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Neurology and Neurosurgery as Reflected by A Number of Collectible Means

Research Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/340

Neurology and Neurosurgery as Reflected by A Number of Collectible Means

  • Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky

The Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Nikolaev, Ukraine.

*Corresponding Author: Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky, The Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Nikolaev, Ukraine.

Citation: Konstantin A. Bugaevsky, (2024), Neurology and Neurosurgery as Reflected by A Number of Collectible Means, J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, 16(3); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/340

Copyright: ©, 2024, Konstantin Anatolyevich Bugaevsky. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

Received: 04 September 2024 | Accepted: 23 September 2024 | Published: 03 October 2024

Keywords: neurology; neurosurgery; phaleristics; numismatics; commemorative and award medals and commemorative coins; screenshot copies


This research article examines the results of the study conducted by its author on the representation of phaleristics and numismatic materials, in all their diversity, dedicated to both neurology and neurosurgery and their heroes, practitioners and scientists-specialists in these areas of medical science. All illustrative materials presented in this article are presented in the form of their screenshot copies, supplied with short explanatory comments to them


All kinds of research work conducted in the field of medical theory and practice fall into the category of both relevant and in-demand in modern scientific research. This is directly related to the study of such important medical areas, therapeutic and surgical profile and type of activity as neurology and neurosurgery. The author of this research article, not for the first time, addresses the issue of the reflection of these sciences in a variety of collecting tools, such as, for example, phaleristics, numismatics. And each time, when conducting another study, more and more new research materials are discovered that were not found by him earlier. When preparing materials for his new research work. Its author managed to find and describe a number of new, interesting materials, directly and thematically, concerning both neurology and neurosurgery, as well as their representatives, theoretical scientists and practicing physicians, from different countries of the world and different historical periods, who contributed to the development and formation of these medical disciplines.


The purpose of writing this article is to present the results of a new study conducted by its author, dedicated to the representation of both neurology and neurosurgery in such types of collecting as phaleristics and numismatics, in all their diversity.

Hypothesisof the article 

In the process of preparing for this study, its author put forward the following research hypothesis: there is a fairly large number of the most diverse collection materials - in numismatics and phaleristics, thematically dedicated to both neurology and neurosurgery, as well as to practicing doctors, and these medical fields themselves.

Material and methods

In writing this article, the author used the method of literary-critical analysis of the problem he was studying. For this purpose, the means of the World Wide Web, websites and Internet pages of communities of collectors working with collectibles, in medicine - philately, numismatics, phaleristics were actively used. It should be noted that in preparing this article, its author did not find a single article on a similar topic on the Internet, either professional, medical, or on the Internet pages of collectors writing in the direction of medical topics and, in particular, in the field of neurology and neurosurgery! All found phaleristic and numismatic materials devoted to neurology and neurosurgery were transformed by the author of the article into screenshots, with mandatory, strict indication of the sources of their borrowing, in order to comply with the copyright of their owners!

Results of the study and discussion

I would like to begin the presentation of new collection materials with phaleristics. Thus, in Figure 1, in the obverse (front part, and in the reverse (back, back part), of the commemorative award medal (1935), an English silver medal is presented, dedicated to the second international congress on neurology, held in 1935 in England, in London, which is reported on the reverse of this medal. On its obverse 1835-1935, large and in the center, is presented, a bust profile of such a scientist and neurologist as J. Hughlincs Jackson (1835-1935), turned to the left [1]. 

Figure 1. Commemorative English medal dedicated to J. Hughlincs Jackson

Further, in Figure 2, the Polish badge of distinction is presented – presented only on the obverse, a commemorative medal (1965), of the Voivodeship Institute of Medicine, Neurosurgery Clinic, which is written in large, capital letters in Polish, around the entire circumference of this badge. In the center of the obverse, against the background of the white and red national flag of Poland, is a human brain, and behind it is the rod of Asclepius, entwined with a snake, as a symbol of medicine, and at the very bottom, the date of the event – ​​1965 [2]. 

Figure 2. Polish medal of distinction dedicated to the neurosurgery clinic

Figure 3, on the obverse, shows a commemorative medal of the European Academy of Neurology (FEAN), with a stylized image of the human brain depicted on it[3].

Figure 3. Commemorative medal of the European Academy of Neurology

Moving on to the numismatic section and, in particular, to the commemorative table medals, Figure 4 shows, in obverse and reverse, a French silver table medal (1883), dedicated to the famous neurologist and anatomist, and to the memory of the world-famous practicing physician, Dr. Jean Martin Charcot, as president of the French Society of Anatomists [4]. On the obverse of this commemorative medal, in its center, is a large profile of this physician, facing right. On the right and left sides of this profile, in French, is indicated - "DOCTEVR J.M. CHARCOT". And on the reverse of this commemorative medal, a laurel branch is depicted, adorned with a snake, above a cup and a mirror, as symbols of medicine, and an inscription in French, running across the entire field "A SON PRESIDENT LA SOCIETE ANATOMIQVE 1883» [4].

Figure 4. French silver medal dedicated to Dr. J.M. CHARCOT

Further, in Figure 5, is presented (in obverse and reverse), a commemorative, English bronze medal, of a non-standard shape, corresponding to a horizontal section of the human skull, with the human brain inside it, as is depicted on the reverse of this medal. Along the edge of the entire reverse, clockwise, there is an inscription made in English in large, capital letters "THE BRITISH NEUROPATOLOGICAL SOCIETY" [5]. On the obverse of this award, in large, in the center of this medal, is a portrait of a scientist looking straight ahead, and along the edge of the upper hemisphere of the medal, there is an inscription in English "THE ALFRED MEYER AWARD", and the date of his life - 1895-1990 [5].

Figure 5. Commemorative award dedicated to Alfred Meyer

Figure 6 shows, in obverse and reverse, a commemorative bronze table medal, dedicated to the 10th International Congress of Neurology, held in Barcelona in 1073, which is written about in Spanish along the outer edge of the reverse of this medal. In the center of the reverse, under this inscription, is a globe, the inscription "BARCELONA 1973", and the coat of arms of this city, the capital of the province of Catalonia, is presented. On the obverse/front part of this medal, profile portraits of two famous Spanish scientists and neurologists are presented, turned to the left, and there is an inscription in Spanish containing the names and surnames of these people - "PIO DEL RIO HORTEGA / OTFRID FOERSTER" [6]. According to surviving historical data, Otfrid Foerster German - a neurologist and neurosurgeon, in the period 1922-1924, was invited by the then Soviet leadership, for the purpose of consulting and treating the sick leader of Bolshevik Russia, Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin [6].

Figure 6. Commemorative Spanish bronze medal dedicated to the X International Congress of Neurology

Further, in Figure 7, there is a French, bronze medal-plaque, rectangular in shape, dedicated to Jean-Athanase Sicard, a pioneer in the field of neurology, anatomy and physiology, who dealt with the issues of syphilis of the nervous system, its serodiagnosis, as well as typhoid fever, the study of cerebrospinal fluid, both in these diseases and in a number of other diseases and pathological conditions in patients. This and other information is placed in the text, in French, placed on the reverse of this commemorative medal. And on its obverse/front part, there is a profile portrait of the scientist, half-turned to the left, above which is the inscription of the surname and initials of this scientist, in French "J.A. SICARD" [7].

Figure 7. Commemorative French bronze medal-plaque dedicated to the memory of Jean-Athanase Sicard Pioneer Neurology

The following, Figure 8, shows a bronze medal dedicated to the Austrian physician, neurosurgeon and founder of a neurosurgery clinic in Austria during the First World War, in 1914-1917 - Anton von Eiselsberg. His bust portrait, turned to the left in profile, is presented on the obverse/front side of this commemorative medal. On the reverse (back, back side of the medal, there is information about his opening of this clinic [7]. The diameter of this medal is 64 mm, and the weight is 89 grams, made by medalist Andreas Kögler, from Graz. This medal is in a private collection [8].

Figure 8. Commemorative bronze medal of Austria dedicated to Anton von Eiselsberg, the founder of Austrian neurosurgery

In Figure 9, the obverse/front part and the reverse side show an Italian bronze medal dedicated to the VII International Congress of Neurology, held in Rome, from September 15 to 17, 1961, as reported on the reverse side of this commemorative medal. The obverse/front part of this medal is decorated with a large head portrait of Giovanni Mingazzini (1859-1929), facing left. The entire upper hemisphere at the outer edge is occupied by data about this scientist - his name and surname, written in Italian - 2GIOVANNI MINGAZZINI”, and the dates of his life - 1859-1929 [9].

Figure 9. Commemorative Italian bronze medal dedicated to Giovanni Mingazzini and the VII International Congress of Neurology

Figure 10 shows a double-sided commemorative French bronze medal (1967) dedicated to the VIII Symposium Neuroradiologicum, which took place in Paris in 1967. This front side shows individuals considered to be pivotal in the development of neuroradiology; the opposite side lists the locations and dates of previous meetings, including the VII Symposium in New York City (courtesy of Jonathan D. Clem, MD). On the reverse of this commemorative medal are listed the names of the cities and years of meetings of previous symposia on neuroradiology [10, 11]. On the obverse of this medal are portraits of five neurologists, specialists in this field – Moniz, Sicard, Sandy, Schullea, Lysholm.

Figure 10. Commemorative French medal dedicated to the VIII Symposium Neuroradiology and the 60th Anniversary of the ASNR: “Through the Decades with ASNR”

In the collection, numismatic and phaleristic selection, in Figure 11 are presented commemorative medals, coins and badges dedicated to the memory of the Russian scientist, neurologist and psychologist, Vladimir Bekhterev. Thus, in Figure 11A. is presented in obverse and reverse, a commemorative, bronze table medal, the USSR period, with the image of V.M. Bekhterev, on the obverse, supporting his head with his hands, with his bust turned to the right. This medal is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the opening of the psycho-neurological clinic named after V.M. Bekhterev - 1897-1997, who was the founder of this clinic. On the reverse of the medal, the human brain is depicted, and the names and surnames of a number of famous employees of this clinic are listed [12].  

Figure 11. Table medal "V.M. Bekhterev. 1857-1927. Military medicine of Russia"

Figure 12, in the obverse and reverse, shows a commemorative award medal of the USSR period, which is awarded for outstanding work in the field of psychology, which is reported on the reverse of this medal. On its obverse, there is a portrait of V.M. Bekhterev, with his profile turned to the right [13]. Figure 12. Gold medal named after V.M. Bekhterev Thematic figure 13 shows, in the obverse and reverse, a bronze commemorative table medal of the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Psychoneurological Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev, dedicated to the memory of the scientist. This is reported on the reverse of this medal. Inscribed around the commemorative coat of arms of this institution. The obverse of the medal features a bust portrait of the scientist looking to the left, his personal information and dates – 1857-1927 [14]. 

Figure 13. Commemorative medal of the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Psychoneurological Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev, dedicated to the memory of the scientist

Figure 14 shows, in obverse and reverse, a phaleristic, award commemorative medal, on a dark cherry-colored block, with white longitudinal stripes along the edge of the award bar. This medal, Bekhterev V.M., is awarded to nominees, "For many years of work in the 

health care system", which is reported on the obverse of the medal, which depicts a portrait of V.M. Bekhterev sitting and supporting his head with his hand, and on the reverse of this award medal, an unrolled scroll of parchment is depicted, with the inscription on it "Whatever house I enter, I do everything for the benefit of the patient" [14].

Figure 14. Medal of V.M. Bekhterev "For long-term work in the health care system"

Similar to the previously presented medal, is a phaleristic award sign, presented in the obverse and reverse, on a small, metal red block, with the coat of arms of the city of St. Petersburg on it. The entire obverse of this award sign completely copies the obverse of the previous medal. On the reverse, there is an image of a person's right hand, pointing to the inscription in Russian - "For long-term work in the health care system" [15]. This commemorative award sign. Was issued by the Association of Health Organizations "Bekterev Medical Center" [15].

Figure 15. Commemorative award badge "Association of Healthcare Organizations, Bekhterev Medical Center. St. Petersburg. For many years of work in the healthcare system"

In Figure 16, the obverse and reverse show a commemorative silver (Ag 925 – 15.55 g)) coin of Russia (2007), related to the numismatics section, with a denomination of 2 Russian rubles, which is written on the reverse of this commemorative coin. In the center of the reverse, a double-headed eagle is depicted in large print, and under it is the inscription in capital letters "BANK OF RUSSIA" [16]. On the obverse of this commemorative coin, on a dark background, in large print. In the center, slightly shifted to the left, is a bust portrait of V.M.Bekhterev, to the right of which, on an unrolled roll of paper, is depicted the human brain, and at the bottom of this roll, is a facsimile signature of the scientist. Above this roll are the dates of the scientist's life - 1857-1927 [16].

Figure 16. Commemorative coin of Russia - The 150th Anniversary of the Birthday of V.M. Bekhterev | Bank of Russia

Thematic figure 17 shows the obverses of two numismatic, commemorative, bronze table medals dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian scientist, neurologist and psychologist, V.M. Bekhterev, both round and oval in shape.Both of them feature portraits of the scientist, on the round medal, with his profile turned to the right, and on the oval medal – to the left. In both cases, it is written in Russian “V.M. Bekhterev”, and the dates of his life “1837-1927). On the round medal, the scientist is dressed in a military uniform, as an employee of the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg. Traditionally, his long, thick hair on his head, beard and moustache are depicted [17]. 

Figure 17. Obverses of two commemorative medals dedicated to V.M. Bekhterev

On this, another, author's, research article is finished, thematically devoted to neurology and neurosurgery, and a number of famous scientists and practical doctors who have shown themselves. In these medical disciplines. In the reflection of such means of collecting as numismatics and phaleristics. The author of this article, will prepare for the soon publication, the results of his new research.


1. The author of this research article managed to fully present the materials of his research, dedicated to the presentation of new collectible, phaleristic and numismatic materials dedicated to neurology and neurosurgery, as well as a number of scientists and practitioners, a number of countries of the world, who worked in these medical areas. 

2. The materials of the presented research article fully confirm the author's statement of the article. 

3. Screenshot copies of phaleristic and numismatic materials presented in the text of this article, as illustrations, richly, colorfully and creatively complement the text materials of this article. 

4. In total, the presented author's research article presents 15 numismatic and 3 phaleristic materials, in obverse and reverse, with their detailed description.

