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*Corresponding Author: Gusyev Valentyn, President, Member of Pedorthic Association of Canada, Canada.
Citation: Gusyev Valentyn, (2024), Bio-Podocorrectors in Body Regulation, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials, 9(2); DOI:10.31579/2693-4779/172
Copyright: © 2024, Gusyev Valentyn. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: 05 December 2023 | Accepted: 20 December 2023 | Published: 08 January 2024
Keywords: biological cells; body's cells; blood composition
Treatment with electromagnetic oscillations of various frequencies, which include homeopathy, the use of various metals, plant grains, and natural stones has been known since ancient times. Modern medicine is also looking for ways to have non-chemical effects on the body.
Treatment with electromagnetic oscillations of various frequencies, which include homeopathy, the use of various metals, plant grains, and natural stones has been known since ancient times. Modern medicine is also looking for ways to have non-chemical effects on the body. In the last 20 years, terms such as wave, information, bioresonance and similar therapies have appeared, which represent the same type of wave impact. The American scientist Ralph, who studied the influence of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies on biological objects, showed that organ cells, fungi and bacteria have a specific spectrum of electromagnetic vibrations corresponding only to them and react in a certain way to various environmental fluctuations. They can have both a restorative - harmonizing and destructive effect on biological cells.
The property of any substance, tissue of biological objects can be characterized by the composition of elementary particles, which, under the influence of their own electromagnetic fields, stick together into certain structures. Our senses of touch can evaluate them by color, smell, and physical parameters, but are not able to distinguish them by electromagnetic characteristics, which is what bats and dolphins do. The structure of the substance changes, all its characteristics and the functionality of the cell change. Few people think about this, although these transformations can sometimes be called a miracle. Take a piece of ice. You cannot insert your finger into it, but water has a different structure, a different energy interaction between particles, you can push them apart with your finger. Someone who did not study physics well at school and doubts that there is a human biofield, although any substance has its own electromagnetic field.
For a long time, they were looking for electrical conductors between cells, they already thought that they did not exist, but today Russian and Korean scientists discovered them. They turned out to be 200 times thinner than nerve fibers. All changes in cell structures are the result or consequence of the influence of various electromagnetic fields, both internal between cellular environments and the external environment. Each cell has a field corresponding only to it. It can be thought of as a passport of a substance or organ. A change in the field indicates structural or chemical changes that there is a functional disorder, i.e. disease.Physicists learned long ago to measure the electromagnetic characteristics of substances in different frequency ranges and under the influence of various environmental factors, but this comes to medicine today and with great difficulty. It has already been discovered that the stomach has its own brain. It controls the villi of the electronic sieve (small intestine), regulates the transfer of elementary particles of substances, almost the entire periodic table, into the blood, with an accuracy of hundredths of a percent. But the fact that skeletal muscles working in the system of lymphatic and venous-muscular pumps are responsible for their delivery to cells is for some reason not taken into account by doctors.There is no understanding that fluids do not move through the capillaries by gravity, that pain indicates a disruption in the flow of fresh blood, a lack of oxygen in the cell. The accumulation of toxins in the intercellular space and chemicals leads to a change in the energy field around the cells. Cell renewal takes place in a different energy environment and it mutates. These changes are not tested by modern generally accepted methods, for example: blood tests. Changes at the cellular level test computer systems well using the Voll method. Today, many different computer programs have been developed for functional diagnostics of body systems and bioresonance therapy. These two methods most fully reflect the functionality and energy of the body's cells and naturally influence their characteristics.
These techniques work at the level of interaction of elementary particles of the body's cells with the electromagnetic field of the environment. The effectiveness of these methods on the body is estimated at 85-97%, while the effectiveness of using chemicals is 18-28%. Such a high efficiency of bio resonance therapy and the unpreparedness of many doctors to use the new technology often leads to negative effects. It should be remembered that resonance in physics was considered as a destructive phenomenon. The use of various bio resonance programs must be dosed and tested in relation to the body. The fact that many doctors do not accept the use of these technologies in their work is a consequence of the fact that none of the program developers have been involved in comparing or correlating data from standard blood tests or other studies with data from computer tests. Maybe this is due to jealousy for the new, for the fact that computer testing gives a more complete picture of the functionality of the body, which traditional medicine will take months to achieve. It is often said that test data cannot be used to draw correct conclusions about the causes of the disease. But this is precisely the information that characterizes the state of the cells at the level of which the therapist does not work.To confirm this, I will give the following example. Comparing data from computer testing of the effects of chemotherapy on the body and data from blood tests, a contradictory situation was observed. Blood tests throughout the six-month period of drug use indicated a normal state of the body. And even when there were various disorders in the functioning of the stomach, swelling and redness of the skin of the face and hands, loss of sensation in the fingers and toes. At the same time, functional diagnostic data indicated a decrease in the functionality of systems and the body’s inability to recover. As a result, the patient lost consciousness. In order to avoid neoplasms, our body constantly maintains those basic parameters of the internal environment (temperature, blood composition, biofield), which ensure the repeatability of the properties of newly renewed cells of organs and tissues.
The emergence of BIO-PODOCORRECTORS was preceded by work on studying the effect of electromagnetic fields of microwave frequencies on polar polymers, with the aim of controlling these fields in radio-electronic systems. Dipoles of polar polymers are a balanced system that can be easily reoriented under the influence of low fields. The human bio field turned out to be sufficient for these dipoles to take a new position upon contact with the reflex zone of the feet. This is how information about a person’s energy state is recorded, which we test during orthopedic correction of the feet and spine. The recording process is the same process as recording information on a plastic disk or magnetic tape. There is only one physics, but not everyone understands it, even though they use videotapes. We have the technical capabilities to normalize the functioning of the body and record this information on the material of BIO-PODOCORRECTORS, water or other media, which will manifest itself in the instant stabilization of the functioning of our Biosystems.By solving the problems of foot correction using the hydrostatic method, which takes into account the anatomical difference in leg lengths that each person has, the problems of normalizing lymph and blood circulation, and cell metabolism in the body are solved. So, after correcting the feet, doctors began to note the correction of scoliosis, normalization of blood sugar, and the disappearance of other symptoms. This is due to the work of cell mitochondria, which begin to actively grow and process blood glucose, which occurs after the deformations are eliminated, i.e., restoration of muscle contractile function. Today it has become clear that functional correction of the musculoskeletal frame is the therapy of a self-regulating organism. Some people advise increasing your physical activity and starting running. But large amounts of physical activity, as well as the lack of it, are harmful to humans. Walking is always more effective than running in terms of energy expenditure and replenishing the blood with oxygen. The entire effect of stress, as well as an unnatural gait, the use of incorrectly made and selected shoes, leads to a decrease in the efficiency of muscle work and an increase in the number of mitochondria in cells. The physical state of the body depends on their development; they are responsible for the aging process. As you can see, the condition of the spine and the functionality of all systems of the self-regulating body depend on the quality of foot correction.