Short Communication | DOI:

Respected Relativity by Thinking

  • Prasenjit Jana *

Mugkalyan, Bagnan, Howrah, West Bengal, India.

*Corresponding Author: Prasenjit Jana. Mugkalyan, Bagnan, Howrah, West Bengal, India.

Citation: Prasenjit Jana, (2023), Respected Relativity by Thinking, J, Surgical Case Reports and Images 6(6); DOI:10.31579/2690-1897/165

Copyright: © 2023, Prasenjit Jana. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 21 August 2023 | Accepted: 11 September 2023 | Published: 25 September 2023

Keywords: thinking; respectivity; planetary bodies


To feel relativity, we need the help of thinking to respect one thing to another. We cannot feel relativity unless we respect one thing with another thing by our thinking. If there is no thinking then there is nothing but when thinking starts, we try to respect. If we can't respect, we can't understand relativity. If there is no change then we cannot relate and relativity stops but with the thinking we can respect that unchanged body with another unchanged body.


We cannot feel relativity unless we respect one thing with another thing by our thinking. If there is no thinking then there is nothing but when thinking starts, we try to respect. If we can't respect, we can't understand relativity. Everywhere we go we can understand something with respect to time but when we can find time then we can find relativity. If there is no change then we cannot relate and relativity stops but with the thinking we can respect that unchanged body with another unchanged body. If we are in space then we relate something with the motion of planetary bodies but we cannot relate in our inner body unless we respect it with other bodies. Respect to a constant we can relate to.

When we are in space then we can think about time with respect to the movements of other planetary bodies.

Motion of these is kept as coordinate axes and we relate the motion of our clock which we set as a constant. Here we compare the clock of our hand in space with movement of a star or a planet. But when our brain doesn't think or cannot relate the two types of motions then relative speed or motion can't be measured, then respected value of speed comes. Then the thinking is time. That is what we think as constant with other thing varies with it, we say time changes. So, thinking of time is then run by respected value or in my word "respectivity", where no two speeds are

found to relate and relativity doesn't occur. Then only thinking respect holds for measuring time. When we cannot think of two types of thinkings then relativity doesn't happen. So, when you cannot find relativity sense then you can find respect sense. If respect sense is proper then relativity can or cannot be there if we think it or not.


Relative things can be said if we can understand the thing with respect to other things. Relative things can be found from a minimum of two things but respective things can be found in one thing. The observer himself can respect a thing with his own thinking.

