Research Article | DOI:
*Corresponding Author: Fé Fernández Hernández, Auxiliary Professor. Faculty of Medical Science, at University of Medical Science of Havana.
Citation: Efraín S González, Fé F Hernández. (2021) Behavior from the Mortality in Cuba 1990 - 2018. Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research. 2(5); DOI:10.31579/2768-0487/025
Copyright: ©2021 Fé Fernández Hernández. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Received: 07 May 2021 | Accepted: 17 May 2021 | Published: 20 May 2021
Keywords: mortality; cause; behavior
Introduction. Mortality behavior is close related to the human develop. Countries with higher life expectancy have more opportunity to develop their producer forces and become this develop in economic grow and social development. These reasons appoint to a closer researching about the behavior from main death causes in Cuba.
Objective. To describe the behavior from the mortality in Cuba from 1990 to 2018. Methods. Was made a descriptive research about the behavior from the mortality in Cuba from 1990 to 2018. As teoricals methods were used the inductive – deductive, the comparative and the historic – logic. As empiric methods were used the bibliographic research and the Ordinary Less Square. All graphs and equation were obtained using MS Excel 2007.
Results. The middle incidence rate is close to 91 deaths annually by death cause. From the 10 main death causes in Cuba, Hearth illness, Cancer, Brain vascular illness and Flu and pneumonia are the most significant in the researched period. All these four death causes show a higher incidence rate than the middle from the ten, being the mortality by cancer the most relevant.
Conclusions. From the ten main death causes in Cuba from 1990 to 2018, Hearth illness, Cancer, Brain vascular illness and Flu and pneumonia are the more significant because all them are growing during all time researched.
Mortality is a main variable explaining the demographic behavior [1].Developed countries are characterized by low born rate and long life expectancy [2].Also, the main death causes in these countries are given by no communicative illnesses; agree to the self-epidemiologic transition step [3].
Some developing countries as Cuba show a small population growing rate. This situation is explained by lower born rate and a negative migration relation [4].However, countries in the same epidemiologic transition step that Cuba show higher life expectancy where the role from the no communicative illnesses is more significant every time [5].
Mortality behavior is close related to the human develop. Countries with higher life expectancy have more opportunity to develop their producer forces and become this develop in economic grow and social development [6].
These reasons appoint to a closer researching about the behavior from main death causes in Cuba. That’s why the main objective from this research is to describe the behavior from the mortality in Cuba from 1990 to 2018.
Was made a descriptive research about the behavior from the mortality in Cuba from 1990 to 2018. As teoricals methods were used the inductive – deductive, the comparative and the historic – logic. As empiric methods were used the bibliographic research and the Ordinary Less Square. All graphs and equation were obtained using MS Excel 2007.
The ten main death causes in Cuba in the period from 1990 to 2018 had been the following:
The incidence rate growing from the whole group in this period had been superior to 900 deaths annually, as show the following graph.
Graph made using information from the Cuban Statistic Yearbook
From these death cause the first four had been the most representative in the dynamic from the Cuban mortality, as show the following graph.
Graph made using information from the Cuban Statistic Yearbook
This graph shows significant information from the Cuban mortality behavior. In first place, in absolute terms the ranking from these death causes is given by hearth illness, cancer, brain vascular illness and flu and pneumonia in that order. However, considering the annual incidence rate growing the raking is given by cancer, hearth illness, flu and pneumonia and brain vascular illness in that sequence.
Particularly the growing in incidence rate from the mortality by cancer is superior to the other three as whole and is the half from the growing in incidence rate from the 10 main death causes in Cuba. This information suggests that Cuban health authorities need pay special attention to mortality by cancer [8].
Structurally the analysis is interesting too. In the whole period deaths by brain vascular illness represented the 12.1% annually from the whole mortality by the ten main death cause while death by flu and pneumonia only the 6.3% over the same base. These two death causes represent the 18.4% from all death causes and death by flu and pneumonia is the half from all death by brain vascular illness. However, the relevancy from health illness as death cause decreased at 0.2% annually while death by cancer increased at 0.3% annually, as shows the following graph.
Graph made using information from the Cuban Statistic Yearbook
The middle incidence rate is close to 91 deaths annually by death cause. From the 10 main death causes in Cuba, Hearth illness, Cancer, Brain vascular illness and Flu and pneumonia are the most significant in the researched period. All these four death causes show a higher incidence rate than the middle from the ten, being the mortality by cancer the most relevant.
Structurally, mortality by brain vascular illness and flu and pneumonia are always around the 12.1% and 6.3% respectively. However, while mortality by hearth illness is decreasing, mortality by cancer always increases. The analysis from the whole behavior suggests that structurally there is an exclusivity relation between mortality by cancer and by hearth illness, although both death causes be growing. This conclusion suggest that the most important death cause in Cuba in the period researched is cancer [9].
Considering the life years´ potentially lose the analysis is more precise. Agree to the Cuban Health Statistic Yearbook, patients affected with hearth illness show a higher overlife than patients affected with cancer. Cancer is a more aggressive morbidity and mortality cause than the hearth illness. Life expectancy living with cancer is less than living with a hearth illness. Then, cancer as morbidity and mortality cause need more effective consideration by the Cuban health authorities [10].
From the ten main death causes in Cuba from 1990 to 2018, Hearth illness, Cancer, Brain vascular illness and Flu and pneumonia are the more significant because all them are growing during all time researched. From these four death causes, Brain vascular illness and Flu and pneumonia save a structural behavior around the 12.1% and 6.3% respectively. However, Hearth illness is structurally decreasing and cancer is structurally growing.