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How I Dissolve Anxiety and Depression using Text Messages

Opinion | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/240

How I Dissolve Anxiety and Depression using Text Messages

  • Keith Coney 1

1 BSc(Eng), MIEAust CPEng NER

*Corresponding Author: Keith Coney, BSc(Eng), MIEAust CPEng NER

Citation: Keith Coney, (2022). How I Dissolve Anxiety and Depression using Text Messages. J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. 11(4); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/240

Copyright: © 2022 Keith Coney, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

Received: 28 February 2022 | Accepted: 11 March 2022 | Published: 18 March 2022

Keywords: .


“To get something you never had……you have to do something you never did.

I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take RISKS……NOTHING.

Ease…..is a greater threat to progress than hardship.

Thomas Edison conducted 1000 experiments. Because the 1000 and first – was the light bulb.

Every failed experiment is one step closer to success

So do what you feel passionate about. Take chances.

 Denzel Washington said this in a motivational speech last year

“To get something you never had……you have to do something you never did.

I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take RISKS……NOTHING.

Ease…..is a greater threat to progress than hardship.

Thomas Edison conducted 1000 experiments. Because the 1000 and first – was the light bulb.

Every failed experiment is one step closer to success

So do what you feel passionate about. Take chances.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Don’t …. Be …. Afraid ….. to …… fail ….. BIG, …. to dream BIG.

So continue to strive, continue to have goals, … continue to progress

There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that’s less than the one that your capable of living

Not only to take risks but to be open to life. 

To accept new views and to be open to new opinions

While it may be frightening, it will also be rewarding.

Some of the conclusions I draw today could stretch the beliefs that many of you currently hold. Please try to loosen any firm beliefs so that you may objectively enjoy another point of view. Thank you for listening to my lived experience.

People first recorded seeing mental illnesses in the times of the Greeks, 2500 years ago. You have to wonder why we have not found a solution and is the approach we have been using, not as far from a solution as we can get. 

But are we even looking for a solution? And if we found a solution right now are we prepared for it? Would any doctor use a solution?

A solution to mental illness would require groups of people set up to develop innovation in mental health, sucking the marrow out of every option from Spiritual Healers to African Voodoo and everything in between. I almost never see the word innovation used in relation to mental health.

I’ve been an engineer for 25 years and when I find a problem I identify the cause, solve it and learn from it.

According to the internet, the cause of mental illnesses is:

  • Genetics, environment, trauma, negative thoughts, brain chemistry, neurochemistry, difficult to specify, biology, prenatal environment, lifestyle, poverty, exposure, head injury, abuse, inherited traits.

I only looked at 3 websites. And this is what everyone on the planet reads.

Why aren’t we just saying that we don’t know what the cause is?

Mental Illness is publicised as incredibly painful but it won’t kill you. It’s so painful that you might choose to end your life yourself and it’s caused by everything. On top of that it’s got numerous elements and its very complex and expensive to treat and… impossible to cure. And the details we publicise are statistics of the worsening situation but with no hope for a solution. It’s like counting the dead and telling your troops!

Why are we not coordinating global mental health public relations? 

But there is an even bigger issue going on here and it starts with the name we gave it. 

Mental illness is the wrong name. In fact it’s not even an illness

And I’ve even changed my own lived experience because of it. 


My father was a brilliant man. His father, a war veteran, pushed him hard. He won the South African under 16 tennis open and he was the shortest person in the tournament. He became a very sociable, popular Managing Director by working long hours and being charismatic. FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION. 


One year was particularly tough for the business. The Chairman gave my father a very strong ultimatum – “sort out the profits or it’s your job.”

The people around him at the time have always said he just went downhill and wouldn’t accept any help. Not part of his beliefs. At some point the pressure would have been too much and he planned and executed in great detail, his suicide on Father’s Day 1997.

So what caused the suicide? Was it the event of the Chairman’s ultimatum? 

No, what happened after that? An emotion was created by my father INSIDE himself and it was of such an intensity because it broke his beliefs. It was too much for him to cope with or let go.

Essentially, he caused an overwhelming condition that ended in his death. Recently I have realised that in fact health or illness. It’s a choice. 

15 years of counselling turned my suffering full circle and slowly a flame of passion grew inside me. I chose health.

In 2010 my medication was changed overnight. The shock to my system meant that I went from being a well-paid, healthy senior engineer to being unable to fill out the masses of paperwork to claim government benefits - within a week.

More shocks came when I received the money and realised it had been a waste of time even applying. By the time I completed an income protection application I knew that I was going to lose my house. Unexpected generosity from an anonymous person prevented that.

Around this time, my wife and I had our second baby. Somehow, I drove to the hospital. The baby almost landed right next to me in the front seat. My wife made a noise that I’ve never heard before. But in the end we made it just in time for me to catch Charlie in my bare hands

It wasn’t long after that that I walked into the hospital and was Involuntarily Sectioned for 6 weeks before being diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1.

I experienced 4 mental illnesses by the age of 35.

So, first I had a withdrawal shock, followed by ongoing stress from finances, a new baby and finally being sectioned. And that resulted in bipolar, psychosis and anxiety.

So a very strong chemical reaction caused my inability to process future shocks, that normally may not be shocks.

In the end, I lost 8 years from my career by the time I was promoted back to the same position.

Since my episode I have become an internationally insured councillor based on experience alone as well as a life coach, mental health first aider, business owner, Chartered Engineer and Project Manager, Lead Auditor and I work full time as a Quality Manager. I’m also insured to transfer any mental illness or trauma out of any person in the world and into myself, which I complete several times a week.

But, with the start of covid I felt driven to take action in the world of mental health. By the end of 2020, I supported 24 people with mental illnesses, addictions and traumas. When people say that 2020 was challenging, I say that I had the greatest achievements of my life. The process seemed to follow a pattern of me counselling the person and at the end they usually said they felt lighter or some similar word, while I ended up feeling terrible – as if I had taken their illness off them. This has allowed me to work on reinforcing good habits of self care techniques and logical thinking while they have a head free from the illness. 

Last year when I attended the World Mental Health Congress, Jen Low of eWisdom sent me a message saying “You are an empath”.


The following month was a blur of anxiety and research. Nothing on the internet described what I was doing. These days I have learned to be careful with my words. Empaths are usually very sensitive. But in the last 6 months my resilience has gone through the roof so I’ve call myself a high resilience empath. And my intuition has grown to allow me to hear a person’s voice when I read their text messages. I’ve started chasing scams and cons on Facebook and Messenger to convince them to find honest work.

I realised that being an empath is a huge step up in your awareness. So instead of taking note of the details in a room, I’m now feeling, controlling and recharging the energy in my body when I choose. And I’m giving that energy or channelling energy from nature mostly, into other people through a computer or mobile phone, anywhere in the world. It took me a while, but I’m completely confident in the safe use of my energy.

Of course, keeping your energy in good condition requires regular visits to a Reiki Master, who for me has been a guiding light - Vivian Tong of Quantum Healing. Reiki is the Japanese word for the "life force energy" that flows through all living things and is what causes us to be alive. Plants, animals and humans share the same energy. When you think about the energy demand heading towards 8 billion people, and we keep cutting down our energy supply. It’s not a secret that we feel better in nature – we are symbiotic. People are not getting sick. People are CHOOSING to be sick?


In October I found a source of mentally ill people where I could sharpen my abilities and make a real difference. There are 3 Facebook pages with 200,000 people posting non stop about their mental health problems but looking for solutions from other sick people. It didn’t feel right, so I created some posts on self care and anxiety and I went to work

In the first week, working full time away from home, I supported 82 people with every imaginable issue. One man had set a date for his death – 16th Oct. He had written letters and bought some equipment all because he had no hope. I gave him my post about how I can transfer mental illnesses in 90 min. Last I saw he was still sitting on that page thinking about it. Seems like he changed his choice.

One night I counselled 6 people at the same time on my phone. Some people just got a post and a chat and that was enough, but some took more time. I really enjoyed it but by the end of October my resilience was being stretched too far and I stopped. 

That experience - probably several hundred people - confirmed the cause of what we call mental illnesses. And it’s one cause. It’s one cause for almost all of the psychiatric illnesses. I have not worked on schizophrenia but I have worked with people with multiple illnesses and BPD. It’s the same thing that affected my father before his suicide and it’s the same thing that gave me bipolar. But to really cast it in stone, the true test would be to remove the cause and see what happens.

So on the 1st October while I was sitting in an airport, I thought I would check Facebook. A young man asked for support with depression and brain fog.

At first he told me about a broken relationship that was causing pain and later he suddenly remembered that a friend had died. He was unaware of past painful events.

More recently I am instructing the person not to discuss the events at all. Instead, I get them to scale each event out of 10 with a date. Nothing else. That keeps stress and negativity down.

Through the discussion I discharged some of the energy in my body through my hands into the phone, enhancing the effect of the words I’m sending him.

At the end he had changed his understanding of how to treat his emotions by listening to their message. Pain is not bad – it’s telling you that you are doing something wrong. He scored his overall emotional state at 8/10. That’s when I knew my job was done. The brain fog dissipated 2 days later. It wasn’t until I was sitting on the plane that it hit me. I had finally got PROOF that a mental illness could be dissolved very quickly! The entire discussion had been on text.

Little did I know that guiding people to solve their condition was the easy part. Getting anyone to discuss it was going to be something entirely different.


Here is an example of a woman who gave me consent to show her fast recovery from suicidal depression in less than 2 hours.


In the first slide, we have a chat and then I asked her to scale her emotions which she gave 3/10. Very low.


Then she starts to tell me about some of the detail of the traumas she’s been through, including a suicide attempt. I now make it clear up front that we never discuss trauma. It’s not necessary.

I tried to prevent her from describing the trauma but she continued.

It was extensive


Here I gave her instruction on meditation to discipline her thinking.


Next I gave her energy from my hand, through the screen and started a relaxation using blue smoke. This is a very powerful visualisation and removes the negative feelings in her body.


I asked her to gather the fabric of her history and then make a prayer and cut off the past. This would not have any effect if it wasn’t for the energy I gave her.

SLIDE – STEP 8   pause

I gave her some instruction on language use and speaking positively.


Then her mood started to drop which means the visualisation wasn’t enough.


So I asked her to tell me what her “spirit animal” is. This gives her a strong sense that something powerful is happening and that opens up her beliefs to the possibility of health.

SLIDE – STEP 12 pause

But when her eagle looks into her heart it sees “A place one wouldn’t survive in”. Her emotions have made her heart toxic. This is the source of her condition.


The only option here is to “remodel” her heart. So first she “zaps” all the negative thoughts. For her this is a very fun process even though she is dealing with her greatest pain.


Then she starts smiling and redecorates the ceilings and walls. 


She rates her emotions at 8/10. Some of that is due to my application of more energy during the process. So that process clears her emotions up to that moment. Any events after this will affect her again.


Here I followed up 10 days later and she is experiencing anxiety from arranging her wedding. 


I gave her energy and some laughs and it resolved it.


And then on her wedding day ……  well I think you can make the decision here about how she feels.


I have completed this method in more people than I can count and in anxiety and depression. I don’t use it with conditions older than 10 years and for PTSD and bipolar as the emotions are larger. I dissolve those conditions instead using energy transfer. My detailed explanation of that process was published last week in the US Journal of Neurology Research Review & Reports and will also be published soon in the Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery.

At first, I wrote to many organisations around the world but even giving 

away a solution to mental illness is like giving ice to eskimos. Most people do not support a belief that allows for a discussion of mental and emotional health solutions. Quite astounding when you realise that this is the best possible option. The fact people won’t look at it, means they shut out possible options and make another choice towards illness, based on beliefs.


So this is my conclusion of the cause of mental illnesses based on my experiences to date:


And there are two very easy ways to check. Ask any person with any condition, to go back to the start of the discomfort – you might need to give them time and help them with their awareness. Then ask them – what happened right before the illness. There will almost always be a high intensity event so just scale it, don’t discuss it.

Also, ask any person who has recovered from their condition if they believe it’s an emotional or a mental issue.

At some point, I guess these emotions send warning signals to other parts of the body - especially the brain. I know the emotions get bigger over time and depending on where these signals are sent, and depending on the person, the symptoms might look like any diagnosis.

My guess is that that is why we get so many variations between diagnoses. We try to put this condition into boxes so we can treat it but actually what we are doing is treating the symptoms not the cause. We choose to focus on the most complicated possibility. 


Last week I was asked by the Journal of Neurology Research Reviews and Reports to review this article which has some striking connections with my article. On the left is the article of the other author and on the right is my response.

The woman in this article went through such a long list of intensive surgeries but in the end she became unconscious and lethargic. 

The article says that “biochemical ….. metabolic changes in the body cause changes in the environment of brain tissue.” I wrote this article long before I read this article and without being a doctor, at first glance my opinion was that this diagnosis “Metabolic Encephalopathy” is exactly the way I am describing “mental illnesses”. As I understand it, the metabolism works, by producing energy from food. It’s just far too coincidental that the symptoms are so similar to mental illnesses too.

People who generate strong emotions redirect their energy to cause damage all over the body and because the symptoms look different we give it a different diagnosis.


Everything is energy.

This presentation is not about me. This is about what personal development with energy can do for any person that chooses it. Right now I see empaths growing everywhere.

My connection to energy has enhanced my resilience, intuition, physical and mental stamina, it’s reduced my visible age and many other benefits. 

I’ve only been aware I am an empath since June last year, and at the moment my capabilities using energy include the following:

  1. Solving more than 50 traumas or mental illnesses in a month, in any English speaking country and at low cost using a computer.
  2. I can bring people out of a coma if I’m in their presence. That takes about a week,
  3. I can solve mental and emotional issues in many empaths.
  4. I can solve some issues with animals. I cancelled my pet insurance.
  5. People in my presence experience fully elevated emotions within an hour depending on how many people there are and their level of health.
  6. I have turned very grumpy children into very happy children in 20min.
  7. I can reduce pain to zero or close, in many cases.
  8. And I can heal myself by removing anxiety, resentment and sore joints to keep myself going at a very high pace. 

In summary, it astounds me every day how many options we choose to ignore, that could solve mental illness – mostly because we CHOOSE to ignore the cause. I’m testing my third solution now with a woman who has PTSD and is highly qualified in mental health. I’m confident that this solution can be used by any professional or the sick person themselves with no need for medication. 

Also, there are 300,000 empaths on Facebook alone. Even if half of what I’ve have said today is true, empaths working in the right environment in the medical system is the best solution I’ve thought of to date. Right now 

we could end mental illness in a relatively short amount of time.

So either we get uncomfortable with our beliefs or we get sick from our energy.




