Conversion Therapy Reflections on the Topic

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Conversion Therapy Reflections on the Topic

  • Garnik S. Kocharyan *

Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine.

*Corresponding Author: Garnik S. Kocharyan, Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine.

Citation: Garnik S. Kocharyan (2023), Conversion Therapy Reflections on the Topic. Psychology and Mental Health Care, 7(3):

Copyright: © 2023 Garnik S. Kocharyan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 15 March 2023 | Accepted: 29 March 2023 | Published: 17 April 2023

Keywords: ego-dystonic homosexuals; conversion therapy; prohibitions; groundlessness; effectiveness


Currently, there are two approaches to the therapy of ego-dystonic homosexuals. According to the first approach (gay affirmative therapy), they need to be adapted to their sexual desire. According to the second approach (conversion / reparative therapy), it is necessary to help patients change their sexual orientation in accordance with their desire and rejection of homosexuality and a homosexual lifestyle for themselves. Each approach has its supporters. Ego-dystonic homosexuality, which was included in the list of mental disorders in ICD-10, was not included in this list in ICD-11. In some parts of the world, conversion therapy is outlawed because homosexuality is supposedly inborn and its correction looks akin to trying to change racial or national identity. However, in many countries of the world such prohibitions do not exist. The conducted studies indicate the presence of only a slight innate biological predisposition to the formation of homosexuality, while the main role in its development is played by social and psychological factors. Data are given, according to which homosexuality cannot be congenital, but in some cases one can speak of an innate predisposition. However, predisposition is not predestination. Since homosexuality cannot be considered innate, this opens up opportunities for influences that prevent its formation and conversion therapy, which changes the direction of homosexual attraction to heterosexual. It is noted that sexual orientation can change even spontaneously without any efforts of both the person himself and a specially trained specialist. If this is so, then it is quite natural that it can be changed by applying certain psychotherapeutic efforts. The question of the immutability of sexual orientation, in particular, is refuted by the presence of the phenomenon of sexual fluidity. The issue of negative consequences of conversion therapy is considered. It is noted that the possibility of their occurrence is extremely exaggerated. They, in particular, can occur during the forced correction of homosexual attraction, which is currently not carried out in civilized countries. Often, attention is focused on the possibility of complications in the application of electrical discharges, the negative impact of which in this case is greatly exaggerated. When comparing the effects of their use with the effects of electroconvulsive therapy (where uses incomparably stronger electrical discharges), which is not prohibited and is used to treat severe mental disorders, it is concluded that there are double standards based on ideologically driven cognitive distortions. There are a large number of studies proving the effectiveness of conversion therapy. Methods of psychotherapy used to change the direction of sexual desire are named, as well as the experience of the author of the article on the use of conversion therapy. It is concluded that such therapy is effective and has the right to exist. It can be used in ego-dystonic homosexuals who want to get rid of their attraction. Refusal to provide this type of assistance is a violation of human rights. 


Currently, there are two approaches to the therapy of homosexuals who deny their sexual orientation (homosexuals’ ego-dystonics). According to the first approach (gay affirmative therapy), which is based on the guidelines of the latest international (ICD-10 and ICD-11) and American (DSM-IV, DSM-V) classifications, they should be adapted to their orientation, since, according to the guidelines these classifications, it corresponds to the norm. That is, they must accept their orientation and adapt to it. According to the second approach (conversion, reparative, reorienting, differentiating therapy), it is necessary to help patients change their sexual orientation, which corresponds to their desire and rejection of homosexuality and a homosexual lifestyle for themselves. This approach is followed by a number of reputable scientists who believe that homosexuality cannot be attributed to the norm. Their main argument is that homosexual relations exclude the possibility of reproduction of the human race (Kocharyan, 2006, 2014).

Ego-dystonic homosexuality in the ICD

In accordance with ICD-10, patients who do not accept a homosexual orientation are recognized as sick on the basis that they experience distress in connection with the direction of their sexual desire and wish to change it. In particular, in the ICD-10 there is a code F66.1 (ego-dystonic sexual orientation), which refers to cases where “gender identity or sexual preference is not in doubt; however, the individual wants them to be different due to additionally existing psychological or behavioral disorders and seek treatment to change them” (International Classification of Diseases (10th revision), 1994, p. 218). In the context of the fact that homosexual orientation in the classification under consideration is not considered a pathology in itself, the desire to get rid of it, in fact, indicates the presence of some kind of abnormality. Thus, those persons who accept their homosexual orientation, and who are completely satisfied with it, are recognized as healthy, and those who want to get rid of it are recognized as sick. That is, if an ego-dystonic homosexual wants to have a traditional family or be in a traditional sexual partnership and have children, then he does not need help in achieving this desire.

Then the following attempts were made to completely exclude homosexuality from the category of mental disorders. In 2014, WHO appointed an ICD-11 development team that recommended deletion of section F66 “Psychological and behavioral disorders associated with sexual development and orientation”, which included ego-dystonic sexual orientation, which was done. This was guided by the assumption that although homosexual and bisexual people often experience higher levels of distress, this is due to their social rejection and discrimination, and they cannot be considered mentally ill. ICD-11, approved in 2019 and entered into force in January 2022, does not include any diagnostic categories that can be applied to people based on their sexual orientation. 

Prohibitions on Conversion Therapy

It should be noted that a number of countries have introduced bans on conversion therapy, which threaten many negative consequences. Malta was the first country in Europe to officially ban reparative therapy. The law to ban it was unanimously approved by the Maltese legislators. According to this document, for “changing, suppressing and destroying a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity”, a fine of up to 10,000 euros or a prison term of up to one year is provided. The law also notes that no sexual orientation or gender identity can be considered a deviation or illness.

At the beginning of June 2020, it was reported that the Bundesrat (representation of the federal states of Germany) approved a law prohibiting reparative therapy. According to German Health Minister Jens Spahn, who presented the bill in the Bundesrat, the approval of the document will be an important signal for the Germans and will help society to accept people with different sexual self-identification. According to the document, methods aimed at deliberately changing or suppressing the sexual orientation of a patient, both a minor and an adult, become illegal. Punishment threatens both the organization offering the relevant services and parents or guardians who refer their wards to such treatment. Violators face imprisonment of up to 1 year, for advertising and mediation a fine of up to 30 thousand euros is imposed.

This therapy is currently prohibited by law for minors in 20 states and many municipalities in the United States, and efforts are being made to ban its use in adults (Sullins et al., 2021). The District of Columbia is the only US jurisdiction whose ban extends to adults. Also, legislation banning the use of conversion therapy was passed in Canada (December 8, 2021) and France (January 24, 2022).

These prohibitions essentially deprive ego-dystonic homosexuals of the opportunity to receive the help they seek and thus violate their rights. However, the use of conversion therapy is not prohibited in most countries of the world.

Is there congenital homosexuality?

It is argued that conversion therapy is ineffective and, in all cases, harms the body. When imposing a ban on conversion therapy, the argument about its innateness is used. However, as evidenced by the data of special literature, congenital homosexuality does not exist. When discussing the question of the validity of the opinion about its innateness, it is necessary to pay attention to the following well-known facts, which are reflected in our recently published articles (Kocharyan, 2018, 2020).

They report that even the Platonic (romantic) libido does not appear before 4-5 years, and in many cases much later. Thus, in the period that precedes the time of the awakening of the Platonic component of the libido, there is no need to talk about any sexual orientation, including homosexual. If we focus on the time of the awakening of the erotic, and even more so the sexual component of the libido, then the time interval from the moment the child is born to this awakening is even much longer.

So, according to the scale of the vector definition of the sexual constitution of women according to I. L. Botneva, the age interval for the appearance of their erotic libido is from 8 years and earlier to 17 years and later, and the time of awakening of the sexual component of the libido in men, in accordance with the scale of the vector definition of the sexual constitution according to G. S. Vasilchenko, ranges from 9 years and earlier to 17 years and later (Sexopathology: Reference book, 1990). Naturally, the sexual libido in women awakens later than the erotic, and on average later than in men.

Neil Whitehead (Neil Whitehead) reports that the average age when a homosexual realizes that he is attracted to people of the same sex is 10 years old, and two-thirds of all cases occur between 6 and 14 years. 12 published surveys show that the average age at which same-sex attraction first occurs is 9.4 ± 1.1 years for men and 11.1 ± 1.8 years for women (Whitehead, Whitehead, 2018).

Thus, we can only talk about an innate predisposition, which is far from being traced in all cases of homosexuality, but a predisposition is not a predestination. The conducted twin studies indicate that at present we can talk about a mild genetic predisposition to homosexuality, but the main role in its genesis is played by psychological and social factors. In this regard, the studies of J. M. Bailey et al. (2000), a meta-analysis of a large number of works on homosexuality by American psychiatrists and researchers Mayer & McHugh (2016), as well as a study conducted by a group of 20 scientists from around the world (Ganna et al., 2019) should be mentioned.

The authors of the last of these studies, which included almost half a million people, believe that genetics can explain only 8 to 25% of non-heterosexual behavior. The rest, they say, comes from environmental influences, which can range from exposure to hormones in the womb to social influences later in life. The mild influence of congenital factors on the formation of a predisposition to homosexuality is also evidenced by our analysis of twin studies of homosexuals (Kocharyan, 2019).

Is conversion therapy effective?

If, as the above data suggests, homosexuality cannot be declared innate, then this opens up opportunities for influences that prevent its formation and conversion therapy that changes the direction of homosexual attraction to heterosexual. However, there are claims that such therapy not only cannot be effective, but is also extremely harmful. Such statements began to appear after homosexuality was excluded from the list of mental disorders, first in the American (1973-1974) and then in the international (1990) classification of mental disorders. But both before and after that, conversion therapy was and remains effective, as evidenced by both the data of the specialized literature and our clinical experience (Ellis, 1959; Kocharyan, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022; Lysov, 2019; Nicolosi et al., 2000; Sullins et al., 2021; Spitzer, 2003).

With regard to the ineffectiveness of conversion therapy, which, in fact, is based on the idea of the impossibility of changing sexual orientation, the following should be noted. Sexual orientation can change even spontaneously without any effort of both the person himself and a specially trained specialist. This, in particular, is evidenced by the article by Lisa M. Diamond & Clifford J Rosky (2016), which deals with the phenomenon of sexual fluidity. The authors make three claims. They note that, first, arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unscientific. Secondly, in the light of US legal rulings (in which the courts have used grounds other than immutability to protect the rights of sexual minorities), arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are not needed. Third, arguments about fixed sexual orientation are unfair because they imply that same-sex attraction is inferior to attraction to people of the opposite sex. In addition, they favor sexual minorities who perceive their sexuality as fixed over those who perceive it as fluid. The conclusion that the argument about the fixed sexual orientation is unscientific, which was outlined in this article, is especially important, since one of the authors of the article is Lisa Diamond, a lesbian rights activist and professor of developmental psychology and health psychology at Utah State University (USA). Based on the above data, the following question quite naturally arises: “If the direction of sexual desire can change even spontaneously, then why can’t it be changed by making certain psychotherapeutic efforts?” The answer to this question is absolutely obvious. 

In my clinical practice, I came across a case where, in a patient with the most severe obsessive-compulsive syndrome, sexual orientation, according to him, changed very quickly over short periods of time. So, at one of the sessions, he reported that at the beginning of the day he had a predominance of the homosexual component of libido (80%) over the heterosexual one (20%), and in the evening of the same day this ratio was reversed (the heterosexual component was 80%, and the homosexual component was 20%). He doesn't know why this is happening.

After the last session of hypnosuggestive therapy, conducted 4 days ago, the heterosexual component of libido was 100% expressed during the evening and night (did not sleep well, intermittently). The next day, the ratio of homosexual to heterosexual libido was 80% to 20. On the following day, the ratio between homosexual and heterosexual libido changed from 100% heterosexuality to 80% homosexuality with the inclusion of 20% heterosexuality.

Sometimes in the intervals between these states there was bisexuality, and sometimes jumps in the change in the expressiveness of individual components of the libido were sharp. In January-February 2022, there was complete heterosexuality. Then, due to the fact that all thoughts were absorbed by military operations in Ukraine, he did not think about it and did not track his sexual orientation (he first contacted me for medical help on 11/15/2022, since he considered himself bisexual). In the summer of 2022, the homosexual and heterosexual components of libido were expressed by 50



It should be emphasized that conversion therapy is effective and has a right to exist. It can be used in ego-dystonic homosexuals who want to get rid of their attraction. Refusal to provide this type of assistance is a violation of human rights.


