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Can Immunity be Digitally Guided to Defeat COVID-19 and Future Pandemics?

Research Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31579/2637-8876/032

Can Immunity be Digitally Guided to Defeat COVID-19 and Future Pandemics?

  • Savely Yurkovsky *

* Institution: Department of Cardiology, Assistant Professor (Retired), Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY, USA. Private practice.

*Corresponding Author: Savely Yurkovsky, Institution: Department of Cardiology, Assistant Professor (Retired), Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY, USA. Private practice. Contact Email Id: info@yurkovsky.com

Citation: Savely Yurkovsky (2022) Can Immunity be Digitally Guided to Defeat COVID-19 and Future Pandemics?. J. Immunology and Inflammation Diseases Therapy. 5(2); Doi:10.31579/2637-8876/032

Copyright: © 2022 Savely Yurkovsky. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of The Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: 18 February 2022 | Accepted: 01 March 2022 | Published: 07 March 2022

Keywords: energetic COVID-19 vaccine; digital medicine; immunology; integrative medicine; homeopathy; biodefense; bioterrorism


The presented method is based on microbiology and the physics of organisms and water models successful paradigms that integrate disparate compartments of synergistic knowledge for solving problems. It supports a notion in water science that physics of water may create tomorrow’s “wonder drugs [1].” The presented patient-centered pilot studies suggest that water programmed with rudimentary electromagnetic fields of allegedly SARS-CoV-2 and variants have produced vaccine-like prophylactic and therapeutic effects. The FDA recognized the homeopathic method of a substance’s serial dilutions and mechanical agitations such as infected bodily fluids or a microbial culture. However, this water programming can also be produced through a field imprinting device. Consequently, the water media carries and delivers to the recipient’s immune system complete information of the programmed microbe in the way of its molecular field-signal. Research in physics and immunology has confirmed that the human body is ontologically conditioned to respond to energetic signals since its physiology fundamentally represents a bioenergetic system. This creates a significant opportunity for the speedy preparation of highly specific, effective, and safe energetic vaccines. While a private practice setting restricts rigorous testing conditions, the reported clinical cases, scientific research, plausible mechanisms, and the absence of scientific conflicts dictate further probing of this method. The fact that just before this pandemic virologists recommended energetic influenza vaccines as the “ideal choice,” in the NIH-sponsored study for pandemics with unavailable pharmaceutical vaccines, reinforces this simple, novel approach. Since most of the presented scientific evidence in this article is not based on the main multi-symptom or totality approach of homeopathy, but contemporary microbiology, infectious diseases, and immunology, physicians and researchers can readily test this paradigm in their practices. The factors for its surprising obscurity are also presented. 


CD – compact disc, COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, EFVS – energetic flu viral strains, EVS – energetic viral strain, FDA – Food & Drug Administration, HHS – Health and Human Services, MDCK –Madin-Darby Canine Kidney,  NIH – National Institute of Health, PFK-1 – Phosphofructokinase-1, QFT –quantum field theory, TNF-a – Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, VAERS – Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System


The recent pandemics of SARS-1, bird and swine flus, as well as the Ebola virus, have reflected the known shortcomings of vaccinology in providing timely production of vaccines for public protection. These involve the time-consuming development and production, testing on animals and humans, all the while influenza viruses tend to mutate and even undergo a change in the vaccine’s preparation media which may compromise the vaccine’s efficacy. These factors undermine the ability of pharmaceutical vaccinology to promptly deliver public protection in sudden pandemics, bioterrorism, or controlling variants. Also, the antiviral drugs yield suboptimal efficacy, particularly against SARS-CoV-2 and variants. By the time vaccines were produced in this crisis, hundreds of thousands of deaths had occurred in the US and millions, worldwide. A computer model concurs with the impossibility for vaccines to keep up with the transmission of vaccine-resistant strains, unless vaccinations are administered within a short period, across the globe [2]. Additionally, current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, based on the NIH and VAERS data, confirm that the serious iatrogenicity of vaccines occurred in periods of production pressure [3]. There were fifty-seven times more serious adverse events and 123 times as many deaths that occurred in one year than twice the number of administered influenza vaccines over three years [4]. The FDA has assigned warnings to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for myocarditis complications that were documented in the young military, and Johnson and Johnson vaccine for thromboembolism, with the serious concerns raised over their overall safety [5-8]. The initial benefits of these vaccines result in a reduction in hospitalizations, deaths, and contagiousness, significantly reduced by the variants. Recent studies indicate an even higher incidence of the infection among 68 countries and most of the US with the highest vaccination rates [9-11]. Some immunologists blamed it on a bioengineered virus or the low specificity of vaccines leading to mutations. On December 28, 2021, the US registered a daily record of 400,000 COVID cases, with the January 2022 rate remaining high in the US and Europe. 

The catastrophic toll of this pandemic, due to vaccinology’s deficiencies, prompted President Biden’s Executive Order of January 2021, and the US HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra’s statement to seek “transformative technology that can be easily manufactured, distributed and administered both domestically and internationally.” The need is also compounded by the expectations of more lethal infections in the future, due to progressing gain-of-function research that likely created SARS-CoV-2 and concerns over an accidental escape of aggressive microorganisms in the lab [12-13]. All of these factors prompt a reexamination of a cardinal rule of science in solving problems, by implementing the already known capable means, such as based on physics, for speedy production of effective and safe vaccines. These may also gain sufficient time to test pharmaceutical vaccines.

Figure 1: The scientific premise of the proposed paradigm

Figure 1 reflects the ontological basis for energetic vaccines and therapeutics that, based on the matter-energy duality of physics, the energetic domain is fundamental to all of the three main components for turning water into a programmed energetic vaccine. These are the molecular energy field of microbe, whether SARS CoV-2, or variants, water that records it, and the responder to the recorded molecular signal, human. 

All living, including microorganisms and human cells, besides their more familiar molecular-chemical structure and properties also possess electric, electromagnetic, magnetic, and electronic ones. Scientific disciplines: quantum biology, magnetobiology, bioelectronics, magneto-chemistry, bio-electrochemistry, and biophysics well-reflect this concept. Physicists, including Nobel laureates, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Eugene Wigner, Erwin Schrödinger, and Roger Penrose supported physics and quantum phenomena playing a fundamental role in the visible, macroscopic molecular processes in the living [14]. Nobel laureate in physics, Brian Josephson, and Nobelists in medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi and Luc Montagnier either validated programmed water or commented on the importance of physics of water and organisms in biology and medicine. French immunologist, Professor Jacques Benveniste MD, who first registered the immune response to programmed memory of water, named this paradigm digital biology [15]. 

Signal source, microbes 

Microbes, including viruses, as all matter in nature, possess and communicate through electromagnetic and magnetic fields of their subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds [16-20]. They also possess magnetites. Corona, like all viruses, contains metal ions with paramagnetic properties, which are bound to proteins, representing molecular information [21].

Additionally, another fundamental property, natural resonant frequency, is also substance-specific that can serve as the basis of programmed vaccinology. The natural resonant frequency of the brain cells was already proposed for a new diagnostic method [22]. Based on this phenomenon, several researchers have produced evidence of the destruction of viruses, such as HIV and Influenza A, through generating the appropriate resonant waves, without thermal effects [23-24].

Since viral mutations, such as SARS-CoV-2, with the corresponding change in their resonant frequency, can be readily absorbed by water it was proposed to create the library of non-chemical, microbial bio-frequency signatures in water samples, parallel to their molecular genomes [25].

Signal recorder, water

The very evolution of Earth and life supports water as a versatile liquid CD (compact disc). According to physics life has evolved through natural electromagnetic radiation, cosmic first, then aquatic and then earth’s [26-27]. QFT underscored the role of coherence and molecular oscillatory communications in the living, relegating a major role in the effects to water [28-29]. It is the dominant constituent of proteins, cell membranes, and cytoskeleton, with the prominent electromagnetic and recording properties of its interfacial layer, exclusion zone [1]. Water’s permittivity is also owed to its minerals and trace elements which are metalloid electromagnetic conductors. Its informational capacity plays a major role in the biological regulation that is also supported by its colloidal, crystalline nature [30-38]. Water’s role in evolution and interaction with DNA was emphasized [39].

The paramagnetic and overall, plastic properties of this media make it an ideal programmable liquid CD, by readily changing its structure and information through mechanical, electromagnetic, or magnetic impacts. This renders a unique versatility for recording and delivery of meaningful biological information. The notion of the water-mirror approach is based on evidence of the water molecule networks behaving as a matter and energy mirror for the rest of the biological or aqueous system [40]. To underscore the water’s plasticity, its structure, pH, and dissolved DNA have been altered even by human intention, with the brain being known to emit electric and magnetic fields [41]. Biochemical and biological impacts were registered following the magnetic and electromagnetic transfer of molecular information in water [42-64]. Magnetobiology and the concept of magnecules for liquids advanced informational pharmacology’s notion to secure stable molecular clusters with intrinsic and external magnetic fields [65-68].

Water programming in medicine and its alleged controversies

The existing model of programming is represented by its oldest prototype that has established most of the scientific confirmations, the FDA-registered therapy, homeopathy. It conducts programming through manual serial dilutions and mechanical agitations or potentization of a substance. Despite homeopathy being used by 500 million people, worldwide, and having produced substantial scientific and clinical support, it continues to be grossly misrepresented and dismissed in the mainstream medical literature. The alleged reasons are homeopathy’s ill-advised principle of similar, “treating poison with a poison,” “overdiluted placebo remedies,” “implausible or unknown mechanisms of action” and “failed statistical studies.” The following refutes these falsehoods. 


Since homeopathics represent physical signals that are often void of the original molecules, similar remedies to, or of the same cause of disease benefit by inducing more specific, protective immune and other responses in prophylaxis and treatment. Conventional medicine successfully utilizes this principle in vaccinology and allergology by using the same microbes or allergens. The principle is evolutionary conditioned, where adaptation to stressors such as elements, temperature, infections, and pollutants, over billions of years, was based on the development of the corresponding protective mechanisms to the same assaults. Homeopathic remedies, by delivering the same attenuated stressors, fast-forward adaptation from long years to hours, days, or weeks and are viewed as adaptogens. The science of hormesis confirms a similar principle and, like homeopathy, demonstrated mitigation of pathology through the same, diluted toxic substances and a registered production of protective heat shock proteins that “unequivocally supports the principle of similarity at the cellular level” [69-71]. The arthritis patients experienced relief only with homeopathic remedies whose electromagnetic frequencies were similar to these patients’ serums [72]. Physics emphasized the role of resonance phenomenon in the similar principle.


Materials scientists rejected the notion that homeopathic remedies in dilutions exceeding Avogadro number constitute an overdiluted placebo as “ignorance in and distortion of science,” which also dismisses the scientific importance of applied mechanical force, potentization in a production process [73]. The structure and properties of homeopathic preparations cite cluster networks, crystal growth, epitaxy, dissipative structures, ferroelectric domain, and coherence based on quantum electrodynamics and QFT of superradiance [74-77]. Solutions with these structures and properties defy the constraint of Avogadro number, and potentizations were correlated with an exponential rise in the remedies’ voltage generation [78-79]. The different remedies’ patterns were registered with most of the nuclear magnetic resonance and other instrumentation against the controls, and physicochemical properties of these preparations were elucidated [80-87]. Many of the cited studies concerned remedies diluted beyond the Avogadro number. Gene expressions, EEG, and immune responses, as well as the abolition of infections and cancer, were registered following the homeopathic therapeutics [88, 90-94]. A simplified manual method, Korsakov’s, exists for preparing energetic vaccines and antidotes from infected, or poisoned bodily fluids that can be also used by physicians [95].  Overall, “overdilution” claims amount to confusing physics with chemistry.

Implausible, unknown mechanisms of action

Denying a well-confirmed phenomenon amounts to the same scientism as denying our existence because of the still unknown exact mechanism of the Big Bang. The great paradox in rejecting homeopathy and its energetic vaccines on this basis is the birth of vaccinology itself in 1796 when, despite the unknown mechanism of the smallpox vaccine and the nonexistence of immunology, the vaccine saved countless lives. “Unknown” may only apply to all of the possible, numerous mechanisms of homeopathic action, considering the immense complexity and nonlinear nature of the human body. Given the fact that both parties, the organism, and the remedies, consisting of two in the same, water and an electromagnetic media, one can only state that the interaction is inevitable, but to determine all of its components is “impracticable” [96-98]. The atmospheric model reflected the same challenges in tracing exact pathways of energetic forces acting at any exceedingly complex and nonlinear biotic system as “the possibly countless electrical interactions within biological material.”[99] 

Unlike pharmaceuticals, electromagnetic signals cannot be traced through radioisotopes to determine exact pathways within an organism. Nevertheless, plausible mechanisms and the results of homeopathic signals have been well-presented, listing cytokines, signal proteins, cell signaling, epigenetics, gene expressions, cell stress mediators, and neuro-endocrine-immune responses [100-102]. 

Statistical studies

Most of the metanalysis studies refuted a placebo effect of homeopathy [103].

Signal responder, the living

The fundamental structure and properties of humans and all living lie with physics that views these as macro-quantum energetic systems that function through coherence, electromagnetic molecular signaling, and resonant communications exceeding the speed of chemical reactions by a thousand-fold and assuring the only optimal survival mode [104-113]. Magnetic elements and the physical properties of human tissues are widely used in modern medicine for common tests, ECG, EEG, MRI, and CT scans, but surprisingly not for energetic therapeutics such as programmed water or acupuncture. Besides water being capable of delivering external therapeutic signals to the body, it also represents its major internal receiving antenna for physical communications, including DNA [114-121]. The same epistemology equates the living with bio-computers due to the commonalities in conduction, storage, and processing of information, based on electromagnetism and electronics [122-132].

All of these properties deem body electromagnetic communication as the primary language that can be effectively used for therapy and diagnosis. Two hundred publications cite a response of organisms to a magnetic vacuum and define biological magnetoreception as a universal physical property [133]. A theory of ordered chaos and nonlinear stochastic resonance phenomena explain how relatively weak homeopathic, or digital signals can elicit robust biological responses [134-137]. 

The well-established interface between biology and physics prompted physicists to question, “Are biology and medicine only physics?” that merit prudent energetic therapeutics, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and others [138].

Confirming basic and clinical research of energetic water vaccines and therapeutics. 

Observational studies in the past reported therapeutic success of homeopathy in the epidemics of cholera, diphtheria, malaria, meningitis, plaque, polio, scarlet fever, smallpox, and typhus. In some of these, remedies based on a totality, the similar principle was used, which caused the same symptoms in healthy volunteers.

The medical archives of London indicate the mortality rate during the cholera epidemic in 1854 as 16.4% at homeopathic hospitals versus 50% at their allopathic counterparts. Contemporary immunological studies supported the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in models of immunity and inflammation [139]. Beneficial immune responses were induced by energetic, homeopathic flu vaccines, isodes containing influenza strains, and clinical trials displayed overall 90

Materials and Methods

The production of digitally programmed water for prophylactic and therapeutic applications was conducted through the Therapeutic Frequency Imprinting Device (U.S. Patent #10941061) whose housing is partly reflected in Figure 2. Spring water at room temperature was used as the media, without added preservatives or other chemicals to minimize possible untoward reactions and their confoundment in interpreting the response.

- an in-well, 2 - a potentiometer, 3 - a conductive coil, 4 - a shielding tube, - a plurality of magnets, 6 - an out-well. Figure 2: Therapeutic Frequency Imprinting Device

Bio-information and magnitude of the field that charges water coherent frequencies in out-well are carried on the magnetic vector potential component (A-field) of the magnetic field and can be regulated through a potentiometer knob. The generated also, magnetic B-field component is equivalent to a momentum impulse and has a frequency imprinting function. 

In this study, a sealed glass water vial containing saliva of a patient with typical, severe symptoms of COVID-19, was placed in an in-well to imprint a sealed dropper water bottle in out-well by, likely, SARS-CoV-2 from the saliva, in assigned 60X potency. Each second of the imprinting process accounted for each X, and this preparation was identified as EVS II 60X.

The indication that saliva contained the virus was derived from a physics-based bioresonance test, from alternative medicine (applied kinesiology), and a year later, a study recommended saliva as the most specific, 99.2%, rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 detection [173].

The patient’s symptoms in March 2020, consisted of heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal pain, fever, malaise, impairment of memory, smell, and taste. She refused a COVID-19 nasopharyngeal test due to feeling too sick to drive and wait in line.

Two groups of patients received EVS II 60X for prophylactic purposes, starting in March 2020 in the US, before accessibility to vaccines. The participants were informed in writing that it was only for health enhancement and not tested by the FDA. The first group consisted of 60 patients from my practice, children to the elderly, who used the preparation for some 18 months. Group two, some fifty total, encompassed military volunteers and their families, children to middle-aged, who were monitored for seven months. Both groups used a one drop dose under the tongue, every Monday and Thursday, until opting for a COVID-19 vaccine. Treated patients were mainly in the US, with only a few in Europe. Just the first two patients who offered written testimonials of their recoveries from COVID-19 symptoms used the energetic preparation EFVS 1M. It contained a mixture of multiple available homeopathic influenza strains that were increased to 1M potency through the device, to potentially enhance the immune response. It was deemed necessary since homeopathic companies provide limited potency ranges. This preparation was dispensed at the very onset of the pandemic in January 2020. Electronic copying of information from homeopathic remedies into the water was validated, defining these as, “homeopathic-like” [174]. Later, when EVS II was obtained, it was energetically tested and observed to be more specific for the symptoms of COVID-19 and used in 720X and 760X potencies. As variants emerged, and EVS II displayed a poor match with the energy field of afflicted patients’ bodies by bioresonance testing, newer digital preparations were programmed and used. These were EVS III that was made from a patient’s saliva who was deemed to be sick with a variant in August 2021, likely Delta, and promptly recovered from this autoisode. In the late fall, the EVS II and EVS III combination was used in higher potencies against the new variant, as suggested by bioresonance testing. Some of the patients were also given a thymus gland supplement, devoid of active substances and having no record of curing any infection, except for intended immune support. 


No cases of COVID-19 or side effects were registered in the first group for 18 months or reported COVID-19 cases in group two. Only two cases in group two reported a reaction to this preparation.  In one of these, it was transient flu-like symptoms that suggested the induced immune response common to vaccines. In the other case, the individual complained of stomach pain. However, due to an unusual complaint, in my long experience of using energetic flu vaccines, I suspected an underlying chronic condition since vaccines may consume immune reserves that are necessary to contain other stressors. One of these would be a stomach infection that is commonly caused by H. Pylori bacteria. He (not my patient) confirmed my inquiry, by divulging a history of prior stomach pains and their current treatment, with the recommended H. Pylori test proving positive. He was advised to discontinue the drops and did not have any flu illness throughout the four month follow up period before receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

Twenty patients were treated for the typical COVID-19 symptoms, none from the prophylactic groups. Fifteen of these were from my practice, eight of whom had positive COVID tests. Six of the eight who retested, became negative within days, with one retested a month later. All fifteen patients completely and quickly recovered. A chiropractic doctor from Davie, Florida, reported another five patients, all with positive COVID-19 tests who promptly recovered through the EVS II 720X remedy.  

A medical doctor, the former Chief Medical Officer of the NASA Space Program from Fort Collins, Colorado reported positive clinical responses to the EVS II remedy too, that recovered fifty chronic COVID patients. 

Table 1: Response to energetic digital vaccines for prophylactic purposes for COVID-19
Table 2: Response to energetic vaccines for therapeutic purposes for COVID-19, like illnesses and variants

All of my cured patients, except children, have submitted testimonials with their names and contact information, that is available upon request. To add more objective evidence that immunity can be digitally guided, a testimonial and the supporting chest X-ray reports are also available from a cured patient from pneumonia by digital energetic vaccines and antidotes, before the pandemic. Overall in my practice, no patients with diagnosed or just COVID-19 symptoms failed to respond to this approach.

The projected advantages of programmed water vaccines and therapeutics in pandemics.

High specificity 

This is expected through obtaining a strain-specific energy field of the actual virus from either a viral culture or infected bodily fluid. 


It is predicated on the specificity of energetic vaccines.  Some experiments support my long-term clinical observations that homeopathically and digitally programmed water are equally effective [175].

Safety and related benefits

The presented automated technology obviates any contact between a virus or infected bodily fluids with programmed water and thereby, the necessity for time-consuming virus attenuation procedures, use of other chemicals, and prolonged safety trials in vaccinology. 

Scientific literature supports my clinical experience that magnetically treated programmed water suggests lasting bacteriostatic properties by being free of signs of spoilage for years, without using chemical preservatives [176-178].

The FDA and American poison control agencies have a very high safety record with homeopathic remedies [179-180].   


Energetic vaccines can be promptly prepared from any infectious agent, including variants, and used both prophylactically and therapeutically.

High speed and volume of production 

Imprinting technology can produce energetic vaccines in seconds to minutes, and homeopathic production, in hours to days, in vast volumes. 

Individualized flexibility

Energetic potency can be adjusted, if necessary, to special health needs, age, etc.

Minimal requirements in production, storage, leading to further potential for mass distribution and administration.

The administration is by mouth, one drop, without requiring medical personnel, special production facilities, or refrigeration. It can be produced in any environment, including rural settings, using portable technology. The quoted research indicates a potential of an instant domestic and international availability of energetic vaccines electronically, via email transfer of virus or other microbe fields.


These are negligible, compared to pharmaceutical vaccines and drugs, where the potential astronomical savings also include curtailed utilization of many outpatient and inpatient services. In my decades-long experience, using energetic influenza vaccines prophylactically and therapeutically, none of the treated patients used ER or hospitals.

The potential length of provided immunity

This is to be determined in a proper study. Higher energetic potencies suggest longer protective responses, particularly when repeated.

FDA compliance 

It is formally met under a definition of an “energetic preparation for health enhancement purposes,” pending clinical trials. Both the American FDA, its Canadian and European counterparts have registered many homeopathic, energetic remedies of infected bodily fluids and tissues.

The reasons for the obscurity of this paradigm

The gigantic profits from monopolizing healthcare by the pharmaceutical industry and its enticing collaboration with medical academia, researchers, and prominent journals have led, to quote concerned medical academicians, “a commercial takeover of medical knowledge”  [181-186]. The top 12 of the world’s most influential medical journals pointed to the “transformation of clinical into a commercial activity” [181]. Consequently, Harvard University economists stated that low-cost effective innovations are suppressed because “keeping patients healthy does not pay” [187]. This particularly holds for non-pharmaceutical approaches, such as homeopathy and digital medicine, to quote a prominent physicist, “frequencies cost nothing” [188]. The suppression has also affected the training of medical researchers and doctors, which is void of the physics of the living and water and their based effective and safe therapeutic and diagnostic interventions. Humanity’s health was placed in the hands of the researchers and physicians “who guess that string theory in physics has something to do with violins” [189]. For the same reason, physicists remarked that “the pioneering experiments of immunologist Jacques Benveniste left many biologists, chemists, and physicists in an unnecessarily confused state” [76]. Academicians in science education concur, that while “living things are the most complex to understand who obey the laws of chemistry and physics,” rounded science education in biology is remiss [190]. 

The practical toll by analogy, amounts to describing and utilizing only the chemical structure and properties of a wire, while omitting the more important, fundamental electromagnetic and electronic ones, thus metaphorically rendering even a light bulb impossible in medicine. A decision scientist, MIT physics professor Pugh warned that limited descriptions of problems commonly produce “absurd results” [191]. Consequently, despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent by the NIH on “research” over decades, its office admitted to its inability to explain the fundamentals of an organism’s functioning, or why “bench” failed to improve the quality of care at the bedside. It stated, “a lack of comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular states and interactive networks…” that is based on physics [192]. The interdisciplinary scientists denounced “no understanding of homeopathy and acupuncture,” by conventional medicine [193]. 

Consequently, physics-based interventions have been biased against because of “not fitting the box” and the “unknown is unloved” [194-195]. Three-hundred ninety-eight researchers, reviewers for a respected medical journal, concluded that a drug effect was significantly superior to a homeopathic remedy, even though the entire data, unknown to them, was equally fictitious [196]. The aforementioned Cuban study would have set a sound precedent for using energetic vaccines. Like many other high-quality homeopathic studies, however, it was denied for publication by mainstream journals without citing any scientific flaws. 

Overall, independent scientists defined the current state of “scientific” medicine as one of “deliberate misinformation” and “totalitarian thought patterns” that sustain a falsehood of nonexistence of this very promising paradigm [197]. Even Nobelists are not an exception to totalitarianism. Professor Luc Montagnier had to “escape intellectual terror” and move to China to research digital medicine for viruses and bacteria. 

Limitations of these pilot studies 

These include a formally undiagnosed patient with COVID-19, whose saliva was used to prepare an energetic vaccine. Neither prophylactic nor treatment groups had controls or all of the treated patients had a formally established COVID-19 diagnosis. However, conducting a control group among the ill with a potentially fatal infection would be ethically prohibitive, particularly in the setting of a non-randomized clinical trial. 


Considering the presented vast supporting research and despite the defined limitations for energetic vaccines, the reported positive prophylactic and therapeutic responses outweigh the likelihood of them being merely placebo-induced. This is particularly apparent among those treated and recovered children, one of whom was autistic. The patient whose infected saliva was used for the energetic vaccine, EVS II, almost certainly had COVID-19. Her COVID illness was supported by the typical symptomology and the absence of any other officially registered epidemic at the time. The same applies to the patient whose saliva was used for the EVS III remedy. All of the patients who had recovered from COVID symptoms, including those who had positive and converted COVID tests took EVS II, EVS III, or a combination of the two.

Even assuming that the saliva carried a different virus, the aforementioned positive therapeutic responses and confirmational COVID-19 tests, still allege clinical merit even if due to a nonspecific immune response. A hypothesis that both prophylactic groups avoided the infection because of social isolation would be particularly unlikely in the military group, most of whose members continued heavy social exposure, including flying and using public airports for their assignments. Sufficient social isolation was also improbable, for as long as 18 months, in the first group.  The physicians’ foremost calling, heal first, also conflicted with the study rigor by not using saliva of a just formally diagnosed COVID-19 patient, but one with the most severe and typical symptoms, to prepare a more effective energetic vaccine, due to the expected higher viremia and virus content in the saliva. Overall, the key component in the progress of science is the significance of the observed phenomenon, however tenuous at the time, that this article attempted to expose and recommend its further study. The opposite, high rigor testing, as displayed by evidence-based medicine using an isolated, weak pharmaceutical model, has ultimately failed to improve quality care [198]. The cited reasons are the notable failure to address the complexity and integration of sciences in medicine [199-200]. The model of these pilot studies aimed to include these missing entities that yielded encouraging observations, without asserting claims. It used a common heuristic approach, based on the empirical knowledge and the physicians’ experience that is widely utilized in medicine. 

As understandably counterintuitive to the prevailing pharmaceutical model in medicine as energetic water vaccines are, a philosophical tool, reductio ad absurdum, makes just the opposite impossible that the microbes and humans are devoid of energy fields, water cannot record the latter, or humans respond to energetic signals.


Both the positive prophylactic and therapeutic responses of the presented energetic vaccines along with the extensive supporting scientific evidence of this paradigm, appear to be far from coincidental. Its versatility offers the potential for prompt preparation of energetic vaccines from a variety of sources, in a pandemic with emergent viruses. Among these, a mixture of different homeopathic flu strains to induce a nonspecific immune defense. In the case of digitizing viral cultures or infected bodily fluids, the elicited immune response is expected to be more specific. The proposed clinical trials of this method should also include monitoring the immunological function to establish its capacity to be digitally guided, if it is to have broad implications for infectious diseases and immunology, overall. 

The sought-after clinical trials are to determine the full potential of this novel approach in light of the still ongoing and future pandemics that costs lives. The suggested prophylactic trial groups may involve children and young adults, with the studies reporting an occurrence of vaccine-related myocarditis among them [201].

The treatment groups might encompass acute and chronic COVID-19 patients, with the latter including thousands of our healthcare colleagues who have admirably shouldered the enormous burden of this pandemic [202]. Finally, it is essential to establish the complementary benefits of pharmaceutical and energetic vaccines for creating an optimal solution for public protection.


The author extends acknowledgments to Cyril Smith Ph.D. for his guidance in physics, and Theresa Nahim, Jonathan Galletta, Xinyuan Zhang and Elijah Yurkovsky for their diligence in the preparation of this manuscript. 

Conflict of Interest

The author has a patent for the Therapeutic Frequency Imprinting Device.

