. He is really amazing by the indomitable nature of his temperament and spacious intellect, infinite curiosity, incredible thirst for life and his ability to appreciate life in all its manifestations.

Yuri Lvovich is not only a man of science (I will not talk about his professional achievements and achievements in neurology), but also he is a great erudite at the level of encyclopedic knowledge. He knows literature, art, he cites classical literature, keeps a lot of names and events in the storerooms of his memory, he is an excellent narrator. And great his lectures are! None of the students will ever forget Yuri Lvovich showing the posture of a sick person in the poststroke period using the mnemonic reception (with the help of gestures, facial expressions and gait), "the twisted leg, the begging hand ". None of the artists can depict this action with such professionalism and expressiveness as my Teacher does.

And the way he sings! Baritone with a light hoarse ... Hungarian czardas or Vertinsky's romances ... and a woman of any age will be overwhelmed on the spot, while still hearing incredible compliments from the owner of this unusual voice.

Also Yuri Lvovich is able to laugh and infect others with his laughter, he always does it naturally, with childlike naivety and pleasure. Being next to him at such moments, it is impossible to refrain from such contagious optimism, and so everyone starts laughing with him to tears, to the colic in the stomach.

Yuri Lovovich is amazing in his feelings as well. He always talks about his mother Elizabeth llinichna and his father Lev Chrysanfovich in a very moving way.

In the home office of Yuri Lvovich his parents are always watching with warming eyes? They still live in his memory and heart. I know that even today Yuri Lvovich reconciles mentally all his soul movements with the person closest to him - with his mother.*

By the way, Yuri Lvovich is the owner of a library unique in quantity and quality.

Talking about the weaknesses of my teacher, he has always had a thing to beautiful women. The weakness of a man is in the beauty of his woman! Yuri Lvovich calls his wife, Elena Aleksandrovna, "My Carmen", she won his heart many years ago.

Another weak point of Yuri Lvovich can be considered collecting memorable souvenirs, which he brings from all corners of the earth, wherever his fate casts him. And since Yuri Lvovich has traveled a lot and, to the best of his ability, travels now, the number of these souvenirs, crafts, real folk art works would be enough for a whole museum. Yuri Lvovich talks with extraordinary tenderness about each such exhibit. As a listener, I become a virtual traveler on expanses of our planet in such moments.

It is always interesting for me to look upon these souvenirs, to hold them in my hands, to shift them mentally through time and space, but it is even more interesting to observe people who first entered Yury Lvovich's office and they don't know where to look first because of the desire to investigate all the set of these exhibits.

Yuri Lvovich has a large collection of dog statues, and it’s not accidental. Since childhood, this animal has conquered him with his devotion, intelligence, extraordinary affection for his master. Everyone knows that the noisy, naughty dachshund Jerry is well-liked by Yuri Lvovich. She is allowed to do everything in the house: to sleep with the owner, to kiss him, to yell at uninvited guests and even to bite at the leg of anyone who this cheerful and reckless girlfriend of Yuri Lvovich does not like.

Let my teacher forgive me, but I will allow myself to tell you about one of his weaknesses, about gourmetism. Yuri Lvovich understands in the variety of dishes as no one else does! He always eats with appetite, pleasure, knows what's what in wine, never touches anything dubious or unattractive looking. To sit with him at the same table is a pleasure (anywhere, at home, in a restaurant, in a train car or at a picnic), as each meal turns into a mini-play (hypocrisy).

Yuri Lvovich at such moments tells the most ridiculous stories of his life, anecdotes, depicts all the characters in action. Verily, a great actor lives in him.

I can share one of the unusual improvisations of Yuri Lvovich in the culinary arts. This is an appetizer for champagne in the Kurako style. Take a piece of black bread, spread some forshmak (herring blended with butter) on top of it. Eating such a sandwich, take some sparkling champagne to drink, and wish Yuri Lvovich many happy years.

Many times I've heard stories from Yuri Lvovich Kurako about his teachers G.l. Markelov, B.i. Sharapov, B.Ya. Sosyura, G.G. Sokoliansky. Yuri Lvovich always speaks about them with sincere love, abnormal respect, vibrance, same he does about his friends who passed away or live.

I was fortunate to be together with Yuri Lvovich in Chisinau in 1997, at a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of his teacher, B.I. Sharapov, and the opening of the memorial. It ’was very pleasant to hear that Yuri Lvovich was the favorite student of B.I. Sharapov.

I was even more impressed by the capacity of Yury Lvovich's memory and knowledge when he described in detail the events of the late 50's and early 60’s, fascinatingly told about the enthusiasm and extraordinary ability of doctors and scientists of those years. The most interesting thing is that this enthusiasm and inexhaustible sense of knowledge remain with my teacher until now.

I want to talk about another interesting tradition of the family of Yuri Lvovich, a participant and witness of which I have been for many years. Every year on August 30th closest friends and relatives gather in the house of Yuri Lvovich to congratulate him on his birthday. Exactly at 05:00 p.m. and not a minute later, as Yuri Lvovich was born exactly at this time that, a lot of bottles of champagne are being fired, and all guests under this fireworks of sparking drink raise their full glasses, have this magic drink and everyone amicably wish health, love, long life to this amazing person. Fun always lasts until late at night. At such moments,

Yuri Lvovich's eyes are full of tears, his expression becomes childishly naive, kind and gentle. It seems to me that at such moments my teacher feels happy.

Next year, Yuri Lvovich could turn 100 years. Twenty years ago I wrote “this is almost a whole era, which is called one capacious word Kurako. Knowing and dealing with Yuri Lvovich for many years, I can say with sadness and dignity that he is the last of the Mohicans, he is unique and unique, he is a storehouse of emotions and feelings. I want the Lord to be generous to my friend and teacher and give him at least 100 years of life. Then Yuri Lvovich will be able to say: "I fulfilled the program at most!" And I in the cohort of his students will loudly applaud and shout BRAVO!!!

Memories of my teacher have always been a source of inspiration for me. For me, being worthy of his memory means carrying the high title of a neurologist into the world, maintaining principles and never stopping at what has been achieved



