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Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Headaches and How Can We Treat This Condition Without Using Pain Killers?

Research Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/306

Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Headaches and How Can We Treat This Condition Without Using Pain Killers?

  • Huang Wei Ling

Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, 14400-010, Brazil.

*Corresponding Author: Huang Wei Ling, MD, Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, 14400-010, Brazil.

Citation: Huang W. Ling, (2024), Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Headaches and How Can We Treat This Condition Without Using Pain Killers?, J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, 15(3); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/306

Copyright: © 2024, Huang Wei Ling. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

Received: 28 February 2024 | Accepted: 22 March 2024 | Published: 10 April 2024

Keywords: headache; energy; traditional chinese medicine; diet; acupuncture; homeopathy; hippocrates


Introduction: A chronic headache condition occurs when a person has fifteen or more headaches per month. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with chronic headaches have an energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys) according to the Five Elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and the procedure for this condition involves treating the cause of the chronic headache formation and not just treating the symptoms. Methods: A study was done through the examination of two case reports of patients with frequent daily episodes of headaches who had been seen by neurologists and had been using medication to reduce their pain without any improvement. These two patients were submitted to the measurement of their energy within their five internal massive organs using the radiesthesia procedure. Results: All organs were found to be at their lowest level of energy with a rating of one out of a scale of eight. The treatment of this condition where it was necessary to replenish and rebalance the internal energy consisted of using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture, crystal-based medication and, also highly diluted medication following the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. All of these were important in the treatment of their headache condition without the use of painkillers. Both patients saw an improvement in their headache symptoms without the need for painkillers.The Conclusion of this study hopes to show that patients with headaches have energy deficiencies inside their five internal massive organs as pertaining to the Five Elements theory (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys), and the treatment of this condition of rebalancing the internal energy using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and replenishing the internal energy using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as crystal-based medication can all reduce or even cure headache symptoms without the use of painkiller medication.


Headaches are a common symptom that approximately half of the population experiences according to the study written by Fayyaz (2012) titled Headache disorders: differentiating and managing the common subtypes. [1]

They are associated with disabilities, the lowering of one’s quality of life and increased expenditures. [2]

According to studies within Western medicine, headaches are the most common central system disorder, and they are associated with the main reason why patients consult neurologists or general practitioners. [1-2]

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients with headaches have in their background an energy deficiency inside their five internal massive organs. This is knowledge based on the Five Elements theory (FET) of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and the treatment of this deficiency is of paramount importance to arrive at the cause of the formation of the headaches and not just treating the symptoms using painkillers. Headache symptoms will be shown to be unrelated to the central nervous system, on the other hand a relation will be shown with the internal organs and their energy deficiency far from the cranium. The third purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the use of any highly concentrated medication recommended in the literature for headache treatment could cause even more harm to the internal energy, and could worsen the symptoms instead of treating them. 


Studies have been compiled within Western medicine, and within TCM regarding the formation of headaches in PubMed. Two case reports of patients with chronic headaches were used in the study at hand. They both gave verbal consent to publish their medical history in a foreign country. 

Case report one:

M, 18-year-old female patient, who had a history of constant headaches behind her eyes. When she was around 10 years old, this pain started to bother her a lot. It was a pain that sometimes throbbed, and sometimes was just continuous, hurting a lot. She went to her ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist), and he asked for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam, but everything appeared to be normal, and he could not find the cause. And then it stopped hurting for a while. Later, she started to feel a lot of pain again. She went to an ophthalmologist to see if there was anything wrong with her eyes but nothing out of the ordinary was found. The doctor asked her to try to use glasses due to dioptre albeit very low, and initially, it improved a little but after, the pain returned. In 2021-2022 she started treatment with a neurologist, and improved a little in the beginning using some highly concentrated medication. The doctor prescribed dihydroergotamine, dipyrone, and caffeine when the pain was severe, and another medication that she had to use daily, but she had forgotten the name. The doctor also prescribed an anti-depressant, but she did not take it. So, she decided to search for another type of treatment, and then appeared at the clinic seeking a better treatment for her headaches.

At her first medical appointment, the use of earrings on both eyes was observed, and this could be a factor inducing pain behind both eyes, which will be referred to in the discussion section.

Also, her energy levels were measured. These are the levels of the five internal massive organs pertaining to the five elements of TCM, the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys, (LHSLK) using the radiesthesia procedure.


All five internal massive organs (LHSLK) were at the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of this condition includes rebalancing the internal energy using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture associated with the use of highly diluted medication according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. All of these as well as crystal-based medication were important to treat the cause of the disease formation and not just treating the symptoms using pain killers.

Her diet orientation included the avoidance of dairy products, raw food, Cold water and sweets.

Furthermore, she was orientated to avoid eggs, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, fried foods and melted cheese.

The third group of foods to avoid were coffee, soda and matte tea.

The auricular acupuncture points and the apex ear bloodletting used in her treatment will be shown in the discussion section.

The highly diluted medication used in her treatment to replenish the energy of her organs will be described in the discussion section. 

She was also advised to remove the earrings, and the reason for this will also be described in the discussion section. 

After this treatment, she improved a lot with only occasional headaches nowadays. When she tried to use the earrings, she could feel that the pain in her eyes started immediately (it was like a needle in her eyes) and after feeling this pain, she usually removed the earrings, and the pain behind her eyes was relieved. 

Case report two:

S., 38-year-old female patient, with a history of headaches on the left side of her cranium since her adolescence. They usually occurred above her left eye and across her forehead. According to her, they were not related to the ingestion of any kind of food. She started to use one medication prescribed by a neurologist, but it was not reducing the pain, so she decided to use metamizole that reduced her pain most of the time. She also wanted to have a baby, she was married for 20 years and had never gotten pregnant. She decided to try another form of treatment using TCM. The energy of her internal five massive organs (LHSLK) was measured using the radiesthesia procedure.


All her five internal massive organs were at the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of her condition included Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and the replenishing of the energy of these organs using highly diluted medication according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Also, crystal-based medication was important to treat the cause of the headache’s symptoms, and not just pain killers, which are not recommended at that time due to her energy deficiency condition which will be explained in the discussion section.


This article takes into account the words of Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce) who said that “it is important to consider other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays”. [3]

In this article, the part of the energy that is altered in patients with chronic headaches will be described, and how it is the mechanism of action of all these alterations generating headaches symptoms. This energy part of the human body is found within the studies of TCM which has existed for more than 5 thousand years. [4]

According to Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the most famous physicist in our world, “everything is composed of energy” and this affirmation includes the human body. [5]

The population that we are treating nowadays is not the same as in the past. [6] This observation could be made through the measurement of the energy of all patients at the clinic with respect to the five internal massive organs of the FET of TCM since 2010. [7]

At that time, the patients had energy in their organs and only one or two organs could be found to be compromised, having energy reduction or complete deficiency. [7]

In research analyzing the energy of 1000 patients measuring the levels of their five internal massive organs considering the FET using the radiesthesia procedure, 90% of all patients studied from 2015 to 2020, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, were at the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, shown in Table 1.[7]

Table 1. Research analyzing 1000 patients’ energy of the five internal massive organs using radiesthesia in Brazilian clinic.

Analyzing all the clinic’s patients today, in 2024, it could be said that 100% of them were at the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. [8] 

These alterations could be attributed to the chronic exposition to electromagnetic radiation, after the modernization of telecommunications, leading to a state of immunodeficiency, as shown in the article written by Huang (2021) titled The Influence of Cell Phones and Computers on Our Immune System. [9]

This means that the majority of the clinic’s patients could be considered immunocompromised and not immunocompetent, as shown in the article recently written by Huang (2023) titled New Global Immunodeficiency

where it was shown how most patients globally were not maintaining energy within their internal organs characterizing another type of immunodeficiency different from patients with HIV or patients using corticosteroids or immunosuppressors. [8]

Regarding the flow of energy towards the face and cranium, all energy meridians that are coupled to the five internal massive organs’ confluence to the upper part of the body, and these organs presenting imbalances, could then produce some symptoms in the cranium leading to symptoms of headache in some part of this part of the body. [10]

For example, the affection of the Stomach meridian could produce headaches in the upper part of the eyes or frontal region, shown in Figure 1. [11-12] 


Figure 1. Energy alterations in the Stomach meridian (it is a hollow organ coupled to the Spleen) leading to headaches in that area. [13]


Figure 2. Energy alterations in the Gall bladder meridian leading to headache symptoms. [13]

The headaches in the upper part of the cranium show that the organ that it is affected is the Liver (Figure 3) and headaches in the occipital show that the organ affected is the Bladder. All these explanations were made in the article titled Shoulder and Elbow Tendinitis as Initial Manifestation of Autoimmune Hepatitis. [11-12]

Figure 3. Energy alterations in the Liver meridian leading to headache symptoms at the top of the head.  [13]


Figure 4.  Energy alteration in the Bladder energy (this organ is coupled with the Kidney) leading to headaches in occipital region.  [13]

Figure 5. Energy alterations in the Small intestine meridian ( which is an organ coupled to the Heart meridian) [13]

For this reason, when the patient is opresenting headaches symptoms, the problem could not be in the central nervous system but in another organ far from the cranium not related to the head itself. [11-12]

The Liver has as it is hollow organ the Gall bladder. The Heart has as its hollow organ the Small intestine. The Spleen has as its hollow organ the Stomach. The Lungs has as its hollow organ the Large intestine. The Kidney has as its hollow organ the Bladdrer. All this informations can be seen in Table 2. [11-12]

SeasonSpringSummerLate SummerAutumnWinter
ClimateWindSummer HeatDampnessDrynessCold
Yin organLiverHeartSpleenLungKidney
Yang OrganGall BladderSmall IntestineStomachLarge IntestineBladder
TissuesTendonsVesselsMusclesSkin & HairBones

Table 2. Five elements (yellow) and the internal organ that they represent (blue) and the hollow organ that are coupled (green)

The reason anti-inflammatory medications or pain killers in patients with headaches symptoms is unrecommended is these kinds of medication used nowadays for the relief of pain are usually highly concentrated, as written by Matthew and Robbins (2021) in the article titled Diagnosis and Management of Headache: A Review. [14]

In this article, the author suggests the use of antagonist receptors for the neuropeptide calcitonin gene related peptide such as Ubrogepant or Rimegepant. The use of 5-HT1F agonist, Lasmiditan is also suggested to be used in patients with some cardiovascular risks. There are other kinds of medication such as antidepressant medications, anti-epileptics, that are recommended to be used in the case of migraine. [14]

The reason not to recommend the use of these kinds of medicine is that, according to the Arndt-Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers, they said that the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication can reduce the vital energy of the patient and can lead to death, as shown in Figure 6. [15]

Figure 6. Arndt-Schultz Law

For this reason, the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication nowadays to treat any kind of disease, in this case, chronic headaches can cause complications or even the death of this patient because they can reduce the internal energy of these organs even more and cause stagnation of Blood inside the blood vessels, because the Blood to circulate adequately, needs to have four energies in an adequate amount. They are Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, as you can see in Figure 7. [15-16]

Figure 7. Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood.

The problem related to this energy deficiency situation is that each organ is responsible for the production of one internal energy to keep our health. In Figure 7, the interrelationship among each energy of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood that represents the cornerstone of all treatments in traditional Chinese medicine is shown. [17]

Yin and Yang are two energies that are produced by the Kidney. [18]

Blood is an important energy produced by the Spleen and if the patient has a normal amount of Yin, Yang, and Blood, it will produce a normal amount of Qi naturally. Qi is distributed by the Liver and Lungs. [19]

Having been mentioned in many previous articles by the present author, when there is a factor contributing to a reduction of this internal energy in these organs, the Blood can stagnate and cause thrombosis in any part of the body leading to myocardial infarction when the Blood stagnates in the heart artery. It can lead to strokes when the Blood stagnates in the artery of the central nervous system.  [20-22]

The factor that can induce Blood stagnation is the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication, such as medication to relief pain, antidepressant medication recommended to be used for headaches, etc. [15, 20-22]

The use of metallic implants such as dental or orthopedic devices can reduce even more these energies and can cause complications increasing the risks to have Blood stagnation or reducing even more the immune system increasing the chance to have cancer or metastasis in patients with cancer diagnosis. [23]

The first step in the treatment of patients with chronic headaches is to change the dietary aspects because wrong eating habits can cause energy alterations in each internal massive organ and cause headache symptoms. For example, if the patient often uses dairy products, raw food, Cold water and sweets, all this can induce alterations in the Spleen and pancreas energy levels, responsible for the absorption of nutrients and formation of Blood. [24]

The Stomach is the hollow organ of the Spleen and when imbalanced, can cause headache symptoms across the forehead, shown in Figure 1. [25]

Other kinds of food that could induce headaches are fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, melted cheese and chocolate because these foods can produce energy imbalances in the Liver and Gall bladder leading to clinical manifestations of pain in the upper part of the ear or the lateral part of the face or just in the Liver leading to clinical manifestations of pain at the top of the cranium, shown in Figure 2 and 3. [11, 26]

According to Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), the father of medicine, “make your food your medicine and your medicine your food”. [3]

The second step in the treatment is usually to do auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting as shown in Figure 8 and 9. [11]

Figure 8. Auricular acupuncture points used to treat headaches.

Figure 9. Apex ear bloodletting.

The ear is considered a microsystem and has the representation of all organs and systems. They have more than 700 points corresponding to one organ each point. In the treatment of patients with headaches, it is important to treat the 5 internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys) that are low in energy and the local points to treat the headache itself, as shown in Figure 8. [27]

To replenish the energy of these organs, highly diluted medication is used, created by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), but according to a new theory created by Huang (2020) titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medication as shown in Figure 10. [28-29]

Figure 10. Homeopathy medication used to replenish the energy of the internal five massive organs.

To replenish the energy of the Liver: Phosphorus. [29]

To replenish the energy of the Heart: Sulphur. [29]

To replenish the energy of the Spleen: Calcarea carbônica. [29]

To replenish the energy of the Lungs: Silicea. [29]

To replenish the energy of the Kidney: Natrum muriaticum. [29]

To replenish the energy of these internal five massive organs, crystal-based medication is usually associated, as you can see in Table 3.

Table 3. Homeopathy and crystal-based medication used to replenish the energy of these five internal massive organs

You can see that all the alterations shown in this article are usually not visible to the naked eye, as can be seen in Figure 11 with the metaphor of the tree.

Figure 11. The metaphor of the tree showing the different levels of diagnosis and treatment between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

Two parts of this tree can be seen, the part above the earth and the part below the earth. The part above the earth is what Western medicine uses to obtain its diagnosis and treatment nowadays, corresponding to each “leaf” that is coming out from each “branch”, and each branch can be considered a medical specialty. The part below the earth represents the “roots” of the tree and this part corresponds to where all diseases come from according to traditional Chinese medicine. They correspond to the Yin-Yang theory and the Five Elements theory shown in Figure 11. [29]

The patient studied in case report one had a pain behind both eyes and she was using earrings in the eye point, shown in the area surrounded by a red circle in Figure 12. 

Figure 12. Eye point in the ear, where the patient was using her earrings. [30]

For this reason, she was asked to remove her earrings and the headaches improved a lot (the pain behind her eyes) and thereafter every time she used her earrings, the eye pain returned and vanished when she removed them. This correlation of headaches and the use of earrings was published in the article written by Huang (2023) titled Can Wearing Earrings Cause Headaches? [31]

Depending on the point of the ear that the patient is using her earring, there are many different clinical presentations and locations also leading to headaches or pain in another part of the body. [31]

To finalize this article, it is important to know that homeopathy and acupuncture are considered medical specialties by the Federal Medical Council in Brazil, and they are two very important tools to be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases within the contemporary profile of the population that is evident today and is referred to as immunosuppressed. [32]

To understand what the energy alterations are that lead to chronic headaches, it is important to integrate the knowledge of Western medicine and TCM, the latter having been in existence for more than 5000 years. This integration is shown in the metaphor of Yin and Yang shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Metaphor of Yin and Yang of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The conclusion of this study is the demonstration that patients with chronic headaches have within their bodies, energy deficiencies in their five internal massive organs according to the Five Elements theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The treatment of this condition involves changing diet according to the energy of each food, rebalancing the internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, taking out the Heat retention through the use of apex ear bloodletting, replenishing the organs’ energy using highly diluted medication with the use of the procedure of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and finally crystal-based medication. All of this is of paramount importance to treat the cause of chronic headaches and not just treating the symptoms using pain killers. The use of any kind of pain killer can reduce even more this lack of energy inside the five internal massive organs, and can cause complications such as myocardial infarction, strokes, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, etc. or even the death of the patient, and consequently should be avoided by the medical community. 


Thanks goes out to all the patients that participated in this article, and all the teachers until today. Without them, it would be impossible to write this article, and to understand what is behind the manifestation of headaches within the contemporary profile of the population that is evident today. 

