short communication | DOI:

Internet Addiction Research

  • V.Stepanenko 1*
  • V. Barbals 1

Research Center of Psychotherapy, Russia

*Corresponding Author: V.Stepanenko, Research Center of Psychotherapy, Russia

Citation: V. Stepanenko, V. Barbals, (2023), Internet Addiction Research, J,Clinical Research and Clinical Trials, 7(4); DOI:10.31579/2693-4779/138

Copyright: © 2023, V.Stepanenko. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 15 May 2023 | Accepted: 25 May 2023 | Published: 02 June 2023

Keywords: internet-addicted;psychological;psychotherapy;psychoemotional; psychopathological;hysteroid


The World Wide Web Internet opens up a lot of opportunities, which attracts teenagers to an uncontrolled stay in the virtual world, despite the lack of free time and the real need at the moment, as well as the inability to leave it in time. The relevance of the study in adolescents is associated with increased dependence. Also, it should be noted that our research in this area is characterized by a certain behavior, which becomes due to the inharmonious use of these resources. Survey data indicated that teenagers belong to the main category of Internet-addicted people. The result of the one we are considering imposes its negative imprint on all aspects of life. In psychology – aberration (deviation from rational thinking and behavior).

The purpose of the study:

As a result of the study, its causes and essence were analyzed; socio-psychological determinants of Internet addiction in adolescence were identified, the possibilities of diagnosis and prevention of adolescents were considered, an experimental study was conducted, a program for the prevention of Internet addiction in adolescents was developed.

We studied the influence of parenting styles on the formation of Internet addiction in adolescents, taking into account their personal characteristics and the level of psychoemotional disorders. Materials and methods of research: 85 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years who were admitted to the Research Center of Psychotherapy, with the presence of diagnostic criteria for socialized behavior disorder and Internet-dependent behavior, were selected as the object of the study.

Results and their Discussions:

at the initial stage of the study, the priority was to determine the types of family and relationships in which the adolescents under study were brought up. Anamnestic information was also collected from parents and close relatives. As a result of the survey, it was found that there is a direct correlation between certain parameters of relationships and the development of Internet-addictive behavior in adolescents. The studied teenagers were brought up in destructive and ambivalent families with the wrong style of family leadership, in conditions of unfavorable microclimate and conflict situations. The majority grew up in a single–parent family – 17%, 23% - in a socially disadvantaged family, 30% of the subjects had problems in communication and establishing new social ties. When collecting anamnestic information, it was found that 37% of adolescents had a burdened psychopathological heredity for mental illnesses. A significant part of adolescents was distinguished by antisocial offenses, such as early alcoholism and occasional use of psychoactive substances. The study identified adolescents raised in ambivalent families with a destructive nature of relationships (70%), raised by one parent (cases of social orphanhood and improper upbringing by the type of "hypoopek"); families in which there were both parents, but one of them was a non-native (more often a stepfather) and with him the teenager developed conflicting relationships. Parenting styles had a significant impact on the formation of Internet-dependent behavior, are one of the socio-psychological factors in the pathogenesis of Internet addiction. The greatest role in the development of computer addiction was played by disharmonious family relationships (70%), conflict situations with parents and relatives (83%), loss of opportunities for social functioning with peers (48%). The study of emotional disorders showed that their presence and severity are associated with the type of gaming activity, the duration of gaming experience and the stage of dependence on role-playing computer games, virtual communication in social networks. In 10% of adolescents, testing on the scale revealed clinically pronounced anxiety and depression, which indicates significant changes in the psycho-emotional status. In the examined group, as a result of testing using the Spielberger-Khanin questionnaire, the presence of anxiety disorders of varying severity was revealed in 98% of adolescents, more than half of the subjects had moderate anxiety manifestations (55%), 35% of the subjects had no clinically significant anxiety and 10% of adolescents had pronounced anxiety. In the study of personal characteristics with the help of the MPDO A.E. test. It was revealed that the personality characteristics of the examined adolescents did not reach the degree of psychopathy (personality disorder), however, in all cases it was possible to note the accentuation of certain character traits. The following types of character accentuations were identified: hysteroid personality type was found in 9 adolescents (10%), psychasthenic personality type was identified in 22 adolescents (25.5%), emotionally labile type was identified in 46% of cases (40 examined), epileptoid type in 12 patients (14%), unstable type was identified in 4.5% of cases personalities. The largest percentage of the revealed character accentuation turned out to be an emotionally labile type. Prolonged presence in the virtual network of adolescents led to the development of anxiety, depressive symptoms, when unstable and suspicious adolescents came under the influence of the curators of cybernetic games of suicidal content and to the formation of autodestructive behavior, the extreme form of manifestation of which are child and adolescent suicides.


thus, the study found that the styles of family leadership and family relationships contribute to the formation of a tendency to develop Internet addiction in adolescents with emotionally labile and psychasthenic character traits who are brought up in dysfunctional and destructive families. Adolescents with dependence on the cybernetic environment of virtual space have a high level of anxiety and the presence of clinically pronounced depression, a tendency to suicidal tendencies and intentions. Family is the most important factor in the formation of Internet-dependent behavior and early detection of dysfunctional family relationships contributes to the prevention of Internet-addictive behavior in children and adolescents. The obtained results of the study can be used in practical healthcare to prevent the development of non-chemical reactions.

Promising areas of research in this area include the following:

  1. the study of the influence of excessive immersion in virtual space on the quality of interpersonal relationships in real communication situations;
  2. identification of the relationship between Internet addiction and the subjective level of loneliness;
  3. identification of statistically significant socio-psychological factors of Internet addiction;
  4. description of protective resources that deter excessive use of social networks and Internet resources.

In the future, our center will conduct its own empirical research devoted to the study of the relationship of Internet addiction with the subjective level of loneliness and the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships among young people, based on the theoretical and methodological principles described in the proposed abstract.

