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Review Article | DOI:
Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Huang, W. L Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
Citation: Huang, W. L Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. (2022) Are Patients Without Surgical Risks Really Without Surgical Risk? J, Surgical Case Reports and Images 5(3); DOI:10.31579/2690-1897/109
Copyright: © 2021, Huang, W. L, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: 16 April 2022 | Accepted: 22 April 2022 | Published: 18 June 2022
Keywords: surgical risks; energy; five elements; traditional chinese medicine; homeopathy; hippocrates
What motivated me to write this editorial was that, in my clinical practice for the last 30 years of medical experiences, I had the opportunity to study both kinds of medicine that exists in our world. The first by Western medicine, where I graduated in medical school in 1992 and specialized in infectious disease in Londrina State University in Brazil in 1995.
What motivated me to write this editorial was that, in my clinical practice for the last 30 years of medical experiences, I had the opportunity to study both kinds of medicine that exists in our world. The first by Western medicine, where I graduated in medical school in 1992 and specialized in infectious disease in Londrina State University in Brazil in 1995. Since then, I have been studying other ancient medical traditions, by the influence of my mother that told me to study Chinese medicine that would treat disease in the future where Western medicine would not treat [1].
During all these times, I began to study the energy alterations found in all my patients measuring the energy of the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney) according to traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning since 2010 [2].
In research that I did in Brazil, analyzing a 1000 patients chakras’ energy centers “root level” through the study of the chakra, we can know how is the energy of the internal five massive organs, according to some studies in the literature such as the one written by Chase (2018) entitled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use responsible for the formation of internal energy, to keep our health in harmony and the disequilibrium between them, will generate formation of disease in the “leaf level“, as I am showing in diverse articles published by myself (2022), such as in the article entitled What Do We Need To Know To Prevent And Control Nosocomial Infections Completely?part-2.
In the article wrote by myself (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, I am saying that the majority of patients that I am attending nowadays, have internal five massive organs in the lowest level of energy and for this reason, the pattern of energy of our population is changing, very different from what I found in 2010, when I began to measure the energy of them, where I could find some energy inside these organs in the majority of the my patients [2].
These alterations found in my patients in Brazil could be happening in quite all the population in this world because this lack of energy is caused by the influences of the electromagnetic radiation in our lives due to the modernization of telecommunication mainly after the 5G technology implementation [2].
This lack of energy is not affecting only patients with some co-morbidities but affecting all kinds of age groups including babies, children, adolescents, young adults and older people, independent on the diagnosis. The simplest complain of the patient could be revealing that, behind that symptoms, the energy alteration inside the internal massive organs could be very important, as I am demonstrating in diverse articles published by myself (2020) such as in the article Energies Imbalances and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in the Treatment of Acne, showing that the simplest sign of acne in the patient could be revealing that the cause of acne formation could be not only in the skin but could have energy alteration in the root level of the tree (as a metaphor that I usually used in all my presentations in conferences and in all my articles) showing the different levels of treatment that Western medicine is doing and what we need to treat (in the root of the tree, according to traditional Chinese medicine) [5].
In the case of patients undergoing to do some surgical procedure, it was implanted the surgical risks to evaluate if the risk of the surgery could be higher than the risk of death from disease. Surgical risk means risk of morbidity and mortality in the peri-operative period. These risks are relative to both patient and physician. For example, the risk of 5% of mortality could be very high if this patient is submitted to an aesthetic surgery but 50% of mortality could be acceptable in a patient with aortic aneurism ruptured [6].
In the article written by Maxim E. Shaydakov; Faiz Tuma (2022) entitled Operative Risk, they are saying that if we do not identify the high risk operative patients, the increase in the mortality could increase and also, inappropriate care in the post-surgery [7].
Since the implantation of operative risks, there were several forms of evaluation, according to the age of the patients and type of diagnosis in Western medicine [8].
But if we evaluate what happened in the history of medicine, 100 years before this date after the implementation of Flexner report in 1910, they only consider “scientific” what they can see by the naked eyes, proofed by radiological or laboratory exams. In this way, the human being was cut in the half because all the things in this universe is composed by energy, including the human body, as showed in the book Tao of Physics, written by Capra (1975) and also said by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), a renewed physics that said that “all the things are composed by energy” [8, 9].
So, in this case, all diagnosis in Western medicine is delayed, and they are doing diagnosis of disease only after having alterations in the laboratorial exams, and the difference between alteration in the energy and alteration in the laboratory exams could have about 5 or ten years or more of energy imbalances, as I am showing in the article The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer [10].
So, in the case of patients that are undergoing to have any surgical procedure nowadays, the evaluation of laboratory exam could not reveal the real situation of the patient because all the alteration presented by our patients are in the energy level, invisible by the naked eyes and in the beginning, if we are not aware of this situation, the laboratory exams of the patient could be “normal” and this patient submitted to surgery [4].
What could be happening in this patient in this situation is that, as the energy of quite all of them are very low, all kinds of medications that we are using during the surgery could produce a harmful effect in the vital energy of this patient (that is already very low prior to the surgery) and the use of any type of highly concentrated medication in this new type of population could induce many complications after this surgery, such as dyspnea, fatigue, myocardial infraction even without arterial obstruction or even death, as demonstrated by Arndt Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they said that the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication can reduce the vital energy of the patient and in this case, can induce any kind of complication such as thrombosis in any part of the body leading to stroke, myocardial infraction, abdominal thrombosis, as I am showing in the articles written by myself (2021) entitled What Is Behind All the Pulmonary Thromboembolism That We Need to Know?, in the second article also written by myself (2022) entitled Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID-19 Treatment; in the third article wrote by myself (2021) entitled Is the Medication used in Intubation of Patients with Covid-19 Affecting the Outcome of the Patient’s Treatment? [11-13].
This problem of lack of knowledge of the modern physicians about how evaluate the energy aspects of the human being was caused after the implementation of Flexner report in 1910, when made an alteration in the medical curriculum in all medical schools in America and in Canada [8].
In this period, physicians and medical schools that works with more holistic view was not authorized to continue teaching the doctors and the different thoughts from acupuncture and homeopathy were not approved to work at that time and only 20 % of them continue to work [8].
This lack of energy inside the five internal massive organs can affect any part of the human being because they command the functioning of all organs and systems and also, the production of internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, essential for our health and the deficiency or imbalances between them is responsible for the formation of diverse disease in all specialties as I am demonstrating in many articles such as in the article I wrote (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Element Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, where I am using of traditional Chinese medicine to explain the mechanism of action of homeopathy medication and how we can treat the patients pathology using a Western medication created by Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) [14].
In traditional Chinese medicine, they explain all formation of disease based on imbalances between Yin and Yang energy and these energies are produced in the Kidney (or second chakra) and it was proofed by a research that I did in Brazil, that 97% of all my patients do not have any energy inside the Kidney massive organ, and this energy is also responsible for the production of Zheng-Qi, that is the energy for protection against the invasion of the external pathogenic factor (Cold, Wind, Heat, Humidity, Dryness) that are also external forces that can begin the cascade of events to promote the evolution to disease formation, in the energy level [15].
This lack of energy that is affecting quite the entire population in this world is leading to a state of immune suppression because in traditional Chinese medicine, energy means our immune system and when our energy is low, this mean that our immune system is also low, leading to more propensity to have any chronic disease, such as I am showing in the article (2021) entitled Energy Deficiency Causing Immunodeficiency and Formation of Warts in Fingers, where I am reporting a case of adolescent of 16 years-old with chronic warts in all the fingers in both hands and only improved his condition, curing his warts formation after treating the energy imbalances of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and also, when he was submitted to treatment of his internal massive organs lack of energy (proved by radiesthesia procedure) using homeopathy medications according to the theory wrote by myself (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications [14, 16].
In the same year, I wrote another article (2021) entitled Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID-19?,where I said in this article that the majority of the patients that we are attending and admitting in the hospital are considered immune suppressed and not immune competent, independently on the type of diagnosis because all of them, including babies, children, adolescents young adults and older patients are in the same energy deficiency level, and not necessitating to use corticosteroids or immunosuppressed medications to be classified as immunosuppressed patients, due to this immunodeficiency state, caused by the influences of the electromagnetic radiation in our human body [17].
The evolution from health ton disease is divided in five phases and in the first three phases, there are energy alterations and the patients have symptoms but the laboratory exams are normal. Only in the phase four and five that Western medicine is doing the diagnosis (where there are some alterations in the laboratory exams) and it is only in this late phase that the physician that is evaluating the patient to see if he has high risk to surgery, because if the patient has normal laboratory exams, usually is considered low risk for surgery[12, 17, 18].
But in this case, where I am showing that the majority of the patients that has being admitted in the hospital is considered immunosuppressed, even the laboratory exams are normal and even they do not have serious diagnosis such as headache, knee pain, low back pain or only anxiety, depression, panic syndrome, etc. all of them have in common, this energy deficiency state, in the energy level, and if this patient is submitted to any kind of highly concentrated medication, such as anesthetic medication to surgery, this vital energy will reduce even more and can cause stagnation of Blood inside the blood vessels, and can cause thrombosis in any part of the body, as I am showing in the article I wrote (2022) entitled Myocardial Infarction Without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID-19 Treatment. In this article, I am showing thatone patient with SARS-CoV-2 infection need to be admitted in the hospital worsened his clinical condition after receiving medications in highly concentration to treat this infection and evolve to myocardial infarction three days after discharge from the hospital (his internal energy measurement showed that all internal organs were in the lowest level of energy, meaning that all measurements to reduce this energy, could lead to stagnation of Blood inside the blood vessels, in this case, it evolved to stagnation of Blood in the coronary artery, leading to myocardial infarction without arterial obstruction [12].
In another article I wrote (2022) entitled Energy Alterations in Patients with Pulmonary Artery Thrombosis After COVID-19 Treatment, I am demonstrating another patient that evolved to pulmonary thrombosis after treatment of COVID-19 using highly concentrated medications. Also, the patient had energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs (responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood) and the treatment of this energy deficiency condition can lead to improvement of this internal energy, preventing the formation of any complication, that it is beginning in the alterations in the energy level [18].
In the microbiology conference that was held in March 2019 in Prague, I showed in a presentation entitled What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections Completely?- Part 2 and published in 2022 with the same title, I showed in this presentation the necessity of treating the energy alterations of all this patients that need to be admitted in the hospital, due to some unknown reason, because if you treat this condition, the patient will reduce drastically the complications and even death because it will fortify the immune system and cause less morbidity and less mortality, as I am showing in the article What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients? [4, 20].
In the article Are Patients Without Surgical Risks Really Without Surgical Risk I am showing the example of the hospital in Tuscan, Italy where they usually use highly diluted medications to treat their patients instead of highly concentrated medications. This measure is of major importance nowadays, because the use of highly diluted medications will increase the vital energy of all these patients and can cause increase their immune system, different when we use highly concentrated medications, it will reduce this vital energy and lead to the formation of more internal Heat or Fire, causing formation of any complications, such as infections, irritability, hyperglycemia, hypertension, panic syndrome, insomnia, etc, as I am showing through the Arndt Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they are saying that the use of any kind of highly concentrated medication can reduce the vital energy and the use of highly diluted medication can increase this vital energy and for this reason, the use of highly diluted medication is the medication of choice in the treatment of the majority of disease, as I am showing in the article wrote by myself entitled Why is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice in the Treatment of All Kinds of Diseases Nowadays? [4, 21].
This reduction in the vital energy can lead to a diverse complications after the admittance of the patient in the hospital and could be infectious and non-infectious complications generating symptoms of hospital infection, such as one case that it is in process of publication entitled Immunodeficiency Generated by Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Non-Improvement of Nosocomial Osteomyelitis in The Knee Post Motorcycle Accident in which the case reported in this article, the patient was using antibiotics for more than 2 years with no improvement of the nosocomial infection condition. The measurement of her chakras’ energy centers revealed that all her internal massive organs were in the lowest level of energy (rated one out of eight) and the treatment (firstly taking out all types of highly concentrated medications) was extremely important for the patients recovery because the continuous use of highly concentrated medications was inducing Heat in the Gallbladder meridian in traditional Chinese medicine and in that case, as the cause of the formation of osteomyelitis symptoms. I wrote another article (2018) entitled Can Hospital Osteomyelitis Be Treated Without the Use of Antibiotics? where I am showing two cases reports that developed nosocomial knee infection after knee surgery and the inflammatory and infection was caused by the use of highly concentrated medications (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications). The use of ancient medical tools such as the Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting was important to treat the cause of the infection manifestation and not just treating the symptoms presented by the patient [22].
Another possible cause of complication in patients with low energy inside the internal five massive organs when admitted in the hospital is to have hypertension (because in TCM, hypertension can be caused by the low energy inside the five internal massive organs, that can worsen with the use of any kind of medication in highly concentrated medication such as anti-hypertensive medications and others that the patients usually use at home and continues to intaking in the hospital. This affirmation was written by myself (2019) in an article entitled, Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension [23].
Another possible complication in this kind of patient is to develop hyperglycemia due to energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs. If we look at the reasoning of formation of diabetes according to traditional Chinese medicine, they understand that hyperglycemia is caused by Yin deficiency and formation of internal Heat and all the measures to balance again these energies will reduce the hyperglycemia symptoms and one of them is reducing the intake of highly concentrated medications that will reduce the vital energy, reducing Yin energy and causing more formation of internal Fire and causing hyperglycemia [24].
As I wrote in the beginning of this article, all procedures that can reduce the vital energy when the patient is admitted in the hospital, such as when they are submitted to prosthesis of metallic implants inside the body, the presence of this kind of material inside the human body can induce this reduction in the vital energy and if used together with highly concentrated medications, will cause major reduction in this energy that was already very low, causing more formation of internal Fire and leading to any complication such as infections symptoms (as I am showing in the article in process of publication entitled Immunodeficiency Generated by Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Non-Improvement of Nosocomial Osteomyelitis in The Knee Post Motorcycle Accident, where the patient reported in that article had nosocomial knee infection post motorcycle accident in 2020 and intake antibiotics for 2 years continuously with no improvement of her condition. She only improved very much her infection condition when I took out all her highly concentrated medications -antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications- and only did treatment using Chinese medicines’ tools such as Chinese dietary counseling (orientating her to avoid all foods that could induce Spleen and Pancreas energy imbalances such as the ingestion of dairy products and other foods. The dietary orientations are very important in every treatment, as said by Hippocrates “make your food your medicine and your medicine your food”, in one of his quotes. This orientations were important to reduce the production of secretion in every part of the body that due to this symptoms, it is always misdiagnosed as “ infection” but the real cause of the appearance of secretion in the surgical wound for example, is the Spleen and pancreas energy deficiency, caused by emotional factors (excessive worry) and wrong eating habits, that is the two causes of energy imbalances in the energy located in the “root of the tree”, as I showed in many articles, such as in the article written by myself (2018) entitled Why Do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control Programs? [25].
To finalize this article, I would like to say that the actual measurements to evaluate if the patient has or not risk to do a surgery nowadays, as the majority of them are “energy deficient” in the five internal massive organs, due to the process of modernization of telecommunication, and the influences of electromagnetic waves in our life, the majority of patients are considered high risks to be submitted to surgery, because the use of medication to induce sedation or anesthesia are all considered highly concentrated medication that could reduce this vital energy (that is not studied in by the physicians nowadays) and for this reason, the evaluation of the risks of the patient when there is necessity of submitted to a surgery, needs to be reevaluate because our population is not the same as in the past, as I am saying in the article I wrote (2021) entitled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? [26].