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Again, an Appeal to Mothers, Please, don't abort your down Syndrome Fetuses, the old Theories of Scientists were wrong.

Short communication | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8868/047

Again, an Appeal to Mothers, Please, don't abort your down Syndrome Fetuses, the old Theories of Scientists were wrong.

  • Othman Alfleesy 1*

1 Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden, South Yemen.

*Corresponding Author: Othman Alfleesy. Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden, South Yemen.

Citation: Othman Alfleesy. Again , an Appeal to Mothers , Please , don't abort your down Syndrome Fetuses , the old Theories of Scientists were Wrong. J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery. 4(1)DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/047

Copyright: © 2019 Othman Alfleesy, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 12 April 2019 | Accepted: 22 April 2019 | Published: 30 April 2019

Keywords: sleep sisorders,Parkinson’s Disease,Multiple Sclerosis


One of my  published articles [1,2,3] titled : ( Why Mothers are not Responsible for Down Syndrome Children?1 - on which the current manuscript is based -  have   Nominated me for an award :(the world research  peace award –RULA-2019). Also , a number of  Journals asked me to re-summarize  the article: (  Why Do They (abort) Down Syndrome Fetus Inside the Womb)2 , for publication , that is what I do now for publishing ,in this respected Journal


One of my  published articles [1,2,3] titled : ( Why Mothers are not Responsible for Down Syndrome Children?1 - on which the current manuscript is based -  have   Nominated me for an award :(the world research  peace award –RULA-2019). Also , a number of  Journals asked me to re-summarize  the article: (  Why Do They (abort) Down Syndrome Fetus Inside the Womb)2 , for publication , that is what I do now for publishing ,in this respected Journal. In fact, in my opinion,abortin of Down Syndrome fetus,  is the most important contemporary dilemma , because it is linked to daily concern of mothers , and the ongoing daily crimes  of  aborting  Down Syndrome fetuses, and the violation of the human rights. I was expected that all mothers   will  interact with the results of my published  research titled : (Nondisjunction (extra chromosome 21(T21) and Down Syndrome(DS))  is not a maternal cause. It is a  parental issue. An appeal to all mothers throughout the world3, including its appeal ,and(mothers) , accordingly ,will constitute a campaign all over the world to  resist abortion and refuse    these  wrong and injustice theories  which  wronged them for  more than a century. Really,  I was  surprised that mothers themselves     and  their organizations   have  not  responded, unfortunately .Certainly ,  this unwise  attitude  of  mothers and others , would  not last , It needs time only , and eventually the consciousness of mothers and others , will raise and change ,and their faith with God will enable them to accept this gift (blessed kid)   and lastly will never  agree for aborting their fetuses.

Points in The Story , and the Origin of the Problem:

Down syndrome is a congenital chromosomal anomaly, which had been described by a British physician named Jon Langdon Down, in 1862 and published and documented in 1866. The condition occurs when there is one extra copy of chromosome 21 in cells.

Doctor Jerome Lejeune, a French scientist made the discovery that down syndrome was the result of chromosomal number, (trisomy 21), in 1959. Unfortunately after the advancement of science, the doctors were able to diagnose Down syndrome (in the womb) during pregnancy, and they have been decided to abort and kill the fetus.

The scientists Jerome had been shocked after this terrible and immoral act, he reacted humanely with this immoral status,  which is committed without justification or  reasonable causes. Despite this , doctors still  continue to commit this crimes, and abort women having Down syndrome fetuses up to date.

Doctor Jerome had continued struggling, fighting against abortion of Down syndrome fetuses with a doctrine and determination-  but with no global  or  associations'  support at that time- till his death in 1994.

the false accusation against mothers as a leading cause of T21,and down syndrome is continuing till now without any scientific  evidence indicating mother's  responsibility4.

A vital role must be played by all women – not only mothers- throughout the globe  in defending the rights of those blessed Kids (Down Syndrome children), in order to prevent this heinous crime. It is well known to all people in all religions that: The God prohibits this crime ( killing other after breathing of spirit).The following questions should be directed to  the conscientious:

            * What is the aim and benefit to abort a Down syndrome fetus, and what are the   harms of these blessed kids?.          

**These  people   having Down syndrome never ever had committed a crime, or planned to commit a crime . Down syndrome people  have not committed suicide , since the discovery of this syndrome. Annually about  (800,000) persons , committed suicide throughout the world , please  tell me how many people having Down Syndrome were including in this number.

            *** Why do you interfere in the lives of others  as long as they are happy  with their  lives?.

****Why do you interest and looking carefully to terminate the pregnancies of  mothers having Down Syndrome fetuses in their wombs , and to end the life of living creature.

            *****Why are  mothers accepting this immoral act, violence on their bodies, and agree  to contribute this awful  crime to occur inside their wombs? .

            ****** And finally , why do the  doctors commit  this heinous and disgraceful crimes  in their noble profession?.

Again, an Appeal to Mothers:

It is a great honor for me to announce with confidence to all mothers across the globe , that they are not responsible for Trisomy 21 and down syndrome. The  old claim by  scientists about the mother's  responsibility for non-disjuntionction process (T21 and  down syndrome) , was not  a true claim at all , and was not a scientific interpretation. It is not your fault  . The responsibility and the cause are  a parental issue  (50% paternal  + 50% maternal) because of the symmetry (identical) of  chromosomes 21  of both father and mother , which rarely occurs3.

There is nothing abnormal in your egg , and the claim that  your egg (decay and rusty) is a funny explanation , and a major  mistake in the history of science. Because your ovary is not a grocery  and your egg is not a sardine box ,or an iron rod. And the scientists must  remember that  the creation is responsibility  of the couples (male and female equally) under the will and the hand of our GOD. Because there is no scientific evidence .Scientists were injustice at all either logically or scientifically to determine mothers as a direct cause for nondisjunction and T21(DS).the scientists must re-evaluate , and revise again their wrong  hypotheses and speculations in this concern .Down syndrome children are blessed kids , they are the gifts of the GOD to parents. And you have to to accept this gift to be a happiest mother and family.

Remember that the blessed kids are living with the God that is why they are happy , attractive and humorous.

