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1 Specialist gynecological practice Marija Divić, Trg Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4/1, Split, Croatia.
2 Student in Faculty of Health Studies University of Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
*Corresponding Author: Drita Puharić, Specialist gynecological practice Marija Divić, Trg Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4/1, Split, Croatia.
Citation: Drita Puharić and Karmen Puharić. (2022) Breastfeeding is a“gift of nature“ Journal of Surgical Case Reports and Images 5(4); DOI: 10.31579/2690-1897/116
Copyright: © 2021, Drita Puharić, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: 18 May 2022 | Accepted: 09 June 2022 | Published: 03 September 2022
Keywords: gift of nature; breastfeeding; education; health professionals; support Running Title: Breastfeeding is gift
Many factors influence a woman’s attitude toward breastfeeding. One of the most important factors is the impact of the difficulties women face. For this reason, it’s very important the education and approach of health professionals who could prevent and help solve various difficulties through proper and timely action. Continuous support is one of the key factors leading to better outcomes in breastfeeding.
From the beginning of human civilization, women have breastfed their children because breastfeeding is a perfect gift from nature. Although breast milk is a perfect biological gift, women unfortunately breastfeed less [1]. This is most often due to a numberof difficulties that women face in the early postpartum period [2]. Discontinuation of breastfeeding most often occurs in women who have no experience with breastfeeding or dont’t have a positive experience of breastfeeding [3]. One of the most common difficulties that women face is painful warts and sores on the nipples that mainly occur as a result of the incorrect position of the child during breastfeeding [4]. Damagednipples are a serious problembecause breastfeeding is very painful in that case and its continuation is endangered.
In addition to the inefficiency of breastfeeding, improperpositioning also leads to dissatisfaction of the child and the mother. The child seeks the breast at any time, which causes problems with the nipples, and it also leads to pain in the neck, shoulders, between the shoulder blades and in the lower part of the body in mothers [5]. Since breastfeeding initially lasts at least about 30 minutes,and sometimes longeran incorrect postural position occurs, which affects mother’s health.
Also, one of the reasons for early cessation of breastfeeding is maternal perception of insufficient milk supply [6]. Maternal perception of insufficient milk supply is the primary reason for global cessation of breastfeeding [7]. One reason is that women misinterpret their child’s behavior and the other is a woman’s lack of confidence in her ability to breastfeed [7]. Although breastfeeding is absolutely natural and ideal for an infant, it still has to be learned, breastfeeding is not innate. It is a skill like any other skill that is learned and developed. It’s necessary to educate women about the beneficial effects of breastmilk.
Healthcare professionals should promote and support breastfeeding. Gynecologists, pediatricians, community nurses and other health professionals who care for the health of women and children play an important role in this [8]. The knowledge and attitudes of health professionals about breastfeeding greatly influence the formation of women's attitudes towards breastfeeding [9].
Although they have positive attitudes towards breastfeeding, health professionals should also have sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to adequately help women. [8].
Although breastfeeding is natural, it requires the education of primarily all health professionals who should have knowledge and skills about breastfeeding in order to help women master this demanding skill.
In order for women to persevere in breastfeeding, it is necessary to provide every woman with adequate support and education in reducing breastfeeding difficulties as well as in continuing breastfeeding.
Previous research has shown that continuous support during pregnancy and after delivery successfully increases exclusive breastfeeding rates [10].
Providing ongoing support helps women gain self-confidence as well as overcome the difficulties they face.
Although breastfeeding is a gift of nature,it does not mean that you should leave it to nature. It is a skill that needs to be learned and developed in order to be successful. Breastfeeding is affected by several factors. From the formation of the mother's attitudes towards breastfeeding to a series of difficulties that can lead to the cessation of breastfeeding.
Healthcare professionals play an importantrole in breastfeeding, and it is necessary to introduce mandatory training of all healthcare professionals on the beneficial effects of breast milk.
The authorsdeclare that they have no conflicts of interest.
DPwrote the manuscript. KP revised the contents of the manuscript, approved its latest version and assumes responsibility for all aspects of the published work.